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Points needed for next level: 49 Level

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    Dec. 03, 2009

Alexander Anderson has short, spikey blond hair, green eyes, a heavy-set squared jaw, and constant stubble. He also has a large, wedge-shaped scar on his left cheek.He wears round glasses, a large grey cassock grey pants, black boots, a black shirt, a clerical collar, white gloves, and a golden cross around his neck. On his gloves, there are inscriptions written across the crosses drawn on the back:
For the right hand, Jesus Christ is in Heaven
For the left hand, Speak with Dead
Part of Iscariot Section XIII
=Combat: In battle, Alexander Anderson uses scores of blessed bayonets presumably made of silver as well as smaller blades which are held between his fingers like claws. He wields the bayonets in close-combat (one in each hand) like swords and can also throw them with alarming accuracy (especially considering that he often throws the bayonets in large numbers, usually holding them between his fingers).The type of bayonets he uses the most appear to be Austrian sword bayonets, with custom hand grips for easier slashing and stabbing.
=Superhuman Strength and Speed: Anderson possesses extraordinary strength, speed and reflexes, far above the human norm. He also possesses a great deal of dexterity (he wields bayonets in each hand equally well), agility, coordination, balance and stamina. Anderson can easily throw bayonets with enough force to pierce human skulls and, he can cut through steel pipes with little effort. His speed and reflexes are sufficient enough to dodge bullets (not that he would need to thanks to his regeneration).
=Holy Barriers & Consecration: Anderson was capable of using small bayonets to affix pages of scripture onto the walls of a building, in order to “purify” the area and prevent any usage of black magic. The pages are stapled to walls using nails and act more like a ward against vampires and other demons.
THE NAIL OF HELENA: In this form I won’t die of behead nor if you vaporize me or tear me to bits, i’ll simply regenerate. There is on way to kill me in this form. *rest of info won’t be revealed since it’ll be a surprise
…I shall purify all in one righteous sweep! Stand before me!
“We are the servants of God and the messengers of his justice. We are the instruments of his divine wrath on earth. We are called upon to cleanse this kingdom, bringing ash from the flesh of thein enemies, praise to our Lord. Amen.”
“Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. We are nothing more than dust and to thy dust we shall return. Amen.”
“Ask of me and I shall give the heaven for thy inheiritance and for thy possession of the ends of the earth. Thous break them with a rod of iron thou shall dash them into pieces like a potters vessel. Be wise now there O ye kings, be instructed ye judges of the earth serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with treasures, Kiss the Son , lest he be angry and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little; arise O Lord let not man prevail, let the heathen be judged in thy sight. Amen.”
“If anyone does not love the Lord, Jesus Christ let him be accused. O Lord, come, Amen.”

Iscariot warcry: Now i ask you all who are you,Iscariot!…The army of Jude Iscariot!….then i ask you all Iscariot,what is it you hold in your right hands?….We have the dagger and the poison!… Then Iscariot I beseech you once more,what is it you have in your left hands?…We’ve 30 pieces of silver and a rope!…If thats the case!Iscariot what does that make us? We are apostles yet not apostles, believers yet non-believers, disciples yet not disciples, Traitors yet not traitors, We are the minions of death, we humbly kneel down and ask for forgiveness of our Lord! we bow in reverence and purge all his foes! We are those who swing their daggers in the moonless night, and the ones who mix your dinners with poison, we are apostles and we are assassins! we are assassins, we of Judas Iscariot! When the time comes we will cast these 30 pieces of silver at the altar, and hang ourselves with the rope!…we shall band together as we dive into the very depths of hell! As we move into square formation, we seek to battle the 7,405,926 demons of hell! [Head Priest starts and after the 3 dots the rest speak in unison and after the second set of 3 dots the Head priest speaks and so on] AMEN!

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