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Latest Activity: Played Bloons TD 5 (Jul 23, 2016 8:00am)

Points needed for next level: 30 Level

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    Somewhere deep in hell....Don't come looking for me...
  • Member Since

    Mar. 20, 2014

I was having a normal day, posting and joking around with my friends in LMaD. I decided to go look at what RT was talking about. I was thinking about trolling them. Then something caught my eye. A dozen threads, all have to do with “Noli”. I clicked one thread, explaining that if you searched Noli in people, you would receive an Error. Laughing, I searched it. To my suprise, the page started to load, but then an error message popped up. Then I decided to search “Noli” on google.
I got info from wikipedia that it was a coastline in Italy. I shook my head. Then I entered the location of Noli on google maps. I zoomed out and saw the shape of the coast. I gasped, and realized that it looked exactly like someone’s screaming face… but then I reminded myself it was probably just a coincidence. I tried searching random adresses on maps. I tried “123 Noli”, “111 Noli”, etc., but got nothing. Then, while typing in “888 Noli.”, my hand froze. I trembled as I saw what I had typed. “6/6/6 Noli” I backspaced and carefully typed again. My laptops surface started to buzz and heat up. Then as I tried to exit, it refreshed and auto searched the adress. I then saw her. There was a girl in the street view, leaning against a wall, face blurred in red, doctors and people surrounding her. The adress by the house was scratched out so it looked like “66 Noli.” I exited the page. It would not exit. My computer started overheating as I rapidly clicked the red X. I opened a new tap and searched noli on people, but misspelled in “Nolie.” What I found disturbed me. One blurb stood out though. “:/noli.Will_Return://”

A bunch of random code followed.

I was very scared when I typed in the U.R.L to google images. I removed a few letters and an image appeared. The same girl from the google maps. She was unblurred. Her eyesockets empty, bl0od coming from her ears, a knife down her throat. The siteit was from was “Thereisnoescape” It was a 404 error. I clicked, and turned around. The girl was standing behind me. She was pale and throwing up her guts. I screamed but I couldn’t talk. I was choking. Noli was crying. “Don’t search.. for me.” My eyes were inflating and couldn’t close. I got up uncontrollably and had the urge to reach for a tie in my closet. I started to tie it around my neck, and I started to fight it… I was resisting the urge to KILL myself. Noli was screaming at the top of her lungs. Blood, as dark as night started dripping out of her. My hands reached for the mouse, and clicked without looking. People who understand spanish no prob..
Yo estaba teniendo un día normal, la publicación y bromeando con mis amigos en LMAD . Decidí ir a ver lo que RT se refería. Estaba pensando en curricán ellos. Entonces algo me llamó la atención . Una docena de temas , todos ellos tienen que ver con " Noli " . He hecho clic en un hilo , y explicó que si ha buscado Noli en las personas, usted recibirá un error . Riendo , busqué ella. Para mi sorpresa , la página empezó a cargar , pero entonces un mensaje de error apareció. Entonces decidí buscar " Noli " en google .
Tengo información de wikipedia que se trataba de una línea de costa en Italia. Negué con la cabeza . Luego entré en la ubicación de Noli en google maps . Metí el zoom hacia fuera y vi la forma de la costa. Di un grito ahogado , y me di cuenta de que era exactamente igual que la cara de alguien gritando … pero luego me recordé a mí mismo que probablemente era sólo una coincidencia. He intentado buscar direcciones aleatorias en los mapas. Traté "123 Noli ", " 111 Noli " , etc , pero no tengo nada . Entonces , al escribir en "888 Noli . " , Me heló la mano. Yo temblaba cuando vi lo que había escrito. " 6/6/6 Noli " Yo backspaced y cuidadosamente mecanografiado nuevo. Mi superficie portátiles empezó a zumbar y calentarse. Entonces mientras trataba de salir , se actualiza y concesionarios buscó la dirección . Entonces la vi . Había una chica en la vista de la calle , apoyado contra una pared , la cara borrosa en rojo , los médicos y las personas que la rodeaban. La dirección de la casa fue tachada por lo que parecía " 66 Noli . " Salí de la página. No sería salir . Mi equipo se inició el sobrecalentamiento como hice clic en la X roja rápidamente abrí un nuevo grifo y busqué noli en las personas, pero escribo mal en " Nolie . " Lo que encontré me molestó . Una nota publicitaria se destacó sin embargo. “:/ noli.Will_Return :/ /”

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