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My name is Ciela!
My name is Ciela and I am the Spirit of Courage. Long ago I was traveling with Link who helped me rescue the other trapped Spirits and helped me regain my Memories.
Now I am once again in need of help for a new type of evil has come up and taken my fellow Spirits away. Thanks to all my friends, I have been able to join my fellow Spirits once again. My Spirit friends Leaf and Neri say thank you for all the help.
I still wonder and will always wonder if I will ever see my friend Link again. However, as i wait i'm going to tell you a little story; a story about two boys and an Angel. I hope you enjoy.
“Those of pure shall hide their light from the hearts of those who fight.”
~August 23, 2014~
The rain was pouring and any trace of life had ceased to exist. Everyone was staying home. Everyone but one man, for this man had a task he needed to get done. As the man got ready to leave his house; he received a phone call. He picked up his phone and replied, “Hello again, Sir. I was just on my way to meet you and your daughter in front of the school…yes, I know…yes I’m all alone…ok…bye.” He hung up. He opened the front door to his house and let the breeze and rain brush against his face. He walked up to his car and got inside. He turned on the car and drove off towards the school. However, this school was not just any school, it was his school. The one he founded 10 years ago. The rain started to intensify and the wind picked up. The trees were flowing with the wind, but were also fighting back the urge to fall. As his school came into view, he smiled that in just a few days, the school would come to life. As he parked, he walked as respectfully and business like as he could into his creation. He kept eye contact on the door of the school and then went inside. He looked around and saw the great empty hallway that all of the students would have to use in order to get from class to class. He started to fall into a dream state as he thought about how wonderful his school would be with all the children. Two minutes passed by until the silence was broken by the sound of someone’s voice. “I take it you’re Mr. Larkson.” Mr. Larkson looked back. “Oh, sorry David. I hope I wasn’t keeping you for too long.” Mr. Larkson said with a slight hint of embarrassment within his voice. David was one of great power. His presence sent a feeling of respect and nobility to everyone who looked at him. He was wearing a black shirt and blue jeans. David always seemed to be wearing the exact same clothing, but the most striking thing of David was the little glass necklace he wore. The glass necklace contained a single blue marble in it which at times seemed to glow if one was to look closely. “Not at all” replied David enthusiastically, “But that is not what’s important. I have a favor to ask of you and it is not one you can judge lightly.”

“I understand, but what could you possibly want David? You know me, I’m just the Head of this school.” Mr. Larkson said.
David looked at Mr. Larkson and then towards the school library which was located near the entrance. “It’s my daughter; I want you to enroll her into your school for just a year.”
“I’m sorry David, but I can’t. It’s too late to enroll now.” Mr. Larkson complained.
David gave Mr. Larkson a serious look that sent a chill down his spine. “I have done many things for you over the years. Have I not?”
“Yes…yes you have.”
“Have you every repaid me for those favors?”
“No…” Mr. Larkson said guiltily while looking down at the floor.
“Well here is your chance”, David looked towards the library, “Cherry would you come here please” A little girl came out of the Library. She walked towards David and looked at Mr. Larkson.
“I think we can assume that you understand what I’m asking of you.” David said sternly.
Mr. Larkson paused trying to grab some words but could not. Then after taking a breath he spoke, “yes…”
A single feather fell to the ground.
~Part 1~
"School is a time for learning, but it is also a time for change"
~August 30, 2014~
~Part 1~
“School is not only for the grades, but for the learning experience as well”

~August 30, 2014~

“Rotan! It’s time to get up. You’re going to be late for school!” my mother yelled. Summer was over and it wasn’t coming back for a very long time. I pulled myself out of bed and looked at the time, it was 5:15. Just looking at that number was painful because here I was, probably the only one awake at this time on a Monday, and I was still going to be late for school which started at 8:20 because I had to bike all the way to school.
“Mom, why can’t you just get a car? It would make my life sooooooo much easier” I complained. As I went downstairs my mom was writing something down in the kitchen. I hoped that it was a job application since my mother was unemployed and the only reason why I was going to the Larkson high School was because my mother begged the director of admission to give me a lot of financial aid. I walked up to the table and started to eat my cereal. My mom looked at me, she hated when I would stand and eat but it was my way of getting her back for waking me up at 5:15. I don’t really care if she has to wake at 5 because it’s her fault for not getting a car.
“Ok Rotan now get going! You’re going to be late!” my mother started to yell. “You know that the only school that accepted you is about 3 miles away and that biking that will take some time!”
“Ok, ok, OK. Jeez mom I know. It’s not like I can help that I’m not enthusiastic to go to school after waking up before the sun has even come out” I remarked. Afterwards my mother gave me a look that always scared me. Her brown eyes just glared into mine and she wouldn’t make a single sign of emotion. It was just a complete stare. I had no idea a 42 year old could be so scary. Without saying a word I gathered my empty backpack and went outside. It was freezing outside and the street lights were still on. I looked at my watch and it said 5:37. I opened up the garage which was completely empty other then my red bike and grabbed my helmet. Then I got on my bicycle, changed the gears, and was off to my new high school.
After riding for sometime, I realized that I had completely forgotten to bring a map and since my new school is in a different town than my old one, I was completely lost. Crap, isn’t this a great way to start the school year and Samuel is going to annoy me about this for the whole year. I thought as I waited to cross another road. I looked at my watch again to check what time it was. I just laughed when I saw the time. The time was 8: 15 and I was in the middle of a town for which I had no idea where anything was.
“Hey kid! you seem lost.” A voice yelled. It was a taxi cab driver.
“What made you think that?” I said sarcastically, “Hey, do you know where Larkson school is?”
The taxi cab driver waited a bit. He seemed to be thinking about if he had seen it before. After a while he said, “Yes, do you need a lift?”
I was so happy to hear this from him but the only problem was that I didn’t have any cash on me. At times I really hated my luck. “Sorry” I said, “I don’t have the money”
To this the taxi cab driver smiled and made a motion for me to come closer. “Its ok, one of my friends’ children goes to that school. I’ll make this first ride free just for you kid, but you owe me.” He laughed.
I thought it wouldn’t be too bad getting a free ride from a taxi driver. Besides, I have taken martial arts before so if he does anything funny. I’ll be able to defend myself. So I put my bicycle, to the best of my abilities, into the trunk and get inside. “My name’s Jeff” the taxi driver tells me. I ignore him. After about 30 minutes of being in the taxi cab, Jeff finally stops the car. “Here you are. You see that white building? The one that’s 3 floors tall? That’s Larkson School.” Jeff explains. I get out and thank Jeff and wave as he drives away. Its 8:48…
As I walk through fields of schrubs,even though I was suppose to take the side walk, I see two men and a girl standing in front of the school. I love listening in on other peoples’ conversations. I got closer and hid behind a bush which was just close enough for me to listen in without being heard.
“I expect that my daughter will have an exceptionally productive time in your school Mr. Larkson.” The man who seems to have scar on his face said. I looked at the girl and I looked at the man who just spoke. I felt so bad for that little girl because her dad looked scary.
“Oh dad, I’ll be fine” The little girl said smiling, “I’m sure that I’m going to make a lot of friends and that everyone is very nice.”
“Cherry…, I understand you’re going to make a lot of friends but none of them can figure out what you are…” Her father said secretively.
Mr. Larkson, who had been quiet all this time then blurted out “because she is an Angel right?” At that moment I realized that Mr. Larkson was the head master and what he said was just ridiculous.
“SILENCE!” Cherry’s father yelled. At that moment, Cherry looked straight towards the bush I was in. I hid as quick as I could but not fast enough.
“Dad, I think I saw someone playing in the bushes.” Cherry said with a very sweet voice. Cherry had brown eyes, white hair, and what stood out the most was her blue ring that seemed to glow. No sign of wings though, I was kind of disappointed I jokingly thought. As her father started to approach the bush I was in, I snuck out. As Cherry’s father examined the bush I ran all the way to the other side of the school while trying not to make a sound. Cherry’s father was someone I didn’t want to mess with. After 10 minutes had gone by I decided that I was already late enough for school and that I should go and say hi to Mr. Larkson. Mr. Larkson, Cherry, and her Father was still standing in front of the school. I decided that I would just walk straight to them. They would never suspect a thing.
“Hello there!” I called out to Mr. Larkson as I walked towards him.
“You’re late” he replied and made a motion towards Cherry and her father that their conversation had to end.
“I’m Rotan Song, remember my mother warned you about my tendency of being late due. So you can’t get me in trouble.”
“Rotan I know that you live far away but its past 9:00. You need to get your act together young man. I’ll let you go this time since it’s your first day but I better not catch you this late again.”
“Yes, Sir!” I said and I made a silly salute gesture and entered the school.
As I got inside all of the teachers looked at me and smiled. I smiled back in a very sarcastic way for which probably insulted most of them. I hate school…, it is the most boring place in the world. All the students were in the ‘Great Room’ which is the equivalent to meeting hall. I entered and there was this really old man giving a speech. When I walked in he got distracted and then continued talking.
“As I was saying, The need for my religion class if very important for the development of young minds like you. This process will…” The man continued to lecture. The man was in a formal suit and also really really bold. It was kinda funny.
“Psst, you’re late. This one is going in the books” My friend Samual teased as was looking for a place to sit. I went next to him and sat down.
“Oh shat up, I kinda wish that later because this bold guys speech is boring” I whispered.
“Oh you have missed so much. I mean we get to have religion class now. This means more homework and another 45 minutes of classes.” Samuel rolled his eyes.
“Great, but this guy looks like hilarious. I cant wait to mess with him.
“So whats the plan for today?”
“Survive and mess with this guy.” I started to laugh. It was fun being with Samuel because he always knew how to get me out of a bad mood. Sadly, I was oblivious that Cherry was in the row above me and trying to tell me something. It wasn’t until afterwards that Samuel said, “Hey Rotan, earlier there was this girl who was trying to get your attention.”
I hit Samuel because I knew what he was trying to imply. As we continued down the hall to our first class, which was Math, Cherry went stops us. She looked upset but she had a really hard time showing it.
“That was really mean of you two. Mr. Gersh is really trying his be…” Cherry was saying until she was interrupted by me and Samuel, or Sam for short, laughing so hard that tears started coming out. Cherry looked really insulted and ran off.
After Sam got his breath back he yelled, “What a stupid name!” and we laughed some more. Hey, maybe today wasn’t going to be so bad after all.
~September 04, 2014~
“You’re late again! There goes another mark. Wow, Rotan. You really suck you have been late everyday of the week.” Sam teased as he wrote in his so called Rotan Late Log. Sometimes that book really pissed me off because I know I’m late. What am i going to do.
“Oh Sam Guess what.” I said trying to change the subject.
“Religion class is next! Yay. I just cant wait to sit around listening to some bold guy talk but that’s beyond the point.” I know I was being really mean but can I help it?
“haha yeah.”
“You two, stop talking this instance and get back to work. You’re essay is due first thing on Monday and I don’t want it to be late! For which you are famous for Rotan” My teacher said. The whole class made an oooooh sound when they heard my teachers dis. This is why I hate school, among other things. I’m back typing my essay which then turned into a game of tetras since there wasn’t any other games on the school computer. After class had ending, I walked all the way to the 3rd floor to the room 303 which was on the other side of the school. Me and Sam didn’t have the same religion class together. Actually, me and Sam barely had any of the same classes together at all. This was mainly because he got good grades and was in the advance classes and I got...uh…ok grades and was in the beginners… Mr. Gersh was standing outside of the class room smiling and waving to everyone. “Hello everyone and welcome” he smiled. Just then I saw Cherry from the other side of the hall storming towards me like she was trying to act tough. At this I ran inside and she just entered the class room. It wasn’t even her class, what was she doing?
“Hey Cherry” Three of the girls in the classroom said. Cherry smiled back and then went to speak with Mr. Gersh. “Good luck” she said and ran off. Then Mr. Gersh closed the door and began his lesson.
“Hello class. I am Mr. Gersh and I must say I am honored to have you all attend my class. Today we will start with names so that we may better get to know each other. Any volunteers to start.” I then immediately raised my hand. “Oh, ok you”
I stood up, took a deep breath, and then said “I am Rotan Larkson. No added pressure though.” I said in a deep serious tone. Mr. Gersh started to sweat. It was hilarious. Afterwards he continued with the lesson about how religion was an idea about god and also a bunch of stuff. I noticed though, that whenever I yawned or looked bored Mr. Gersh would start to panic. I take it this was his first time teaching. When class ended, he dismissed us all and then told me to wait. “Um…uh…so how did you think I did?” he said nervously.
If I ever found someone as gullible as Mr. Gersh then I would probably die laughing. I was about to say that Mr. Gersh should cancel his entire class but just then Sarah, who went to my old school, walks in to ask about the homework. “Oh Rotan, what trouble are you causing now” Sarah said, she always knew when I was up to something. “Sorry, sir” I quickly said. “I must get to class” and I ran out. Sarah always found a way to get me in trouble.
It was lunch time and the menu for lunch was pasta. I grabbed a whole plate full and made my way towards Sam who was sitting at one of the tables. I made a peace sign to him as an indication that I had just done something awesome.
“haha, I take it that religion class was fun.” Sam laughed.
“Oh yes, I tricked that religious guy to thinking that I was Mr. Larkson’s son. It was the funniest thing. I mean he was so nervous and you should have seen the look on his face when I would yawn.” I bragged. Afterwards, Sam and I continued to talk about our day and afterwards we went to a class that we both had. It was Math. My Math teachers name was Laura and she really is an awesome teacher. She is probably the only one who acknowledges that I have a rough time getting to school and therefore is more lenient with her grading. Sam and I are in the same Math group and with his brains and my ability to write down all our (his technically) work down, we always finish first. “Wow you two are awesome, keep up the good work” Laura would say. Math class was defiantly the best.
After the last class had finished I went to the great room and hung out with Sam. Sam was finishing up his homework. I was shocked, “You complete your homework at school?! You’re such a nerd” I yelled.
“At least I do my homework” He retorted.
I was really annoyed by this comment since I do my homework…sometimes. As I was about to say something in my defence, Mr. Larkson tapped me on the shoulder. “Excuse me Rotan, we need to have a talk. Falsifying your name is not only mean but it also breaks school guidelines. I expect you to meet me in my office this Saturday at 12:00. Do not be late.” Mr. Larkson said and then walked off. I can’t believe it. It was the 5th day of school and I already had gotten myself into trouble.
I looked at Sam and out of sheer anger I kicked his text book across the room. He knew when I was mad not to say anything so he just sat there and didn’t make eye contact. After a minute or two I left school. As I made my way home, I decided that I probably wouldn’t go to his office tomorrow. It would be to much work and he is really being unfair. After I got back home around 7:30. My mother waited for me to settle down and stopped me from going upstairs to my room.
“Young man, how was school today?” she said nicely which meant she knew.
“uh…um…” I stuttered.
“Exactly, and now I have to come with you as well Rotan. So in order to make up for you taking away my Saturday, you are going to clean the dishes.” She said at the verge of yelling. I nodded because my mom gets scary when she is mad.
Yay there is more of the story ready!!, I just hope my profile doesn't become as long as a race track O_O. Again, thanks for reading and any feed back (constructive criticism, notes, ideas, Complements :D) would be highly appreciated.

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