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My Life

My Friend’s Soundcloud, you should check him out if you like hiphop or rap or whatever

My other friend’s Soundcloud

Track my Anime list if you’re an Anime fan

Oreo Journal:

Monday, July 08, 2012. 11:37 PM. My friends in their fascinating blue package are still there, they will have my company soon, and with my other friend milk. The oreos know that they will be devoured by none other than myself, and they enjoy my company, as I enjoy their’s. It’s not late enough to eat them yet, so I must wait. I must be patient, they are worth such a wait that can be called an ordeal.

Monday, July 09, 2012. 12:37 AM. It has been perfect one hour, and I have been counting the seconds. I want to have the company of my friends, but I just can’t get tired at the moment, so I must wait even longer. Their cries have gotten so much louder, and I know that they cry because they want my company.

Monday, July 09, 2012. 1:07 AM. The time has started to blend together into one manifestation of evil, and I can’t tell the difference between a real minute and a fake minute that I have lost to the Oreos and milk. I may be going crazy, I woke up huddled in a corner with my milk and Oreos, I can’t handle waiting much longer…. someone please help me!

Monday, July 09, 2012. 1:39 AM. The time has come, I am now ready to cuddle, hug, and kiss my Oreos and Milk as I go to bed. I have waited the time that I must wait before I eat my snack before I go to bed. This was all worth while, now I am going to sleep with my snack and finish it when I wake up later today.

Resees Journal:

Sunday, 6:28 P.M. I find a Reese’s bar in the fridge, I keep my eyes on the candy bar until further notice. Day 1 of the Reese’s journal.

Sunday, 8:04 P.M. I visit the Reese’s bar in my fridge. It tempts me to save it from it’s insulated prison, also known as my fridge. I wish I could grant its’ wish. Day 1 of the Reese’s Journal, Entry 2.

Monday. 12:56 A.M. Some abomination in my household has stolen the Resee’s that was waiting so patiently for me. I now have a vendetta against this Abomination and will destroy it with the fury that is flowing from my heart. Day 2, Entry 3 of my Resee’s Journal.

Monday. 12:04 P.M. I still have not found the package of my favorite Resee’s bar, and I feel that I need to find the package so I can smell it before I never see it again. Please come back to me, I miss you so much. Day 2, Entry 4 of my Resee’s journal.

Gurl Quote I Believe In

Phantom92: Sorry Fear..if it is any consolation, you don’t strike me as the typical “girl” on Kongregate; the typical attention-seeking whore that is constantly vying for the love and affection that the boys on here constantly give…

Dividing By Zero

It was a stormy evening and I was staring past the glass panels of imprisonment, far over the vast mountains, past the unforgiving sea.
I looked towards the sky as a flash of light streaked across the sky.. I stared in amazement as what I saw next would send any man into insanity.
What I saw…
Was incredible..
Chuck Norris riding a unicorn. He flew (Yes, flew) towards my window with a gleam in his eyes.
I stepped back as he smashed his way into my room, my prison. He looked at me as I stared, open mouthed, at his amazing beast.
He held an outstretched arm towards me and offered me an escape. I took it wondering what adventure was to lie before me.
It was then that we flew on.. High, high above the clutches of the destructive city fumes. Soaring through the atmosphere.
As we rose higher and higher.. I suddenly realised that I was struggling to breath. The thin air pierced my lungs like a knife in the dark.
My vision was blurring as the stars grew brighter. As we burst through the final layer, leaving the O zone behind, travelling at great speeds, I had long passed out of consciousness.
However, as I woke, I found myself in the clutches of deepest space. The incredibility of the situation left me awestruck.
I could breath. I could feel the bitter cold scraping at my skin. But none of that mattered. As I followed Chucks gaze I saw a destructive sight.
Ahead of us, in the deepest reaches of space. Spread the mass of a black hole. I realised then what must be done.
We crept forward, seemingly getting slower and yet faster at the same time. For time itself seemed to stretch on forever. Years into minutes, seconds into decades.
We became ever closer and I could feel it. The unfathomable force of the black hole, pulling us in.
I felt nothing, yet as I looked behind me, I realised I had left the safe clutches of the magical unicorn.
As I saw Chuck flying gracefully away from me, I zoomed towards the black hole, turning through the nothingness. Before I realised what was happening, I was inside.
To this day I am not sure of what happened inside there. I some how appeared back in the warmth of my house.
All that I knew was, as is still unknown to most, how to divide by zero.

By: MasterJohno

My Definition:

Fearlucky – Another weirdo that has been around since the days of Tricky. He may or may not be a girl. Enjoys confusing people and has came out with a line of emoticons. Very close to many users and is somewhat of a “secret-keeper” for many in the room. A trustworthy friend, he’s online more than just about anyone else and as such always has a feel for what’s going on in Dystopia.

Essay For AuroraGenesis

“I have awesome teddy’s, a cute cat, and amazing door art :D” ~ AuroraGenesis. She lives on a huge farm, and has (horses) Ariel, Penny, Guy and Selena. (cats) Stick, Batman, Dodge, Benny, Isabella and Toast. (dogs) Kibbles, Spencer, Jangles, Jola, Sam, Ajax and Isis, and the rabbit Vimmy. (ducks) Lola and Ben Afflack. She’s a cannibal, she hates people, and she’s female. She calls me “Fearchie” which is probably the first in a long time someone gave me a nickname that makes sense. Not much of an essay, but I am brain dead and will continue this tomorrow (Example of my procrastination, it’s been like 2 months and I haven’t added anything to this essay). She has brown hair and it’s like this weird hair that’s straight (I think, can’t ever tell with females) and it’s cool and stuff. Like 3 days ago she got it dyed white and it looks awesum, and I think she is going to grow it out (That would be totally awesum beast mode if that was true, if I ever saw anyone that had their hair like that on a regular basis I would have to * ^5 * them). I think it’s been long enough to actually take this a little bit more serious. I’m sure Aurora, or for now on I’ll call her Rynn, has been gone for like a year. She left Kong because it was just too stressful and I have a feeling I was a pretty big part of that and I feel bad now that I think about what I did, it was silly. But, this is about her, so let’s talk about how cool she was, how about it? On a daily basis she made the chat much more lively with the fact that people liked talking to her, she was fun to talk to and it entertained plenty of us, I know I was entertained, she was fun. We all even hung out in TC, of course, that was always exciting, kind of brought us all closer together. She drew a pretty nice drawing of the room name and all the regular’s names hanging off the room name on string, it was really cool and I wish I had the picture still. Having Rynn around was fun, it really does suck that she left, sometimes the chat gets really boring and we have nothing to do, having more regs give us a good audience to talk to. Bye bye Rynn, hope you’re having fun.

Tribute to Starinista:

She’s the person I always have to PM when she’s in trouble, because of her I barely have time to talk in public chat because nao I’m always dealing with kids problems in Dystopia. I recently discovered she was bi, and that she really has blond hair, but dyes it brown. And, I’m pretty sure no one reads these, so I am going to fill it with a bunch of lame facts about her, and what she has done in Dystopia. This tribute will grow more and more over time, and it will take up 50% of this page. This girl probably gives everyone strange nicknames, I also live in her bathroom as an Otter; my territory is the bathtub. I live there with Georgiagirl, but that’s a different story of what we’ve done in there…. She had turned everyone in Dystopia into animals, and we all live in separate parts of her house. I also can beat her on SSL by like double her points, so if you beat her and think you’re good, you need to play against me. Tribute/filler paragraph out. Okay so Starry left too, that sucks. She was I’m sure 14 when she left, and she left about a year and a half ago. I always did some pretending with her and she was pretty nice, of course her and her soul friend Georgiagirl has plenty of fun together, it was cool to see them get along so well, it’s hard to get a really good friend over the internet. I’m sure she left because her parents are mean, and that really does suck, I think she would still hangout with us if her parents didn’t force her to get off. She was pretty fun to hang out with, and you practically did know she was a girl half the time, in a good way of course. She wasn’t one of those people you can tell they’re a girl by the way everyone talks to them and the way she talks to them. So, it was always fun, and she was always complaining about something new so there was normally pretty good conversation. Well Starry, hope you’re having fun in your life without us, but we know you want to come back, right? Yeah we know.

People I know:

TheCobra ~ He tries to troll, but he’s mainly just annoying and annoys everyone, including regs, out of the room. I personally can stand him and have grown to like him, but some other people have’t :(
PSI232 ~ PSI232: I prefer going fast PSI232: It impresses the ladies -
casey8x8 ~ She’s someone that I never really talked to before, thought she was dumb, but now I talk to her all the time and she’s pretty awesome. She suggested I read Divergent, it was so good that I read it in two days, good thing I started talking to her and realized she’s pretty awesome.
Soaponarope1 ~ He constantly spams Soaponarope1: Fearlucky: “Man, I swear I just sucked everything out of here!” better watch out for him.
Nien ~ He’s a pretty good troll if you’re annoying, but he’s also a good friend, makes me laugh when he’s not being immature.
Devouerer ~ Devouerer: Dis dood had 10 fingers!Now he has 7!He has all da advice anyone could need,except when you want it.And….he really likes pie.A lot.SO constantly feed him pie.
georgiagirl ~ "georgiagirl: If i wrote it, it’d be all “Self-renowned bitch of Dystopia” or something.
MasterJohno ~ He is one of my good Europe friends, I wish I could do more things with him because he’s pretty cool, but I guess talking will suffice for now.
DeathAvenger ~ He fucks with kittehs. FEAR HIM! Also. My fuckbuddy. No takies.
EpicKitteh55 ~ That guy with a hawt little sister
dayrider13 ~ An Even better Troll Than Darkwrath123, fear him!
puppiesrtbst ~
AuroraGenesis ~ Dystopian Artist/Girl who draws epic shit. She also drew my beautiful Avatar.
Starinista ~ She’s the most badass chick around. She takes care of me like a good little otter, thank you so much! My sister from another mother and father and completely different country.
Darkwrath123 ~ Master Troll
youngstark ~ He’s kind of emotional and he brags about how good he is at CA, he’s not that bad
gloves ~ The kid that threatened to stab me when we first met
colinhwx ~ Colin is pretty cool, but I have a hard time keeping up with how crazy his life is, I haven’t seen many people dislike him, just talk.
IsaBeIIa ~ Probably one of my oldest friends in Dystopia, and she’s gonna start coming to Dystopia more often so we can talk.
Beagle2 ~ He’s good to talk about games with, I wish I played more and watched moer Anime so we could get along better.
pkj73 ~ Cheese Burger Deluxe. He is pretty cool, but he disappeared really fast, he’s the reason I started this part of my profile.

Quotes and What Not:

zippyha: I have 15 games in all. Some are rated M and T. I am 8.

mopreturns: im 12 but I have a 16. I don’t know why it’s a 16 though

Agent670: ive got the goose in the grease tube (reply)

AliceWonderland1: who do you get when you breed a bulldog and a shitzu?
AliceWonderland1: bullshit

Weazlebee: dude
Weazlebee: i had the sexiest first blood of my life
Weazlebee: more first blood in mw2 than a 6th grade girls bathroom!
Fearlucy: Lawl

Weazlebee: watch for jizz
Fearlucy: I should’ve prepared better.
Weazlebee: ya
Weazlebee: lay out a couple napkins infront of urself next time
Fearlucy: I was too anxious.
Weazlebee: noob mistake
Fearlucy: Still new to this jizz stuff.
Weazlebee: ah
Weazlebee: its ok
Fearlucy: I need to look up more tutorials.
Weazlebee: ill give u a tip
Weazlebee: dont use lube
Weazlebee: just makes things more messy
Weazlebee: keep it clean and dry

Zygrograxgra: remember: all humans are idiots

BlaithDroog: blow me gloves.
Fearlucky: ^

Zygrograxgra: I shall ask but one question: Who here has watched more than three episodes of ANY My Little Pony. ANY. Even the old crappy shows.


Agent670 called me Lucy first.

Slyduck: ** no I don’t share candy with anyone. (reply)

gloves: If you just drop in for a sec, you’ll see my true form! (reply)


pollypop10: its not going to work between us sorry im dumping u O O_o (reply)

colinhwx: Fear, weird question. Do you like blowjobs? (reply)

jmurphy24: well first put ur hands around my waist (reply)
To jmurphy24:
To jmurphy24: Then what?
jmurphy24: well that didnt take long :P (reply)


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