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I got 9 coins when I went in and found myself at a level 16, and now I don't get any. Are you meant to not get coins after lvl 16?
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what should we do what we do?
we should be a good frieds for squirrels and shaman you be fun after a few minutes the energy runs out! now you have no friends left I HATE ENERGY!!!!!
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+ if u agree to me that squirrels should have unlimited mana and all squirrels should have a 20 coins in start of game
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blargh in facebook i always lose because of noname,little squirrels and the others that are expert here... and this also needs some parks so the squirrels could just walk around while getting their energy back
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it's good theres soo many rewards there i like it! soo i have 168 nuts for the rewards and collection for scraf! AWESOME!
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It'b be nice if there was a button (AFK) and if you click it u can go to a new room to do whatever u need and then u come back, don't get kicked out and click the AFK button and u return to the same server but the next round!!!
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we have energy on this game ,on facebook energy decreases when you play but on kongregate energy will continue to increase but not decrease + if u agree to me
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can take the energy bar it's boring in squirrels but,it's fun if you can send a energy bar of your friends buy alittle energy for squirrles...