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Comments for Stencyl Tutorial: First Game

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Jun. 28, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) programming like a scratch

+ - !


Developer response from 0_Tuo_0

I have tried Scratch myself as I had to tutor a student in it (I am a tutor IRL). While Scratch has some benefits (the color-based collision coding is sharp once one learns how to do it), it has nowhere near the power of Stencyl (see my previous response to Nekuray).


Jun. 20, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Stencyl is a good engine but I heard it cant make advanced games :/ is that true?

+ - !


Developer response from 0_Tuo_0

That is mostly false. It can make rather advanced 2D games. I personally have made a successful iPhone game with it. I have one friend who was one of the top LD winners (which if you know the Ludum Dare, it's a TOUGH competition) and has his games badged here on Kongregate. I also know the creator of Ghost Song, which is one of the top upcoming indie games (for Steam) and that is also made with Stencyl... Now, if you want 3D games, Stencyl is not really the tool to use; then, I'd suggest Unity instead.


Jun. 16, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) PLEASE HELP! I have ''tested'' your game and it's scaling with window to fit it... I have troubles with this on my own game (not public posted) and I want you to tell me how you do it... I have tried nearly anything possible but nothing helped... if I change to ''start in full screen mode'' nothing appears (just black after it's loaded), otherwise it's not scaled currently. PLEASE, help me to solve this problem!

+ - !


Developer response from 0_Tuo_0

I did not use the scaling options for this game. In fact, I have not used any scaling in my games like that. If it's just black, it might be that another code is stopping the game from loading. Are there error messages in your logs? Also, you can likely find quicker support in the Stencyl forums:


Jun. 01, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Can't find collision groups . Is this included for stencyl 3.3?

+ - !


Developer response from 0_Tuo_0

In Stencyl 3.x, you can add a collision event instead and pick actor with group and go from there. I also have a more updated series for 2.x (which is much more similar to 3.x than 1.x):


Apr. 16, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) I re-did this tutorial and this time I was much faster lol.

+ - !


Developer response from 0_Tuo_0

Makes sense; I hope you'd be faster second time around ;).


Apr. 09, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) I just finished the tutorial. It looked intimidating at first, but it did not take that long. I learned a lot. But you make coding fun and easy to understand. Time to move on to the next tutorial.

+ - !


Developer response from 0_Tuo_0

Coding itself seems intimidating at first (and learning new coding even after you know some code is still intimidating... at least for me). I'm glad I was able to simplify it to an accessible level though :).


Apr. 09, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Such a great tutorial for beginners. Easy to follow. Although few minor things have changed due to the new update of Stencyl software, but still this tutorial does its job. I am currently working through it and believe its definitely helping me learn the program. Thanks!

+ - !


Developer response from 0_Tuo_0

I'm glad it's still helping out :)


Mar. 10, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Hi Abigail, thanks for creating this useful tutorial. However it's time to bite the bullet and update it for Stencyl 3.2. I've been mucking around now for 2 hours with the collisions because they look nothing like Stencyl 1.0. As the only complicated thing in this tutorial is the collision and fade in, then it's worth ensuring this piece is working. Again, a very sincere thanks for all the effort u put in.

+ - !


Developer response from 0_Tuo_0

Check out my games page ( to see the updates. Instead of remaking the first series, I made an entire second series (and a completely interactive 3.x tutorial as well).


Feb. 18, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Thank you soooooo much. My ambition is to become a game developer and your tutorials help me to learn so much.

+ - !


Developer response from 0_Tuo_0

I'm happy to help :). Be sure to check out for the full list of tutorials ;)


Feb. 10, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Hi, I was wondering if you knew how I could add animation to the walking behavior.

+ - !


Developer response from 0_Tuo_0

Try out my later tutorial:


Feb. 08, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Thanks!

+ - !


Developer response from 0_Tuo_0



Feb. 07, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) I don't understand, I downloaded Stencyl but it takes me to different files.

+ - !


Developer response from 0_Tuo_0

The more up-to-date tutorials are the second set (and third solo tutorial). This tutorial was based on Stencyl 1.0, and Stencyl is now in 3.2, so a lot of details have changed. To still fully use this tutorial, read the changes in the description (or updates... forget which) area, where I outline the major changes to 3.x.


Jan. 18, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Very helpfull,detaield and I like that you made a mistake on purpose.This tutorial helped me to find where things are and what i'm supposed to do there.I was already familiar with coding in C# so coding in here wasn't a problem.Anyways great tutorial.

+ - !


Developer response from 0_Tuo_0

Thanks :). One of my biggest dilemmas when creating it was whether or not I should leave in that mistake. However, I ultimately decided to stay with it to show the idea of what can happen (and what WILL happen when programming :P) and how to handle it. I'm happy to hear that it was appreciated.


Dec. 14, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) My goal is to become a game developer. I believe that stencyl is where i should start.

+ - !


Developer response from 0_Tuo_0

Hello Veiktor. Stencyl is definitely a good place to start off. Don't forget that this tutorial is just part one in a five-part series (and there's a second five-part series and other tutorials under my "Abigayl" profile). If you ever need more help than that, my livestream is still going: Good luck to you :).


Nov. 29, 2014

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Nov. 23, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Stencyl updated and i just got it .. please make a updated version since am usless at that XD

+ - !


Developer response from 0_Tuo_0

There are many updated versions. If you click on my name (as Abigayl), you can see all of the tutorials (or use ), including one designed specifically for version 3 (and the version 2 is relatively the same in setup as well).


Nov. 12, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) @KIPILL12 With that writing i doubt you can even code on unity. You need to have grammar like me XD

+ - !


Developer response from 0_Tuo_0

I like the way you think :P.


Oct. 24, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) the layout of stencyl seems (to me) like game-mkaer and scratch mixed togheter, but i'm no progrmmer so i don't know anything xD

+ - !


Developer response from 0_Tuo_0

It is somewhat similar. The creator of it is very open that he used (and expanded on) the ideas started off in Scratch. IMO, it's a nice balance between power and simplicity.


Oct. 14, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Thanks for this! I'm working through your tut right now.

+ - !


Developer response from 0_Tuo_0

I'm glad it's helping. This is the first of a five-part series, and there's a second series (and an extremely detailed third lone tutorial) on here too :).


Sep. 22, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Your actor is moving on grid(Not running diagonally). So rather putting "set velocity" i put "set [x-speed]". Now its moving diagonal but when i press two key(up and right) it goes diagonal after that leaving 'left' and just 'up' key is pressed then also going diagonal rather moving up.

+ - !


Developer response from 0_Tuo_0

I go over how to do 8-way controls in the later tutorials. The goal for this tutorial was just how to show how to create a basic game. I think it's either part 2 or part 3 that has it (all 5 parts were meant to be done together).


Sep. 11, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Whenever I first test the game(the bugged test) I don't see my player at all. Please help.

+ - !


Developer response from 0_Tuo_0

Did you attach the behaviors to the actor/scene (accordingly)? If you used the scene creation tool to create the player, do you see it in the preview within Stencyl?


Aug. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) I just want to know where do i go to get this software thanks

+ - !


Developer response from 0_Tuo_0

Go to :)


Jul. 26, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Where do i get this Stencil?

+ - !


Developer response from 0_Tuo_0 It's totally free to use if you want to make flash games. :)


Apr. 14, 2014

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from 0_Tuo_0

I'm sorry that you don't understand the sheer amount of work that goes into making a video game. This is why lots of games take months, if not even years, to make. What you see here is just the surface.


Mar. 09, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Amazing tutorials!!

+ - !


Developer response from Abigayl

Thanks :)


Feb. 19, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) The only Stencyl problem is that all games save in .stencyl format, which Kongregate doesn't read as a SWF. When I edited it to .swf, the game went just blank screen. Anyone knows how to fix it?

+ - !


Developer response from Abigayl

You have to use the publish menu instead. "Export game" means you want to save all of the inner-workings of the file (i.e. to work on it on another computer). "Publish game" means make the SWF file for places like Kongregate :).


Feb. 18, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Needs an update! In newer versions I can't even moving my character when I go to test the game.

+ - !


Developer response from Abigayl

There is an entire second series in the links in the "Updates" area. It takes the same amount of time to redo these to the newer versions of Stencyl as to make an entire new set, so I chose the latter; it focus on a platformer game instead to learn the ropes.


Aug. 18, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) can i just use the four way movement than create it

+ - !


Developer response from Abigayl

Things are better if you do them yourself. It will help you to learn the ropes, which will help down the road.


Aug. 05, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) ok im blocked at the part of player behavior i dont get that list of motions u have

+ - !


Developer response from Abigayl

Please note that this was made with Stencyl 1.x. Some of the GUI parts (for example, now needing to "add event") have changed. A complete list of changes to Stencyl 2.x are in the "Updates" section of the game details.


Jul. 25, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) what is this image editor you used(is it a version of paint or something?)? its my first try using stencyl

+ - !


Developer response from Abigayl

I used Paint.NET (download for free: As long as you are using Windows, it's a great, free tool :)


Jun. 22, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) (This is my 17th comment). Uh, nevermind that thing, I did a bit changes, and it works without/with "Speed" now. But now when I hit an box, nothing happens.

+ - !


Developer response from Abigayl

Just replying to this one instead of all of them... I think it's time you come to my livestream instead ( And, this time, don't leave immediately. Last time, I replied after only 2 minutes and you were already gone. Just because I'm not streaming doesn't mean I'm not on.


Jun. 22, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) (This is my 14th comment). But if I remove the "speed" and type speed as 24 it works...

+ - !



Jun. 22, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) (This is my 13rd comment). Oh and also I forgot to ask if the controls have to be in "when created" or "always", I made it on "always", because I saw so in the tutorial.

+ - !



Jun. 22, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) (This is my 12nd comment). Yes, I did remember, but it doesn't work still.

+ - !



Jun. 22, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) (This is my 11th comment) Oh, I forgot to make the collision group "Actors". Now everything works ok, highscore and score texts are ok, but I have a new problem after second tutorial, my player doesn't stop moving and after I click the "Start" button to start the game my player starts going to left side without me pressing anything.

+ - !


Developer response from Abigayl

Did you remember to have an "otherwise set velocity to 0" at the end of the movement coding chain?


Jun. 22, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) (This is my 10th comment). Uh, now I followed your second tutorial and the player is now not stopping to move, and the score and highscore text don't appear.

+ - !


Developer response from Abigayl

If you ever can't see things from "when drawing", be sure that your space is correct; there are two types: actor space (in which the location is relative to the upper-left corner of the actor) and screen space (where the location is relative to the upper-left corner of the screen). Which you want depends on if you want the text to move with the actor or stay put.


Jun. 22, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) (This is my 9th comment) Yes, the other example games work. Everything works now, we can stop talking about the Stencyl problem. But I still don't see what's wrong, codes:

+ - !


Developer response from Abigayl

The coding looks solid. Are you sure that the boxes are set to the collision group "actors"? If you want to, upload the game to StencylForge, make it public, and then tell me the name, and I'll take a look directly. Also, if you want a more instant chat, you can come to my stream ( If I am online, I'm on there.


Jun. 21, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Also that was my second comment, this is my third comment on Kongregate. I just want to tell you that Stencyl just couldn't load my game somehow (I left Stencyl and opened it again). I waited for very very long, but nothing. Tried a few times more, so I deleted the game started the tutorial all over, but I still have the same problem as my other comment. But now, I couldn't open my Controls actor behavior, tried to enter it from everywhere, but failed, so I deleted the actor behavior and written it all over again, but now, I can't open the Controls actor behavior again! Please tell me what's going on with Stencyl and how to fix the game problem from the other comment.

+ - !


Developer response from Abigayl

Sounds like something might have gotten corrupted somehow. Try closing and reopening Stencyl. If that fails, perhaps uninstall and reinstall Stencyl. Also, try some of the premade games to see if those are working (if so, it's more likely that the game was corrupted than Stencyl itself).


Jun. 21, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I did everything same as in the tutorial, but I have a problem. When my player goes to the enemies, he just smashes and moves the enemies and nothing happens when I go off-screen. Please tell me what should I see or where should I look if I made any problems.

+ - !


Developer response from Abigayl

The off-screen issue is something I cover in a later tutorial (this one is part 1 of 5; see the "Updates" section for the rest). As for the hitting of enemies, I must assume that the collision coding you made is wrong somehow since it does sound like collisions are registering. Be sure that you don't have it turned off (i.e. unchecked). If you want, use the camera option (it's on the bottom of Stencyl) to take a picture of the code and let me see it.


May. 05, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) outdated

+ - !


Developer response from Abigayl

In the "Updates" section (which is now hidden :[ ), you can see the major changes to the current version, as well as the links to the second tutorial series, which are for the current version.


Apr. 18, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I Want Download Stencyl... Where Link ???

+ - !


Developer response from Abigayl


Apr. 08, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) will this code move enemy on left then on down?

+ - !


Developer response from Abigayl

Yes it will... I now see why you picked that username too... that's a LOT of comments. Perhaps PM me your questions in the future? As for the gun, that's partially covered in tutorial 4 (just reverse it to have enemies aiming at the player).


Apr. 08, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) i meant

+ - !



Apr. 08, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) will this move my enemy on left then on down?

+ - !



Apr. 08, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) i attatched everything 5000000000 times and it still won't work... cus max said what to do adn it didn't rllt helped ... ok my enemys appeared but were moving at the same position and after i deleted tht not a singel enemy appeared.

+ - !


Developer response from Abigayl

I just calculated it out. Assuming you somehow pressed the "attach" button once every second, it would take over 158 years to hit it that many times. Have you tried my second tutorial? It goes over more advanced spawning methods (link is in the Updates section).


Apr. 08, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) And another question: How to make a gun which aims on player when it recognizes him (in order if u dont understand press this )

+ - !



Apr. 08, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) ¬¬ if u dont understand ill try like this: How to make an enemy to move like this:

+ - !



Apr. 08, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) and how to make enemy to move from A to B that how it wants but in result to reach the destination?

+ - !


Developer response from Abigayl

What it actually wants is proper grammar so I can understand what your problem is :P. You can use specific velocities instead of random ones if you want.


Apr. 08, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) not a singel enemy appear... why? pls help D: because i can't get further on next totorials becasue it's always about those enemy's... and all the other totorials are reading and tht's too boring :/

+ - !


Developer response from Abigayl

Did you remember to attach to scene? (See Max's comment before you :P).


Apr. 08, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Can you make your characters more tiny? because if you draw them big they can't really be very little :l

+ - !


Developer response from Abigayl

You can make the enemies any size you want. It's your game (assuming that you are following along making your own game).

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