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Sorry PETA, I'm training my dolphin to fly 1,000,000 meters in the air, reach past all the planets, and enter a new galaxy, and then crash to the ocean floor at 1,000,000mph and be perfectly fine. NASA can suck it.
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I always either enter the water at wrong angle because of turning too early or crash into the sand because I did it too late...
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OK- So if a dolphin reaches mars, turns into a nosedive and is unaffected by gravity and plunges straight to earth, it still doesn't reach a velocity of 88 MPH?
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I went so fast that i made a glitch in the game... now im seeing seagulls (if not maybe a mistake and might be stingrays) in the water :(... 5/5
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The game won't start for me :(
It plays the intro (Rawkins games) and then it just stays black.
I tried reinstalling my flash player like 5 times, but it didn'd help.
Please help :(
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"So long and thanks for all the fish.... you know what? I think I will take the fish with me, good luck with the Vogon thing!"
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bbman1999 Perhaps you should try reading other comments or even the instructions before forcing your retardation upon the world.
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I figured out how to gain speed esily!! Just do a TON of nice entrys in a row! I got up to a quadruple nice wntry but try to get larger then jump through rings!!
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How to FARM points: get as many fish as you want, can even be 0, and GLIDE ACROSS THE SURFACE ON A FLAT BELLY, every fish you pass will be added to your "schooled" amount. I have done this, and gotten "23-tuple schooled"
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Gah! Awesome game, but I still really wish sea was deeper or that you could starslide backwards (it makes re-entering and jumping out again really hard). 5/5, still trying for that impossible badge ;_;