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I always think I need more of the Agility for some reason. I don't know why. lol. But I love it and I hate how I can't defeat the boss. Literally though, I walk in, and as soon as those Zippers come in I die. Those Zippers are my enemy...
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Anyone else have the issue of the elephant getting randomly stuck to the ceiling when jumping? I have to keep restarting the game. Good thing it saves progress.
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Imagine my sadness, when i went for a second ng+ and the second set of lasers wasnt there anymore. i wanted 30 lasers.... holy laserphant
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I am one 'high' elephant. Flying pink elephants with lasers multiply around me and I can jump higher than a building. In all this madness, WHO the heck is on my back with the lousy aim and why don't balloons give me wings? More fun than I expected.
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Oh!! You found everyone's stuff!!! Like Mark's Teddy...Showing off 3 balloons to um...I don't know... And all that stuff... Great job!! Here...Have ALL THE AMAZING LASERS WEAPONS/FLYING MINIONS!!!! YOU DID A " GREAT JOB " * chuckles * I have nothing to do with my life .____. ...