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throw backwards i always almost did tha twhen i usd to play i would drag back and release after trhowin gforward and i crashed my game sometimes by doing that
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This game is definitely a good way to make an hour and a half feel like ten minutes. Not saying that's a bad thing either
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This is my "feel good" game, for sure. It's a nice little adventure about a paper airplane with a nice soundtrack to go with it. I remember playing through it when I was younger and it certainly holds some of my best childhood memories with it.
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I was having the problem where the in game achievements were not registering but when reloaded I clicked new game rather then continue and clicking a blank file. It seemed to fix it.
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and in the end... Yamato is a piece of japan-shit. because he wrote a fkn song and Sandy wouldnt see her mother that christmas. (sorry for my bad english)
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just questioning myself if I'm doing anything wrong...I completed the game but none of the ingame achievements are activated...kinda needed for the bade
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wait....why does it cost fuel to move a PAPER airplane and how do we even move the airplane anywase?Telakanesis is my bet