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mok,just in case you haven't heard:make some weapon/skill costing 10kreds since likely everybody got that much atm after kong decided to give 10kreds for each newbie,it may not be much but in the long term and large quantity of sales may be just the thing needed to help you out-and ones that already got it didn't spended it yet as usually games ask for 50kreds min to be used to purchase in-game currency
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Hey everyone, veterans and newcomers, Im in the top 3 players in game and Im this game dearly and I am willing to play with people and help them out, just send me a message! Thanks!
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every flag should have 100 coins gave every get and pls throw away the rating of you cause it suck when player so ure rating so VERY LOW i dont like ratings in you PLS CHANGE IT
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plz make single player i find not being able to play anymore :( its a good game it needs a reboot to the top all of us need to find a way to make this game popular WHOS WITH ME CLICK + IF WOU AGREE