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Lol, she kept staring at me. I was like 'Oh, hi!.....' 1 minute later 'Ok stop that.' another minute 'DO YOU WANT UR EYES ON YOUR FACE OR NOT! NOW STOP LOOKING AT ME >.>' 1 more minute 'Okay...I'm done with this peace lady >.< and go find someone else to look at, Linda.' (yes her name is linda blair not emily rose ;D)
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wow eazy game to get to the red box just right click then mmove ur mouse to the red box then ur there without trying to get there
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i ald played that game for almost a million times and it remembered me last year when my lil cousin was at my side then i showed her the game then after level 3 my lil cousin cried
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made me jump cus i had so loud, found cheat on first level, hold yer mouse down and go over the boundaries and u need more leve;s, 1/5
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this shit was not scary... there's two cheats. left click and hold it then drag it to the red. Or... Right click and drag it to the red then let go