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Ah ah, this edition of factory balls is just insane, much harder than previous edition except maybe the grass and flowers thing. Please keep the controls from #4 edition (click on the tools rather than drag&drop the ball to them).
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I like the auto-wash feature. All the tools/accessories are cleaned after use immediately. I don't even notice any leftover colors at any point of time.
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LOVE the Factory Ball series! The last ball just about broke my brain, but that's the joy of it! Merry Christmas, Bart! :)
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That last ball was by far the hardest factory ball out of all series. Immensely satisfying to complete though.
Great job Mr Bonte - I hope you make more.
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Challenging, Fun, I don't always rage if I mess up, I shall give this 100,000000000000000000000000 WaterFalls out Of 10
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How about creating a "sandbox" version? Instead of trying to match the ball to the required design, let us create our own from the paint and tools available.
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I was really hopping I could do something to the tree after we finish the game, like move around the balls or maybe smash them on the ground. That or give us more decorations and a save pic button. Just wish there was more of an ending. Other than that, Great game!!!