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Surgeon:what is this?
Nurse:That's his brain sir.
Surgeon:oh.... I thought that was his heart.
Nurse:Why? Did you put it in his chest?
Surgeon:No I put it in his stomach.
Nurse:Then get it out!
Surgeon:Sorry,my shift is over.
Nurse:Wait,You're leaving?
Nurse:wait! I don't know how to do this.
Nurse:Hmmmm.... Think..Think....
Nurse:OOHH! I know *leaves operating room and pretends nothing ever happened*
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*Throws a Switched-On Bone-saw into his chest as all the organs including ribcage are sent flying* Now's my chance >:3 *Throws heart into chest* BOOYEAH
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I have to inform you of this but when i was operating, I lost a couple of instruments, a radio and my apple wristwatch inside you. also you have two hearts now and you can't breathe nor eat. BUT i have good news!
The operation was a success and you now have no organs except two hearts! ;). Oh and i cut your previous heart with a pen so it broke and now you have ink inside you.
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Me: Grandpa, i just did heart surgery... he has 3 knives no ribs, no lungs, 2 saw, and a new heart though... Dad: Is he alive? Me: Yes.... i think..
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Dont worry Bob I'm a proffisenal. Not a porffisenal doctor but a professinal. Your in good hands. (12 seconds later) IT WAS GOING TO WELL! Actully, I got rid of his lngs and cut out his heart, destroyed his bones and sawed his insides,.... IT WAS GOING SO WELL (cries)
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are we actually able to win this game? Because i actually did put the new heart and the rest that i could do,and i couldn't win.
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i tried giving him a heart transplant but all that happened was that i FREAKING TORE HIS RIBS OUT AND CUT OPEN HIS FRIGGIN LUNGS
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STORY TIME! Surgeon; hi bob,you have problems on your heart? NO PROBLEM! i will just cut you in half,and then break your bones,cut your heart and put another,and magically you will be fine *hours later* R.I.P Bob,died from magical blood loss
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It's actually possible to complete the surgery with nothing but the big scalpel/knife. Ram your hand at and grab at the lungs until they start to glitch. If they don't break the ribs, take them out and use them to saw a rib. Then use that to break the other ribs. Get rid of all those unimportant vital organs then use the big knife to cut the veins off the heart until it stop beating. Get rid of the old heart and drop in the new heart. Apparently I got A++...
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good news: the surgery was a success! bad new: i left half my tools in your body when i stitched you up sorry about that :(