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This game teaches you that you can't crashdive into the English Channel half-way through the mission, unless you want to be very p'd off.
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Well, I destroyed many enemies and only one mistake and I have to start everything from the beginning. Sorrry. For my game is broken.
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Oh, no.... I have to start mission from the begiinning, because I wanted to comment and I couldn't "pause"?? Oh... no.... This is unnacceptable...
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It's a great game but without the checkpoints it's literally too hard. Not only health wise, but sometimes there is just not enough time to stop all the bombers from leaving the mission area too fast. To start the whole mission over again, including those long tedious fly-to-this-point objectives, it's just to irritating. And that is such a shame, because this game is perfect otherwise.
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I'm speechless. This game was great and I would rate it 5/5. All that's missing is a checkpoint system and a pause button.
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The battle of britain was in itself a long battle. I think they should expand on that for a sequel instead of just having it for one level.
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I just love how, no matter where the flak from gunboat is actually fired, I always take damage in that little zone around it, even if I'm on the opposite side of the ship. And by love, I mean it just makes the level really frustrating. It also would have been nice to have some kind of good indicator of how damaged the ship is; I spent twenty minutes doing passes, and I don't know whether I just missed a bunch, or the ship just takes a lot of hits to take down.
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I love it! I really think its a good game. And, I think you should make one about either Pearl Harbor or the fight in the Pacific.
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Terrible AI: story(mission) could completely stop only because one of the friendly aircraft 'forger' to kill one of bandits. Or just without any reason.
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Soldier: "Sir, a plane is attacking us what are our orders?"
Captain: "Orders, are shoot in the same place so we don't hit him, OK?"
Soldier: "But Sir won't that-"
Captain: "Shut up"
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Fighter pilots in exile, fly over foreign land! Let the story be heard, tell of 303rd! Fighter pilots of Poland, in the battle of Britain! Guarding the skies of the Isle!