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Comments for Striker Superstars

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Jun. 06, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) The game keeps showing up some of my matches as unfinished, even when I know I've definitely viewed the post-match stats and clicked "Return to Lobby".

+ - !



Jun. 03, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) here is a simple suggestion that I believe you should be able to do. Make it so that only preformed teams only play other preform teams. Though you would never do that as that would make your Pimp players not pay you

+ - !



Jun. 02, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Hey they named a shirt upon my capital-The Zagreb :)

+ - !



May. 27, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I ended up "not completing" a match as the post-game stats didn't load so I had to refresh the page. Is this possible to fix?

+ - !



May. 25, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) That Jibu shore does get around..

+ - !



May. 21, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I just hate it when the post-game screen doesn't show up and you need to refresh the browser to play again and you lose what you just won.... any1 else experience this?

+ - !



May. 19, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I think by being man of the match you should gain 2 extra exp.Otherwise it's useless.

+ - !



May. 14, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) OMG I can't rotate my camera in 3rd person mode!I can't do anything with no rotate!

+ - !



May. 11, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I need to contact the developers, asap , how can i do this ?

+ - !



May. 08, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) i just saw a bug few days ago when i slide the opponent , i made him fall but it also made my nearby teammate that possible?

+ - !



May. 04, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) THIS GOT FIXED XD IM SOOO HAPPY

+ - !


Developer response from cybersports

Apologies for the downtime, we had a database issue that occurred over the weekend and this morning. I can assure you it is fixed now.


May. 04, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Being a gross mistake by the developers, I hope that our commitment to playing your game despite these adverse circumstances is rewarded by some gamely compensation. We really are sticking with you even after this 48 hour black out. And still counting.

+ - !


Developer response from cybersports

Apologies for the downtime, we had a database issue that occurred over the weekend and this morning. I can assure you it is fixed now.


May. 03, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) cybersports i need ur reply plz i dont want to make a new account i worked to much on my last

+ - !



May. 03, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) oh is this problem whith every one?

+ - !



May. 03, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) it has been many months im playing this game but when today when i opened the game it brought me to the login screen when i already have a char in the game so when i pressed my email and password it gives me some error

+ - !



May. 03, 2012


+ - !



May. 03, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) @Nel 0007 I sent in a bug report because the new registering system is blocking me out as well..D:

+ - !



May. 03, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) The account system is not letting me through. My football addiction needs fulfilling. What to do?

+ - !



Apr. 28, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) This game needs a button that allows team captain (or player with highest rating) to kick a player out of game in middle of a match. Otherwise I am annoyed by campers at the gate that can't even score! (also an AFK detector)

+ - !


Developer response from cybersports

The AFK detector is done and dusted. Just going through testing now and we should be releasing it shortly. In our other game we have a voting system which may be implemented at some point which could solve the problems you say


Apr. 28, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I did like a mute button cuz sometimes i want to listen to my own music

+ - !


Developer response from cybersports

You can change the sound in options to be zero if you want to mute


Apr. 28, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) found another bug, the ai kick lead the ball to his own goal..........................

+ - !



Apr. 28, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) why all the PvP match match player like this: PRO WITH PRO VS NOOB WITH NOOB? thats just unfair

+ - !



Apr. 27, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) and when i slide the guy with no ball, he didn't fall but it count at a foul? seriously?

+ - !



Apr. 27, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) did you weaken the goal keeper? i see him even worst then before, cant even catch a simple ball

+ - !



Apr. 27, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) why the chat completely broke?

+ - !



Apr. 27, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) lol, lose but still man of the match

+ - !



Apr. 26, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) when will the achivements bar be unlocked?

+ - !


Developer response from cybersports

We have started work on the achievements, design is nearly done. We hope to have them done soon, weeks rather than months :)


Apr. 26, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) the AI players were playing better before the last release and the goalkeeper has to become very dumb its become very easy to score

+ - !



Apr. 26, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) i see...

+ - !



Apr. 26, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) ok, this getting anoying, why the hell the game i win end it freezed?

+ - !


Developer response from cybersports

Can you refresh your browser and try again please? We have released a new version that may require a refresh


Apr. 23, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) its a bit difficult to believe but this game is not at all laggy in fire fox

+ - !



Apr. 23, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) don't get me wrong, it's a good game, I'd just like to see these points fixed... 3/5 from me

+ - !



Apr. 23, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) stop making me register or use the registered account I made earlier... ive been playing a lvl 16/17 account and you just force me to make a new account... can't you just link my existing char to my ip/account or whatever? as for the passing nerf that ai will only pass when not under pressure, what kind of idea is that, a pass should be made to prevent from losing the ball in some cases. kickouts from the goalkeeper seem to be premade and both the keeper and ai will just kick the ball out when youre in a certain angle of movement. also scores seem to be predetermined, i.e. I shoot 10 times on goal, aimed for the crossing from point blank range with awesome power, yet somehow the keeper can get it with both and like 5 seconds later a lowbie/ai goes to my goalie, produces a underpowered roller, but gets to score? wtf.

+ - !


Developer response from cybersports

Your account should be linked to your Kongregate account, if it isn't then there is a bug. We hopefully have fixed these issues now, apologies. Please let us know via the forum if you still have these issues, thanks. As for the AI, we agree that the keeper and AI need work - the passing can be a bit annoying. We plan on improving it all as soon as we can. I can tell you that scores are definitely NOT predetermined, the keeper is good but he has to be, it's a 5 a side game and if he wasn't good scores would be 23-30! There are ways to score that you can learn, it's all about timing and where you aim. There are some people that can seemingly score at will, but they know the tricks :)


Apr. 22, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) and to prove im not suck and blame my ai, i usually man of the match at tackling, passing, asiting and shooting

+ - !



Apr. 22, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Why the hell my AI and Goal keeper are so freaking stupid while the other side are so freaking smart???????????????????????? i lose a lot because those stupid AI and goal keeper, the goal keeper can't catch a simple straight ball and the AI keep intercept my ball, i mean wtf? while the opponent AI stick to me like a punch of bees chasing a honeyman......

+ - !



Apr. 21, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Brilliant game .. but i keep being put against lvl 3's and im level 20

+ - !



Apr. 21, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) There should be some kind of appropriate punishment for leavers. I am tired of starting a game with 8 people and after a few minutes having only 4-6 real players on the field, because one team scored a goal and certain people rather leave and start a new match instead of putting up a fight.

+ - !


Developer response from cybersports

We plan on introducing a new feature shortly that will publicise quitting behaviour and hopefully make it happen a bit less. It is frustrating I know!


Apr. 20, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I marked 4 goals in a match,and i win only the award of best scorer,wtf ?

+ - !



Apr. 19, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) This game is Dead soon Because 1000+ skill/lvl players are playing noobs that are playing there first game. I am pretty sure that newbs won't be staying very long after that humiliation. This game should have more people playing each day now I see less and less.

+ - !


Developer response from cybersports

We have level matching that happens only when there is 100 or more people on the same server and matches players of similar levels together. Perhaps we will look at changing the threshold that the level matching kicks in. It is difficult as you cannot stop this high level players from getting a game and unless there is enough players on the server the only thing that can happen is match them up with whoever is queueing...


Apr. 19, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) How can i carry my account to ? I ask this bcs i'm in first 30 members of defenders, i mean i have a chance to earn 500£ but i cant open paypal account at kongregate... I can open my account at after login kongregate but i cant change my mail adress and cant open a paypal account at

+ - !


Developer response from cybersports

If you win the £500 we will contact you via PM or whatever email address you've registered with and request your paypal information. Be sure to answer your emails though, you wouldn't believe how hard it is to give away £500!


Apr. 14, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) do nota 5/5

+ - !



Apr. 14, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Needs badges

+ - !



Apr. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Apr. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Great game Devs! - Would it be possible to add a Queue for training? Cause here I am at work.. login in every hour or so. Not playing, just training a new skill.

+ - !


Developer response from cybersports

This is something we intend on looking at. Thanks for the feedback :)


Apr. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) @ Davor149 also when you first create your character there should be different classes for def Mid and Attack so as a defender for exampl you would start with better tackling and so on

+ - !



Apr. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Well,this game needs more training;for example,reaching level 20 ( or 10) that you should train 2 stuff,then level 40 (if going with 20 first) 3 stuff,and so on.

+ - !


Developer response from cybersports

This is an idea that we're certainly going to investigate in doing


Apr. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) @ majic286 that will probably come with achievments

+ - !


Developer response from cybersports

We're starting work on the achievements in the next week, stay tuned!


Apr. 12, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) The pro tips claim that if you score an hatrick in any match you get a special trophy, how come i didn't receive one?

+ - !



Apr. 11, 2012

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Apr. 11, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) What is the point of a register later button if you can't do anything without registering?

+ - !


Developer response from cybersports

You shouldn't be seeing that screen, the login should be transparent and you should just straight to the avatar create. please refresh your browser and try again

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