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Mar. 10, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Once upon a time there were 2 wizards and a knight, when they grew up the knight was stabbing both of them and it glitched and in the end there was a seizure

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Mar. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Once upon a time, there was a beautiful young girl. She lived a sad life while the prince brothers lived a wonderful life. So she resented royalty, and ended up becoming an evil enchantress. When they grew up, one of the brothers was chilling in a cage while the other killed the enchantress. In the end... incest. Male-to-male incest. :D

+ - !



Mar. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Warning: Placing the evil warlock at the end of the hero's sword may cause epileptic shock.

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Mar. 04, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Once upon a time, a prince and princess became knights and found a guy randomly sitting in an enclosed cage. They later let him out. THE END

+ - !



Feb. 24, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) once upon time, 2 tiny cute boys playing at he grass, and the hot mean girl play at the sand.10000000000000000000000 years ago, the hot girl turn in to a sexy evil woman. so she kidnap one of those boys and put the boy at the zoo monkey cage. then one of the boys kill the sexy woman. now the 2 boys fall in love. (:

+ - !



Feb. 24, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) once upon a time a girl became a knight and she said lol. the end

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Feb. 21, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) once upon a time the game doesn't work the end

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Feb. 20, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I just found a somewhat seizure inducing glitch!

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Feb. 18, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

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Feb. 18, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) once upon a time there were a princess and a prince who lived to a castle with beautiful green grass, on the other side there was a boy who lived in a small nipa hut with no grass. when they grew up the boy captured the princess and locked her in a cage the princess screamed "HELP!" then the brave prince heard the princess screaming for help. the brave prince went to the evil sorcerer's dark castle. when the brave prince killed the evil sorcerer the sorcer screamed in great pain when the brave prince's sword entered his body "OW!" the evil sorerer screamed when he died. the princess and the prince lived happily ever after. THE END!

+ - !



Feb. 09, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Once upon a time there were 3 happy children. A girl and 2 boys. When they grew up the 2 boys were knights and the girl was a princess. She was locked in a cage. They saved her and then she loved them. But the boys were sad. The girl realized that they didn't like her, so she broke up with them. The boys got angry and moved away to another country. Apparently that particular country was where Jason lived. Jason killed them. When the girl heard the news, she decided the still loved them and commited suicide. The End.

+ - !



Feb. 08, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Once upon a time, there was a rich dude and 2 poor kids. when they grow up, the poor kids became evil sorcer but the rich dude became a knight and caged them. at the end, the two sorcer felled in love with the rich dude who tried to hide out of the screen

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) put the guys on the palace the girl poor then one guy on the cage the girl becomes witch and the other knight who kills her in the end the 2 guys fall in love

+ - !



Feb. 02, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) LOL Once upon a time there were two boys and a girl very poor. When they grew up the boy was locked in purple, but his brave brother fought with the evil girl. She was defeated and died, and the two brothers fell in love with each other. THE END. What the two brothers at the end is true, you try it! LOL

+ - !



Jan. 31, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) once opon a time there is a cave where magic is created some call it the valley of the fallen kings but its most known as the crystal cave. then there is a great kingdom called camelot, aurthur the king of camelot now he came. merlin! king aurthur didnt know that merlin have magic and now merlin defends the lands from the evil saxons in a kingdom. morgne the sister of aurthur and the leader of the saxons spread evil from the land now one great battle between saxons and camelonians. merlin got to the crystal cave to get his drained mgic back now when he got his powers back it was reaveled that merlin is emyris now he defeated the saxons and the saxons reatreted now the battle is won... to be continiue

+ - !



Jan. 27, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) once upon a time there were 3 heros and 2 heros were captured by the invisible man finally he rescued them with his sword pointing at a castle,the end

+ - !



Jan. 21, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Once upon a time, there was a prince, he was an only child and was very shy. One day he saw a brother and sister playing in the village. He wanted to play with them. but his father the king, never allowed him to play with them, he said they were "filthy and poor". The young boy, knew, in his heart, his father was wrong! And so one day he went out side, and met them. the girl was nice and talked to him, the brother on the other hand, disliked the prince and banned his twin sister from ever talking to the 'royal pain' ever again. As the years went by the prince met up with his old friend again, she was matured and they fell madly in love, they soon married and became king & queen. As soon as the wicked brother (who now was a warlock) heard this, he quickly captured both of them and killed them. Even though, both died, you can still hear a faint sound of them calling out each other's names every night.

+ - !



Jan. 21, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Once upon a time, The screens flashed,the knight killed him. Then he was alive. Then the knight killed him. Then he was alive. ang again and again and again. Then Schrodinger laughed.

+ - !



Jan. 20, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Once upon a time... there was 3 rich bros.... But then... When they grew up... for some reason they standed next for a random castle inside a cell and they died. In the end, every one died cuz no one saved'em

+ - !



Jan. 20, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) once upon a time 3 friends were playng,he girl learned satanic arts and kidnapped his boyfriend,his best friend killed her now the 2 boys are gay an live in her past castle

+ - !



Jan. 11, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Once upon a time, there were three well-off people. When they grew up, the men locked the girl in a cage to win her in a duel within a time limit. They both lost as they were exceeding the time limit, and... The Clouds Of Shame follow them around (except the girl) forever...Even though the weather still looks cheerful...So are the clouds... The End.

+ - !



Jan. 10, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Once upon a time there were these two rich kids who grew up to become knights. They randomly decapitated this one guy for dressing up like an evil wizard and having an evil-looking castle then sat on his gravestone. And they all lived happily ever after.

+ - !



Jan. 10, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Once upon a time, three rich villagers, two boys and one girl, turned into knights, but they don't found an evil wizard to fight, so they decided to die in a cage. the girl and one of the boys were buried together and now they don't give a sh*t for the other boy. The End.

+ - !



Jan. 05, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) To get the good ending: Once upon a time there were a princess and the king, the guy with a purple cape and a poor villager, the poor villager always hated the princess, so he trapped her into a cage, but the king killed the poor villager, and everyone was happy! :D

+ - !



Dec. 30, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Once upon a time there were three children,two boys and one girl. the girl became evil and caught a boy and put him in a cage.the other boy became a knight and killed her.both the boys fell in love with each other and got married. THE END LOL

+ - !



Dec. 30, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Here's another one Once upon a time two friends and the Princess (Which was actually a CRAZY WIZARD) And when they grew up One of them Killed the WICKEDLY INSANE CRAZY Princess and restored peace to the land The End

+ - !



Dec. 30, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Once Upon a time there were Three friends When they grew up they went on an Epic adventure to destroy an Evil wizard in the land but they were caught and killed The end

+ - !



Dec. 27, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) once apon a time there were three children,2 boys one princess but the princess's dad died,then one became a sorcerer and the princess killed him and she and the good one married eachother and they lived happily ever after

+ - !



Dec. 25, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Once upon a time there were three little villagers, when they grew up.... they got trapped in a cage, THE END

+ - !



Dec. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) once upon a time: 2 rich brothers and 1 poor glitched girl whem they grew up one of the brothers got jailed by the glitched girl and them the another brother back stabed the glitched girl the girl lived again and got back stabed again and lived again and got back stabed again and the jailed brother got cursed by the glitched girl and he dies and live and dies and live LOL

+ - !



Dec. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Once upon a time... there was 3 friends...Timmeh and Luceh were siblings...little Timmeh ventured into a cave, when they grew up... He captured his sister cuz she wouldnt let him use her Ipad. Jimmeh cut off Timmeh's head. Then Jimmeh and Luceh made love on his grave XD

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Dec. 16, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Or: once upon a time 3 well off people grew up together, they were captured and killed by a mage, the graves of the 2 males fell in love. Because stone does that sometimes

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Dec. 16, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Once upon a time there was a princess and 2 other people who grew up together, when they grew up the princess saved them from an evil mage. In the end the 2 guys fell in love and the princess fell into depression.

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Dec. 15, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Once upon a time, two noble boys became squires and begun to fall in love with each other. A poor girl who didn't like boys should be together called upon the dark powers to make them suffer. She kidnapped one of the two boys intent on forcing him into a proper marriage in the eyes of her dark god. The other boy took up a sword and managed to slay the witch by catching her off guard and stabbing her in the back. He rescued his boyfriend and the two live happily ever after.

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Dec. 10, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Once upon a time, there were three royal siblings. When they grew up, they ran around evil castles playing with cages. Then they went home and sat around. The end.

+ - !



Dec. 08, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Once apon a time, there was a queen next to two boys in a poor village. Then the girl killed one and kept on flashing between killing the other. Her eyebrows flipped out at this strange conundrum. Then, the castle kept going from dark to good, and she blinked fast, and the only one grave was the same.

+ - !



Dec. 07, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Do you like my story?

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Dec. 07, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Once upon a time there was a girl who fell in love a very handsome boy. However, there was another boy who was jealous. The 1 boy was so jealous that he became a evil wizard and kidnapped the handsome boy. The girl was mad and became a knight and killed the evil wizard. The handsome boy fell in love with the girl they lived happily ever after. The End!

+ - !



Nov. 26, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Once upon a time, there were two bestest friends in the whol universe the played and played all day but there was an unhappy boy near the two best friends the boy always wanted to play bet he never had the couradge to ask. when they grew up the unhappy boy became an evil wizard and kidnapped the boy so he could be the girls bestest friend but when she found out that he kidnapped her bestest friend she killed the evil wizar saved her best frend and after a few months they got married and lived happily ever after. the end

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Nov. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) If I get the blinking screen the guys end up with thick eyebrows!

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Nov. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) But it really did almost cause me a seisure

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Nov. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Once upon a time therewas a very spoiled red haired prince. He drank kool aid and ate bon bons all day. But one day he only recieved only 99 bon bons instead of his usual 100, so he ran away. Once outside he saw 2 poor kids living i a cave. He fell in love with the girl. He became a wizard and kidnapped the girl. The the boy killed the wizard, somehow casing me a seisure. THE END!

+ - !



Nov. 21, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) once upon a time there was a girl who loved a boy and his brother loved the girl so the girl became evil and hot and the dude who was in lovejoined her they then locked up the brother and burned him alive then married and became evil overlords the end

+ - !



Nov. 18, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Once upon a time, there was a rich boy and a rich girl. And there was a sad hobo boy. Then when they grew up, the rich boy got trapped and the hobo turned evil and the rich girl became a warrior. But then the evil guy was getting the sword stabbed in and out so the world was happy and sad every millisecond.

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Nov. 15, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Once upon a time, the game glitched up with a flashing end.

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Nov. 10, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) gr8 game...

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Nov. 10, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Once upon a time, a princess became an evil sorcerer and the two brothers became incestuous lovers after killing the girl. <3

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Nov. 02, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) once upon a time, there were two boys and a girl that was the daughter and the son of a king & queen. the girl was abandoned to her mom & dad. when they grew up the girl became evil then she caged the 1st guy. the 2nd guy was trained to be a knight. the knight entered to the lair, then he saw the 1st guy. he was trying to free him but it was locked. he saw a key then he was trying to get the key but he is caught by a villain. the knight stabbed the villain to the heart then the villain died. the knight took the key, unlocked the cage, freed his brother then they escaped the lair and go to the castle. their mom & dad saw the gravestone that they killed their only daughter. the parents got sad and they got mad to their sons. they punish the sons to look gays. weeks later the 1st boy became a boy again then he saw the gay. they didnt know each other but during the time passes they slowly became in a relationship until they marry each other.

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Oct. 29, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) its so weird. I put a boy in the cage and put the girl in the yellow part in the begginning... then they love each other???? BLEUGH! THAT is sooooooooo gay

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Oct. 29, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) once upon a time there was a castle and a place that would make you evil instantly! a princess and 2 guys lived in the castle the 2 guys went for PIE. but the princess betrayed them she went to the other land when they grew up the two boys became a knight and had to kill the princess the princess said she made a cave and spelled it out saying cbz! the 2nd boy whispered she doesnt even know how to spell cave the princess put him in a cage then the 1st boy stabbed her and freed his freind and since they were gay the fell in love and played ewith the princesses grave the end

+ - !


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