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Sep. 21, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Q, I also don't see kiran. i saw him for a while a week ago or so, but he disappeared again. I know his votes jumped from 34 to 41 in the period I coudl see his name, so it might be a wider problem.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Yeah, that's new. I don't see him either now. The stalkers seem to be modifying the code in minor ways now. I'll fix it before long.


Sep. 21, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Just how "interesting" did you just make the game Q? 5 disasters...

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Well, I didn't choose the number specifically or anything.


Sep. 21, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) @delos, i used to be able to see kiran, but now i cant because mothra has pushed him off screen

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

no... mothra was there before. I think the stalkers might have done something. They've actually been modifying the code lately.


Sep. 21, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Hey Q, if I pay you 5 bucks through paypal, can I be made into a lobbyist? I hear that you aren't just "handing out" lobbyist stuff anymore.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

lol... no. It has nothing to do with money.


Sep. 21, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) If kiran doesn't win speaker, can we at least have a Nazi party?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford



Sep. 21, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) 0/5 can't see kiran on the voting screen.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Seems most everyone else can, what with all the votes he has. Maybe you need to get the right fonts for the game to display properly.


Sep. 21, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) The game is down...

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Game's never down. Ask around for the real explanation since it seems you're new.


Sep. 21, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Q, perhaps the server is getting DDOS'd now? Because instead of timing out once for a long time, it times out like every 5 minutes briefly or some weird thing.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Can't say it isn't happening.


Sep. 21, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Im starting, the game seem to be pretty cool, but very complex!

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

It is, but you'll get used to it before long.


Sep. 21, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Also, there's a wild fire too? Is it the end of the world?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford



Sep. 21, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) A riot, tornado, an outbreak, and a flood at the same time? That can't be from just pure luck

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

You are correct. The game seemed to be getting a bit too easy.


Sep. 21, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) For some reason, whenever I investigate in accordance with Deep Throat's suggestions, I get a gray screen, which forces me to refresh te page, and after doing so, th investigation fails to start. So here's the question: is it a problem on my side, and what can I do about this?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

So have you ever seen a player with a name that's all numbers?


Sep. 21, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) @KillerOfU33 The Lobby is in the beta and you have to have an invite to be able to play it. But it will be released to public soon as I heard.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

The Lobby is nearly code-complete for what I'm planning to have in before the public launch. That means there's nothing but content generation left, and the release is imminent.


Sep. 21, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) for some reason 3 of my skullduggery activities triggered a day early, which potential cost me a lot of money. Is this an intended feature or stalker related?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

hard to say. There's a random time element to certain missions, so make sure you watch the bars on the mission status section instead of relying on the time it gives in the mission description. That's the base time, which is randomly modified.


Sep. 21, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) So what's the whole lobbyist thing. How would one become a lobbyist? Do you have to be ct4 and have people backing you up?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

The Lobby is a separate game, and trying to explain everything about it in a comment response wouldn't really be possible. Please go to and read the sections under The Lobby if you'd like to know more about the game.


Sep. 20, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Got my first hate mail, cool.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yeah


Sep. 20, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Holy shit delos. Don't you think 5 disasters is a bit much?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

I didn't really decide there'd be 5, specifically.


Sep. 20, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) 5 disasters in one day? why?!

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

well, I kind of increased the trigger chance by 10 for a day.


Sep. 20, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Whoa, a wildfire, flood, new disease, riot, and a tornado happened in just a day. We're f*cked up :/

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

maybe it's the rapture or something


Sep. 20, 2014

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Soooo you never got back to me about whether or not you wanted the emails that irrevocably refute all of your comments.


Sep. 20, 2014

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

The existing downside of a speaker that does nothing for a month has been plenty to stop this from happening so far. The problem is that salaries are obscenely high, so players with no real investment in the game state are throwing around assassinations at visible targets with no real rhyme or reason. It's a transient problem.


Sep. 20, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) ApexGladius, what's wrong with squirrels?

+ - !



Sep. 19, 2014

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Everything works fine at this point... not really sure what you're talking about.


Sep. 19, 2014

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Uh... no?


Sep. 19, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) When no bill filter is active, we see no bills at all.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

This doesn't happen. Looks like the stalkers upvoted the comment I didn't respond to in a sad attempt to slander the game.


Sep. 19, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Did the game crash or is it just the alliance between Azkaban, Mordor and Al Qaeda stalking again?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Well, the game has literally never crashed. Would you like to see the emails from the hosting company where they admit this is entirely their servers doing it?


Sep. 19, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) so our house rep is a corpse on a chair and the two leading runner ups for replacing him are assassinated yet set to win.... ...Last week, On the Clouting dead...

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

This is what happens when you give everyone 200k/wk.


Sep. 18, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) @Trances, Maybe there wasn't any relics left in the pool?

+ - !



Sep. 18, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Are relics chance based each binary passed/defeated? Because the establish carbon tax didn't proffer one.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Binaries don't always give relics


Sep. 18, 2014

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from delosford



Sep. 18, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Wow, a fortnight ago.We communists had the president, vice president and most of the VIPs as one of us, now everything has changed

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Well, can't have everything staying the same in office forever.


Sep. 18, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) I love devs that take so much care to answer every comment no matter how silly it might be! Seriously, my heart almost grows in size when I play their games!!

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Thanks for saying so!


Sep. 17, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) You definitely shouldn't use it as a high school on kong. It will be used by people (including myself) to find targets to investigate.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford



Sep. 17, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) So do these abilities ever work more than 100-200 points of 'DAMAGE' or what?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Please read the help files for a detailed description of ability play strength.


Sep. 17, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Hey, I've got a little problem. Just bought Research today. Then I put up a Economic Stimulus program, played 10 times on it. I found that I couldn't play Research Committee on it, or any other bill. Any reason why I can't?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Are you getting some kind of message in your log?


Sep. 17, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) QJ_Jones has lost his death ray, We don´t have to do what he says anymore...

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

I think you mean OJ_Jones.


Sep. 17, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) What can I do with these four Very Fancy Pens I'm holding? Can I hold two in each hand or something?

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

I guess I should give those a value so you can pawn them at least.


Sep. 16, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) I believe someone claimed to have been able to call a conference committee on a bill that was over-sighted, leading people to believe that there was an exploit. The person who did it claimed he did so by editing the client-side html to enable committees, which seems like it's something that would not be allowed.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Yeah, there's protections in place against that sort of thing. You can change whatever you want in the interface, but the same validation occurs on the back-end so it doesn't matter. You'll just get a hacking message.


Sep. 16, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Two in game features that you should add: 1. Something that shows the total amount of money spent on drugs by congressmen. 2. Something that shows how much money you've spent on drugs (after you die or get unelected).

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

This is certainly something I could add. Maybe it can be a high score? Though I'm not entirely sure Kong would appreciate that.


Sep. 16, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) It seems that you do have some evidence that they've been harassing you, and you said they've harassed your friends and family too, so why don't you report it and have them arrested.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

I've reported them repeatedly to the police. They just pull the same tactics with the police, which is followed by the police doing nothing. The FBI has been able to do more, but they're limited to federal crimes, which when it comes to computers has some specific requirements.


Sep. 16, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Ideas:Left/Right Scroll bar for voting page, make sets so you can switch all of your items out for different ones at the click of a button, a bill filter that shows bills you can play on without the clout tier penalty, a post feed that shows things from all posts you have access to in chronological order (including PAC).

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Voting page doesn't need scrollbars. Item sets are not actually useful, but powergamers think they are. The game does not support powergaming, whether or not it's actually effective. You can search for bills without a CT penalty by searching by CT. I'm not really sure that the conglomerated post would be useful.


Sep. 16, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) I have a question what happens to custom item tokens when you are assassinated or unelected? Also there is a pricing inconsistency with the custom body slot items if you buy a Custom Item Token (Any Slot) , Item Upgrade Token (Body Slot) then a Item Upgrade Token (T2->T3) it only costs 30 kreds total where as when you buy either a Custom Item Token (Body Slot) and a Item Upgrade Token (T2->T3) or T3 Custom Item Token (Body Slot) it costs 40 kreds total.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Custom items behave just like normal items in that regard. And yes, there is.


Sep. 16, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) @delos that's a bill that's in committee with overview on it. That shouldn't be possible.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Or it is but you don't know how.


Sep. 16, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) i emailed the hosts and in their reply email they called me "bazooka". i think you need hosts with a better grip on reality.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

They all seem to have a tenuous grasp on reality, though this one does seem exceptionally interesting in that department. They still insist to this day that changing the amount of RAM on the server fixed everything (despite the fact that the problems continued happening immediately afterwards until they fixed something completely different on THEIR server. I provide them proof of this by their company's own admission and they still claim the RAM fixed everything.)


Sep. 16, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) i think killer is referring to the fact that a bill which has been oversighted is under a conference committee

+ - !


Developer response from delosford



Sep. 15, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Server came back up and stress and stats ticked, but we didn't get our salaries.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

The stalkers manually shut down the server just before the scripts were to run so I would have to run them manually. It's very obviously not a crash.


Sep. 15, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Server crashed at 00:00:00.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

The server has never crashed. Here's a log file:,mL1SSKm#0 . As you can see, the server did not crash. It just shut off. Normally the random Facebook graph timeouts aen't there, but as you can see from the second image: they're just intermittent http request timeouts, and they don't affect the server (you'd see some error message about kernel panic or something in the log if it was causing a crash. The complete lack of such messages means the server did not crash and was shut down manually. Not to mention the hosting company admits there's no explanation.). And as a side note: why in the world are you telling me the server has been shut down in the comments? It's a completely useless action. Use that time to go after Alfred Haddad and Matt Perault, gather information on them, and give it to me. That's how you fix things.


Sep. 15, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) "wouldent you like a brand new ferrari? sure so would i, but most of cant afford one. in a simaller vien, we cant afford to (or not to, of you play "claim fiscal infeasability for the bill) pass this bill." thats why i go with a shevee corvette.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford



Sep. 15, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Delos, fix your game. I broke it ez pz

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

So your evidence that the game is "broken" is a single bill row that looks completely fine? Good to know the game still never breaks, because I'm that good of a programmer.


Sep. 15, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) It'd be cool if CC could become the default, because currently it's really easy to accidentally screw over a bill and I've had it happen before.

+ - !


Developer response from delosford

Paying attention is awesome

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