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Jul. 30, 2020

Under rating threshold (show) this game definitely need hotkeys

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) The only reason for their ridiculously high tea consumption (and they anger when they don't get their precious little drink) I can think of: somebody confused my tea supply with my opium supply.

+ - !



Feb. 11, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) YES! I WIN THANKS TO : "The instructions are rather misleading, given the way the final score is calculated. It's actually not at all about making your fortune; it's the amount of crates you've traded that really matters. If you have spare money, just buy/sell a lot to raise you statistics, even if it makes no sense from economical point of view. Making profit is a secondary goal, or more of a mean to keep you going. Large quantity deals should be a priority." AND "There is only one way to win - watch all of the trends and don't be surprised if you are expected to buy tea at 50-70 while also buying opium at 12-17 and selling at 70-99." TL;DR: Dont worry about making a profit, just make sure you can buy enough to sell. Profit doesn't matter in the end. My score: 137,098,120 Also, don't buy more than once without buying the other or clicking a trade route.

+ - !



Oct. 03, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) A game about selling opium in order to buy tea named "High Tea". Well played, developer, well played.

+ - !



Apr. 12, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Wait. If you lose, opium trading becomes legal? ... Well, it's a happy ending.

+ - !



Nov. 02, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Tips for getting the hard badge: 1. Score is based on the amount of crates sold and shipped, so always aim for transactions where you buy or sell large amounts at a time even if you're doing so at a bit of a loss. 2. Ignore transactions worth only a few crates after the first year or two. Visiting a port too often makes it risky and it's better to avoid that as long as possible. 3. Don't be afraid to go for a good deal in a risky port if you have spare money to afford a fine and/or have more ships than you need. If you don't have five boats you always get a new one whenever your tea arrives in England, so if a boat gets caught between orders just surrender it since you'll just turn around and get a new one anyway. As long as you have two or three boats you're fine.

+ - !



Feb. 04, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Let me buy 200, 300 hell, i would buy 500 crates when the prices are good. I couldn't do it because buying 30 crates at a time just isn't fast enough to buy 650 of em before British get their panties in a twist.

+ - !



Feb. 10, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I think, I'd like a cup of tea. But it HAS to be from china, and bought with money from opium trading. No other tea will suffice. That is all.

+ - !



Feb. 09, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Never thought I'd have that much fun selling tea.

+ - !



May. 28, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) The most important thing to do in order to complete this game is to take larger deals even if they are less vaulable, as this builds up the addiction rate. If you get that high enough you'll have so many orders flooding in towards the end that you'll be making a fortune. So long as you are turning enough of a profit to keep meeting the increasing demand of course.

+ - !



Aug. 30, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) 116.9M Points. Buying everything below $55, sell to any above $55, take no risks -- stockpiles are good. Last shipment, buy tea at any price -- time is the limiter not funds. When you only have one or two ships, pick ports close to the bottom, unless the top has a great deal: $80-90/crate, 20+ crates.

+ - !



Jan. 01, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Got the hard badge with 92.5M pts. Tips: buy and sell as much as possible including taking bad deals and risky deals. At the beginning buy up to about 100 opium first to get adequate capital before you waste it on tea. Aim for the large volume deals even if profit is not huge. If caught I've mostly forfeited except once when you should use your bribe card, bribe card no longer works if you don't use it by about 2/3. If you have a lot of money or not enough ships it might be better to pay. Towards the 3/4 mark there is a deal that halves your opium supply so keep selling it off before that. Buying in large quantities jacks up the price but it also tends to come down if it hits the top so don't worry about stocking up when things are relatively cheap. I find waiting a second or two before the next buy seems to delay the price rises.. Thumbs up if you find this useful.

+ - !



May. 10, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) If I had all that opium, why would I trade it for tea?

+ - !



May. 10, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I will never understand how England gets away with FREE TEA.

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I would make two suggestions. 1. The ability to buy more than 30 units of product at one time. It would be much easier if I could by 100 or so crates of opium or tea if I had the money for it. 2. The ability to sell a ship when you want. That would be helpful and add new strategies to the game.

+ - !



Feb. 03, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) Good difficulty and pretty educational. I could feel the panic of the traders. They didn't care about opium addiction or the morality of what they were doing, they simply had to buy as much tea as they could! And fast! Very nice game. I had fun. :)

+ - !



Sep. 17, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) British Senator: My Queen, our people are going obsessed with tea. Should we do something? Queen: NO!!!! I NEED MOAR TEA! British Senator: But our shipper is going bankrupt... Queen: Screw him!

+ - !



Feb. 16, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) You need to get a variety of rewards for meeting your orders, instead of just a new ship every time. I find that fourth ship doesn't make a large difference, what with the number of risky ports you have to manage. Some rewards that should be in the mix (other than just some straight-up silver): Another Bribe Card, higher buy maximums, -faster- ships, a slower good will meter... just something different. As it is, after the fifth ship (fourth order), you get nothing, other than a reminder that demand has increased.

+ - !



Feb. 13, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) best way to get hard badge is to set a 'profit margin' i.e. buy opium whenever its forty or below and sell when its 41 or above, since your ultimate score isn't based on money made (and selling as often as possible nets you a higher over all profit as opposed to waiting for the 99$ shipments) but on how much tea and opium you ship; buy tea when its low although to achieve some of the last shipments you basically need the funds to keep buying no matter what the selling price is, finally when you have a bribe card you should ALWAYS go for the risky ports, because it becomes useless after a certain amount of years anyway might as well make the most of it. otherwise the occasional trip to a risky port isn't bad and usually great money, just try not to visit the same one multiple times, because after that initial visit, the chances of getting caught rise dramatically each subsequent visit. (also please + this comment if it helps you)

+ - !



Dec. 20, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) in wat world does tea cost more than opium?

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Jun. 29, 2020

Under rating threshold (show) Gotta love how my profit breaks through the floor in the last 2 years.

+ - !



Nov. 17, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) another quik calculation, my 2760 crates made 552 billion cups of tea. That's 20 million cups per crate. Either they had some very large crates or some really weak tea!

+ - !



May. 10, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) From a simply laidback game to really intense at the end. Loved it!

+ - !



Sep. 17, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Great game!

+ - !



Jul. 14, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) This is game is really fun, but after a while it just becomes impossible. I mean, 30 crates at a time? They wanted 570 in like 3 minutes. Chill out you greedy Brits. They should add more realism to the game, and expand on it some more. Good concept.

+ - !



Feb. 11, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) i have never been so sympathetic to drug dealers.

+ - !



Feb. 10, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) nice game, but gets easy once you get moving. 4/5. as for tips... buy ALL THE TIME. as long as you can make profit off opium, its worth buying. so anytime its less than 55 is ideal to buy. as for tea, in the beginning you can get buy just buying it when its really cheap, and when it is; stock up a lot. there were times when i was buying tea even though i already had enough for the next order. any time its under 30 is a must, under 50 later on. eventually, for the last levels, you must be buying opium so frenetically that youre going to have to start forking 60 to maybe even 80 for tea for the last few orders.

+ - !



Jan. 01, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Yes, surprisingly fun. This game does a great job of balancing frantic risk and abandon - with cautious resource management and restraint. I was at 690 of 720 tea and the deal for my last 30 was 90% done when my game ended. My score was almost 82 million and I lost by 1 second. :P~ One change request though. The popup messages from the British captain (when you're given a new ship) obscure the ports at the bottom of the screen. Can you add a pause + OK like the other info messages, or reduce the popup window size?

+ - !



Apr. 10, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) I've slayed dragons...conquered worlds....destroyed many alien civilizations.Now? Now i'm a drug smuggler!!! EXCELLENT!!!

+ - !



Feb. 10, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) How could the tea trade be bankrupting Great Britain when they don't pay for their tea?

+ - !



Feb. 16, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) To beat the game, you need to ship 2820 crates of tea. To score 80 mil, this means you need to move at least, 2837 crates of opium. In order to easily achieve this, it will benefit you to sweat out the Brits when you can afford to early on (don't have enough tea until mood is ~%15). This allows you to buy and sell more opium and build up your silver reserve. Doing this can yield up to 40000 in silver easily saved up with around 500 crates of opium on reserve. Then towards the later years, you can buy and sell opium at whatever price just to try and meet the amount of crates required to hit the 80 mil score. Using this method got me a top score of 120,054,000. Rate up if this works for you.

+ - !



Jul. 30, 2020

Under rating threshold (show) Didn't this just have Botd?

+ - !



Jul. 09, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) 3054 opuim crates = 306 million opium users. Considering the fact that the Chinese population circa 1850 was 450 million, I have gotten at least 60% of all the Chinese (women and children included) perpetually stoned. Wow.

+ - !



Jul. 15, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) I lost the game right after clicking the last buy on the tea and the bar stopped at 80 percent. What kind of torture is that? 5 Stars! Loved it!

+ - !



Feb. 15, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) I finally won. I've been playing this game since it came out, and today I won. I feel sad, but so so happy.

+ - !



Jan. 28, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I get 93,784,800 points scored on the time I lose the game. Interesting. Enjoyed this game though, going into my favorites.

+ - !



Apr. 30, 2019

Under rating threshold (show) It would be nice to see the progress towards each badge within the game to see when to stop playing in case someone just wants to get the easy badge or the medium badge instead of playing until it's game over.

+ - !



Jan. 01, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) This was a surprisingly fun game to play. I went in just going for the Badge of the Day, thinking it was going to be boring. I really enjoyed it. As with everyone else, though, I couldn't get the hard badge since you can only buy 30 tea at a time. When prices skyrocket, there's no possible way of filling the order like you're expected to. There's a difference between difficult and impossible. Being able to buy 45 or 50 at a time would be great.

+ - !



Sep. 19, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Price of opium is 11 coins? Alright! *price skyrockets to 81 as I click the 60 button* FFFFUUUUUUUUU

+ - !



Feb. 04, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) there's no way to restart or go back to the main menu or something. basically needs something to end the game. i started and stared at the controls and stuff for about a minute then realised the time was ticking down and i couldn't restart =x

+ - !



Jul. 30, 2020

Under rating threshold (show) @AriellaY - I'm pretty sure that's the joke. They mention the Opium Wars and other history tidbits at the end of the game.

+ - !



Jul. 28, 2020

Under rating threshold (show) You don't need to win the game for the hard badge, just survive long enough to lose to the final order of 720 crates of tea. That way you have enough time to gain points by buying and selling opium. Try not to miss out on selling to any non-risky ports. You don't need to make profits from opium because you can still gain points by breaking even or even making a loss. Make just enough profit to satisfy the tea requirement. For risky ports, however, only sell once you have enough ships or a bribe card and can gain a huge profit (many crates and 90+ silver per crate). I got 115m points by doing as mentioned. :)

+ - !



Nov. 25, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) What I would like to see: - The ability to cancel an order I accidentally clicked on before the ship reaches the destination. - Be able to sell ships at any time, not only when poor. - PLEASE be able to buy more tea/opium! The sections should be something like "10, 30, 50, 100" instead of "5, 15, 30" + so the developers will see.

+ - !



May. 10, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Regarding mantil's comment, how could you possibly have any competitors when you are giving the tea away for free? I'm pretty sure this guy has cornered the market.

+ - !



Feb. 11, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Doesnt anyone else wanna know what the captain must have done to put him in a situation where he owes britain a never ending supply of tea which they dont have to pay him for?

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May. 12, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) If I'm a British merchant, why is my cash measured in $s ?

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Apr. 03, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Why do the British want tea when they can have opium to be happy?

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Jul. 30, 2020

Under rating threshold (show) This game just had badge of the day one month ago

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Feb. 13, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) oh I just love it when you sell 37 opium crates for $99 each..

+ - !



May. 22, 2019

Under rating threshold (show) would be nice if you could cancel opium sales. I keep clicking on the the risky ones accidentally and can't take it back.

+ - !


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