Under rating threshold (hideshow)
...the game doesn't save. I was halfway to the Hard badge and had to restart my computer. Won't be going for that badge now.
Under rating threshold (hideshow)
Under rating threshold (hideshow)
Under rating threshold (hideshow)
Platinum is how it's meant to be played? No thanks. There's no good way other than massive trial and error to get a feel for how far the ball will go and how gravity will affect it or not. The planets are trampolines where a bounce turns off gravity so it goes toward another planet. Cool idea but this wasn't that fun. It's hard to actually get the ball to orbit a planet.
Under rating threshold (hideshow)
Use it. ||L||w,1,400,289,180,w,0,327,289,180|366,349,100,0,0,255,p,0,82,255,48,367,229,100,140,0,255,p,178,0,255,11,173,296,186,0,0,0,s,0,0,0,0|366|290||
Under rating threshold (hideshow)
If you want to rack up miles: ||R||p,208,412,1,0,p,178,412,1,0,p,152,401,1,0,p,383,352,1,0,p,384,282,1,0,p,345,315,1,0,p,308,349,1,0,p,310,279,1,0,p,567,316,1,0,p,535,271,1,0,p,555,290,1,0,p,236,404,1,0,p,570,343,1,0|198,316,137,208,27,31,p,170,0,0,7,487,341,121,82,191,68,p,0,0,0,6|457.3|276.55|375|310||
Under rating threshold (hideshow)
Under rating threshold (hideshow)
the gravity seems to be random? sometimes a planet will have minimal gravitation pull, and sometimes it will have major gravitational pull... (on the same level)
Under rating threshold (hideshow)
I just earned 7 achievements in 1 shot.
(In case you're impatient, I ended with 131,456 points... orbit OP!)
Under rating threshold (hideshow)
LOOOL xD dat was like infinity ||R|1,386,107,180,1,322,136,168,1,262,166,140,1,208,218,128,2,1,-172,0|p,272,443,1,0,p,197,443,1,0,p,139,423,1,0,p,272,207,1,0,p,300,233,1,0,p,347,409,1,0,p,372,319,1,0,p,327,263,1,0,p,136,221,1,0,p,109,289,1,0,p,99,363,1,0,p,351,289,1,0,p,549,229,1,0,p,533,261,1,0,p,502,286,1,0,p,553,192,1,0|459,196,126,255,255,0,p,96,167,0,37,193,344,126,8,107,255,p,255,255,255,4|459|121.7|367|89||
Under rating threshold (hideshow)
There needs to be an option to turn off that dumb bar on the bottom popping up, i don't know how many times it popped up in the middle of a putt and made my ball fire off before i was done lining it up. or at least let me zoom out so the planets aren't riding the edge of the screen.
Under rating threshold (hideshow)
the ball is under the menu thing on the bottom of the game screen and i can't grab the ball because it's under the replay code button.
Under rating threshold (hideshow)
||R|1,386,107,180,1,322,136,168,1,262,166,140,1,208,218,128,2,1,-172,0|p,272,443,1,0,p,197,443,1,0,p,139,423,1,0,p,272,207,1,0,p,300,233,1,0,p,347,409,1,0,p,372,319,1,0,p,327,263,1,0,p,136,221,1,0,p,109,289,1,0,p,99,363,1,0,p,351,289,1,0,p,549,229,1,0,p,533,261,1,0,p,502,286,1,0,p,553,192,1,0|459,196,126,255,255,0,p,96,167,0,37,193,344,126,8,107,255,p,255,255,255,4|523.85|161.1|515.1|83.8|| - This has some style!