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Badage of the day: "Greetings from Space" 500 Units Killed is done at mission 3 wave 4/10
Hint: only upgrade youre 1. cannon to 7 and armor reduce to 2 ;-)
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Yeah, for whatever reason I'm not being allowed to play the game- can I get the bonus points of the day for free then?
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Good HUD. Tells you everything you need to no, none of that silly glancing at individual icons to know when a weapon is prepared.
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Worked yesterday, glad I got the daily badge then. Wanted to get the others today - too many people playing it, or something?
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Unstable game.
Somehow i "unlocked" the wasp while changing levels so it never gave me the screen to put the starter points on it.(aka never got to use it) I was able to almost get through 4 with out it but just not enough firepower.
The very strange energy generation method added to the restrictive way to upgrade made it so i just couldn't care enough to keep trying. Concept is good, but this game just feels like it was given up on.
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I had the black screen before too. Tried clearing cache and refreshing. Browser cannot have anything else on other tabs for me, in order for it to work.
As for the badge... there is no counter that's visible. When you get 500, it will tell you in game (achievement in game) which gets translated to badge in Kong.
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I don't understand one thing... With combustion obviously working on the planet, and all the explosions, it's clear, that this planet has an atmosphere. Most probably also a magnetic field.
So how come the only survivor is on an orbital station that is *NOT* shielded by the atmosphere and magnetic field?