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Comments for Monsters' Den: Book of Dread

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May. 21, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) You have to use a Portal Scroll each time you want to go to the shop, and if you get enoguh money you can buy the "Emporium Preferred Customer Badge", which will allow you to teleport to the shop once per level. It costs a lot though, but worth it if you have trouble getting scrolls.

+ - !



Oct. 24, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I love the party image creation thing... I made Darth Vader the Warrior Alan Sugar the Mage. Illidan the Barbarian and Power Ranger... The Ranger :P

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Jul. 27, 2021

Under rating threshold (show) Update: Looks like it is on Steam.

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Jun. 06, 2019

Under rating threshold (show) Being able to see the class skills BEFORE starting a game makes the game excellent in my view.

+ - !



Aug. 27, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) Pg 1 of 2 V3NNY01: I have no idea if you are missing anything as you didn't explain what happened, but I will tell you that the first couple levels are the hardest levels, until you are able to get some extra skills to help you, so don't give up; you will get there. I know that many people use different combinations of people and different skills for how they choose to play. Myself, one of the things which I like to make sure that I have is full health and power before finishing killing the final enemy in each room. Doing this does take longer to play the game, but it makes it far safer to enter rooms. Most people seem to make sure to have at least one of either a cleric or a warrior as they are more heavily armored (placed in the front middle square to take on more attacks). I have even heard of some people selecting all clerics. Myself, in the original version I select cleric, ranger, and two rogues, while in this version I select cleric, ranger, rogue, and conjurer.

+ - !



Aug. 27, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) Pg 2 of 2 Remember to place all melee-weaponed people (maximum of three) in the front row. Hopefully you are able to place all weak-armored people (mage and conjuror) in the back row with some type of ranged weapon. Avoid attacking large groups of enemies until you have collected some treasure to improve your people. You also need to watch to find out the skills that the enemy uses to learn which ones you need to kill/disable first. My top priority is to kill/disable Chosen (and Fearsower), so that it can't stop me from regenerating power. I also sap much of the power from the head boss so that it is unlikely to kill any of my people. The rest depends on who I am facing and where they are located. I hope that this helps. Feel free to pm me with any questions.

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Aug. 11, 2017

Under rating threshold (show) Hey, does anybody know how to use the custom portraits? I wanted to do a run with my favorite fictional characters but it isn't working...

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Jun. 24, 2017

Under rating threshold (show) Slawekkii, I am guessing that you have your Rogue in the back row instead of the front, which are the only positions where melee weapons are able to be used. Either that, or you gave him a range weapon which can be used from the back row, but then his melee skills will not work. Good luck!

+ - !



May. 27, 2017

Under rating threshold (show) Hard badge strategy: Warrior, conjuror, cleric, rogue For stat points, endurance on the warrior, intellect on the conjuror and cleric, and dexterity on the rogue. For skills, take adrenaline, resolve, shield wall, and inspire on the warrior. Put the other points into armor proficiency. Take call soul, banish, wargolem, and eldritch aegis on the conjuror (replace wall of shadows). Put the rest into augment health. Take holy light, heal all, purify, and revive on the cleric (replace smite). Put the rest into benediction. Take hide, thief's luck, and coup de grace on the rogue. Put the rest into poisoncraft. For equipment, make sure the warrior has a shield, high armor rating, and as much endurance and health regen as possible. The warrior will also benefit from some power regen. Make sure the cleric has a censer, and as much power regen as possible. Intellect doesn't hurt either. Give the conjuror some power regen and intellect. Make sure the rogue has a bow, dexterity and power regen.

+ - !



Aug. 16, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) I just love turn based RPG's so much it gives you time to think comprehend and in my opinion fully enjoy the situation.

+ - !



Jan. 21, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) One of the best games here on Kong.

+ - !



Jan. 18, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) must be my 20th play through, maybe more still love this game!

+ - !



Dec. 20, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) *Totally sets Godfall picture as custom portrait* >_>

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Dec. 15, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) @Darthyodr they thought of that, you lose your score if you refresh before death

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Jan. 18, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) space for map hints!

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Aug. 12, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Damnit, I accidently left the emporium before I finished my businnies! Needs a "Are you sure you want to leave the Emporium" feature.

+ - !



Aug. 29, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) The ability to heal out of combat with a cleric would make a lot of since and would be a very welcome addition to the game in my mind. it's kinda annoying to have to rely on shrines and potions when you dont heal in combat.

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Jun. 04, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) i love it especially the fact that there is a shop and disabling gives you bonus points in the end

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Dec. 29, 2023

Under rating threshold (show) Any fix to the bug where you cant move into the small rooms?

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Mar. 24, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) I managed to miss with 105% accuracy.

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Feb. 06, 2020

Under rating threshold (show) Tricky badge to earn dude

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Oct. 18, 2017

Under rating threshold (show) Any chance seeing this game on mobile?

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Feb. 16, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) So much later, I'm still playing this. I love this game.

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Apr. 08, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) For survival mode, the buffs will last forever. Use them.

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Sep. 11, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Garin, could you fix the Pandora's box? I mean, I've beaten like four, and have only gotten one purple item for each one.

+ - !



Nov. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Easy way to get to survival levels 50+: Cleric: Revive/heal/heal all/holy light/anoint/REST INTO BENEDICTION Conjurer: Revive/manasprite/eldritch aegis/refersh energies/wall of shadows/REST INTO AUGMENT HEALTH Warrior: Execute/Adrenaline/Inspire/Shield Wall/REST INTO LEADERSHIP Your choice of damage (I did mage, but basically anything works here.) ALL STATS INTO ENDURANCE. NO MATTER WHAT. Try to gear up your warrior tank first with high armor and endurance stuff, then your damage guy with poison/lethality/lifesteal, then your cleric with tank/power regen/intelligence, and finally your conjurer with power regen/intelligence. Place your party like this: [][][] [][][] [D][W][B] [B][Cl][Co] D=damage character W=warrior B=blank Cl=cleric Co=Conjurer -Summon two manasprites asap to get your mana going. -Execute the toughest guy that isn't a boss. -Refresh energies to heal your manasprites for both mana and hp LIKE THIS TO KEEP IT GOING

+ - !



Dec. 26, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) To finish the den of terror you have to get 9 journeyman stones then go to your inventory and use them, and use complete stone again, that will take you to the dreadfather, once you beat him you win, and earn medium badge!

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Mar. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Better than the newest one, in my opinion. I have played this game over and over for years, it brings back memories.

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Apr. 06, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Very great game! I wish there was a way to skip all the battle animations and 2-second delays between every turn. This would save a LOT of time!

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May. 27, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) so are the bad guys the "cult of the forward path"???

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Apr. 21, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Lolz. I read "Monsters' Den: Book of Bread"

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Apr. 06, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Can't wait till Chronicles is available on Kon :D

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Jan. 11, 2021

Under rating threshold (show) A sad day

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Feb. 07, 2020

Under rating threshold (show) Also a super easy way to get the 40 waves hard badge is to take a team comp with the biggest number of in-battle buffs possible. Examples include: Ranger with his +20 quickness for the team and HUGE health regen single target buff; Warrior's Inspire ability (+20% damage buff to entire team, and Warriors can give (only) themselves Stun immunity and +30% damage buff); Conjurer can give +15% damage resist to all AND conjurer minions are permanent in that game mode unless they die (and minions can also be buffed), and give a second Revive ability. Mages can give 100% damage reflect to all party members (with enough casts) and can steal power from enemies. Clerics don't bring much to the buff party, but are still 100% necessary for their healing and ability to wreck undead. Imo Warrior, Cleric, Conjurer, Ranger is a free win. Spend the first round buffing (kill all but one weak enemy and just don't kill it until done buffing), and gg.

+ - !



Jun. 27, 2019

Under rating threshold (show) VoiZod: Don't attack your own people, lol. I looked up a previous comment of mine to hopefully find the answer for you. You are likely using a melee instead of a ranged weapon. So either you have the wrong person(s) in the back row, or you provided him the wrong weapon for your desired placement. While we're on placement, make sure to have your strongest armored character in the front middle as that position will take the most attacks. Also, try to avoid having any characters using only the blue armor in the front row. Hopefully that helps. :) If you have any further questions feel free to pm me.

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Apr. 20, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) One of my childhood favorites

+ - !



Feb. 16, 2019

Under rating threshold (show) Joeyjoey90: I bet that the character you can't use is in the back row, correct? You likely have him using a melee instead of a ranged weapon. So either you have the wrong person in the back row, or you provided him the wrong weapon for your desired placement. While we're on placement, make sure to have your strongest armored character in the front middle as that position will take the most attacks. Also, try to avoid having any characters using only the blue armor in the front row. Hopefully that helps. :) If you have any further questions feel free to pm me.

+ - !



Mar. 07, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) @plaplante89: the preferred customer badge (star) can be bought in shop, which is a shop portal usable once every level. (cross)bows are double-handed and require the off-hand empty before it can be equipped.

+ - !



May. 06, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) GoldenFire725, when a creature, such as a Wraith, curses one of your characters, some of that character's power will be lost, and if that character then tries to attack an enemy, they will lose some of their health, perhaps a lot of it. So until you can remove the curse, it may be best to have that character be a support character and do anything else than actually attack the enemy (e.g., heal, blind, give accuracy, or even skip a turn to build their power back up, etc.) (FYI, when cursed, attacking a Wraith doesn't cause as much health damage as attacking most others on the field.)

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Apr. 22, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) I used to use custom portraits, but now no matter what I try the image fails to load. Any idea why?

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Sep. 04, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) 250% damage reflection.... this is literally gonna hurt them more than it hurts me...

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Aug. 18, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) I really wish you could store some items, maybe 10, with Yelmo in the shop. You could only transfer them when you visit the shop.

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Jul. 28, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) The aetherguard coutns as a summon, so you can just banish him with the Conjuror.

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Mar. 16, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I got lucky with the Legendary drops, so my Ranger and Mage have Boundless Energy (100% HP & Mana refill post-battle), my Cleric has Hydraskin Cloak (50% of same), and my Rogue has Minotaur Horn (30% of same). Main level farming is a cakewalk and the only thing to give me a problem was the Pandora's Box I tried. Not doing that again in a hurry...

+ - !



Nov. 10, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Try using a warrior+ranger+cleric+preferred character (I recommend conjuror for a back up revive, summons and its +15% def boost if you want to play defensive and barbarian with various buffs or mage with 40% def boost and magical aoe for aggressive playstyles). Buffs last the whole game so the buffs are highly recommended. Warrior's +team atk and Stun immunity buff and overwhelm, Ranger's speed and regen+poison immune buff, Cleric's Heals and 30% aoe blind+purify (not for poison but for removing curse) are highly recommended skills. Before finishing a wave, leave the weakest enemy alive so you can use use it to fully regen your characters by skipping turns.

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Jun. 26, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) @thestuff: Overwhelm doesn't suck. It's one of the best skills that can kill an enemy in just 1 round. It's even better than the stun+coup-de-grace combo because Overwhelm works on bosses while coup-de-grace does not. There are plenty of ways to speed up a warrior. Wearing lighter equipments or equipments with +speed is one. I always equip my warriors with a dagger instead of shields because there is no speed penalty. You also can use ranger's speed buff or just reduce the enemy's speed to 0 using a rogue's cripple.

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Jun. 13, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) @kk it really is endless. I have this offline too, and am around lvl 350

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May. 13, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) hydra is very hard monster that can found by useing the lure if you found it aim on body first because it can create heads

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Jan. 29, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) @SinyoR: It's not possible.

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Dec. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) good game and challenging i give it 10/10

+ - !


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