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Mar. 07, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) how how how do you get the mirror blocked!? 4\5

+ - !



Nov. 23, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) how do you cover up the mirror in the gas station?

+ - !



Nov. 09, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) Odd... reminded me a lot of Stephen King's the Mist (not an incredibly good movie), but with enough original story to make it definitely worth playing :)

+ - !



Oct. 26, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) So, it's Stephen King's The Mist, only as a PnC game... I like it! Seriousy, though, it's the same, only Seth is the bible guy, someone gets a concussion instead of third degree burns, and there's only five people in the store. But otherwise, they're one and the same. Sweeeet.

+ - !



Sep. 21, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) sigh...I've clicked on everything I can in this store. The best I can figure is I have to block the mirror so I can get in the door...but I've circled the room clicking on everything I can think of to click...need a walkthrough:-(

+ - !



Jul. 28, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) No, I'd definitely say that Silent Hill was infinitely creepier in mood. It's also far more reminiscent of The Mist. Now, as for those of you atheistic toadies out there, just because you don't agree with the content of the game, does NOT make it a legitimate gripe, guys. Rate the GAME. The storyline is only but ONE aspect of it, not the whole shebang. Granted, it's the most important aspect to me, however, would you be hating on this game if it was about Norse or Greek apocalyptic mythology instead? Probably not. Also, violence, gore and language should only be a legit gripe if you're two. This game obviously was NOT intended as Happy's Huggy Fun Time for the Kiddies! Thanks. 4 of 5.

+ - !



Jul. 23, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) powerr, you wouldn't know a good game if it bit you in the ass. 5/5 make a second to.

+ - !



Jul. 23, 2009

Under rating threshold (show) Hated the car minigame - not only is it crazy hard, but earlier in the game, I sprung all those traps with the rope. Who reset them? The bugs? The other minigames, the chopping and shooting, weren't too bad, but just felt like padding. Nice atmosphere in places, but too many lurches in tone. And some of the puzzles were ridiculous (she's carrying a framed pic of her daughter with a hairpin in it? Burn the cat to obscure the mirror?)

+ - !



Jan. 12, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) love the game, hate the tedious car part - i thought bear traps were set off by standing on the thing in the middle

+ - !



Dec. 30, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) what the heck! why the heck is there a deodorant on the baby girl? and anyone went through the cat part? it was ridiculously.. i dont know.. hilarious i suppose? and by the way i didnt see you gave credits to the movie but yet, this storyline must have something to do with the movie 'the Mist (2007)' right? A store on the road, basement, the flying creatures, pharmacy with eggs, Bible allusions, frantic person, the scientist, the smog, etc etc, all echoed greatly with the movie scenes. but nice little amendments like parasitic man, crown(?!), woods, car crash, and some background storyline are indeed original and unique. apart from one or two awkward scenes like burning the cat, the game was beautifully made (or remade out of the movie?). anyway. i think you should credit the movie if you did get inspiration from it. and the rest of it was good.

+ - !



Nov. 21, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) yes i thought of the mist but for some reason this was different in a good way also a really fun game

+ - !



Oct. 30, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) The voice overs are laughable.

+ - !



Jan. 13, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) At the author's web site, it says "God's animation be done". This plot was so harsh, that I thought it was an argument against Christian fundamentalism, a parody of the literal interpretation of the book of Revelations. However, seeing that the author apparently believes this extremely harsh view of Christ, has tainted my perception of this otherwise work of art.

+ - !



Apr. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) that is like the sadest ending ever. but there is hope, when HE returns... makes you think, at least it did for me

+ - !



Oct. 29, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Horrendous pile of shit. Not a single puzzle or interaction here makes sense - why would I set fire to a mirror? Why would I use a rope to bypass unconcealed beartraps? Why can I suddenly access entirely new areas based upon unrelated sequences of item combination? Rubbish. Stop lauding this pile of crap and get back to the LucasArts classics for some lessons in game design, folks.

+ - !



May. 17, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Instant 5 star and favorite. Why can't more games be as rich and compelling as this?

+ - !



Jun. 06, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) This is by far the best game I have ever played on this site. by far a 1,000,000/5

+ - !



Jun. 18, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) What I really don't understand is why she had to throw away the lighter and deodorant. It would've been the most useful item in the inventory, later on.

+ - !



Feb. 22, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Oh! Portal and white mist nad then monster coming from the portal, THE MIST! Its a movie!

+ - !



May. 15, 2017

Under rating threshold (show) One thing so infuriating that I cannot give it anything resembling a decent score: Literally 100% impossible unless you have insanely quick reaction speed. Point and click games *are not* reaction games. There is a reason I'm not playing a reaction game.

+ - !



Oct. 25, 2017

Under rating threshold (show) Wish they had a "skip" button for the mini games. They were unnecessary and quite annoying.

+ - !



Sep. 16, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Why did you make the ending sad?! it almost made me cry!

+ - !



Jul. 26, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Desperately in need of Badges and sequel

+ - !



May. 21, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I appreciate the effort into this, but some graphic details are unnecessary and actually takes away from the game. The ending doesn't make sense either; "he" really should have taken care of himself. Still, nice production values and hope to see more games from you. 4/5

+ - !



Apr. 01, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) how come the bear trap has a bomb sound when you set it off??? fuu-boom???

+ - !



Apr. 01, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) why don't you just chuck sticks to set off the sticks before drive the car

+ - !



Mar. 17, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) wow his cat got burned by a jury rigged flamethrower and all he cares about is the mirror

+ - !



Mar. 10, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) This Game Give Me The Creeps.

+ - !



Nov. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) guys look in the deac says it was his inspiration

+ - !



Nov. 21, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) nice game, although there's A LOT similarities with Stepehn King's "The Mist". Source of inspiration?

+ - !



Nov. 15, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) One thing I can't understand. In the car game, even if you crash on the trap closest to you, why can't you just pick the key off of the exploded car?

+ - !



Oct. 09, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) It is nice how this mimics the film "The Mist" I believe to be by stephen king

+ - !



Oct. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) DOPE ASS GAME!!! took me forever to find everything xD (dont use the walkthrough, its more frustrating but rewarding!) GL 5/5 THE END IS NIGH

+ - !



Sep. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) omg this is almost exactly like the movie called The Fog. but instead of being in a superstore they r in gas station. the locusts and the other things r the same like the eggs in the pharmacy.

+ - !



Aug. 21, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) i love this game...brilliant 5/5. the car game is whats everyone complaining about? its a point and click adventure, you are supposed to look for stuff, so stop complaining about the small items.

+ - !



Aug. 16, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Holy crap... That's so much darker than anything else I've seen on this site... I'm not entirely sure I liked the ending so well, and the tiny items do get a bit on the old side, but other than that I enjoyed it.

+ - !



Aug. 11, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I flasked the map and it disapeared now I stuck on a road I can't leave...or I suck

+ - !



Jul. 25, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) interesante...... me tuvo bastante tiempo nervioso

+ - !



Jul. 13, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) for a walkthrough, press space and click on the walkthrough button

+ - !



Jun. 27, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) That stupid bear trap mini game thing is EXTREMELY annoying!!!

+ - !



Jun. 13, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) it's a really amazing game, too much bible ranting though. (seth was okay, every story needs a religious maniac, but the "until HE returns" stuff just made it bad) 4/5

+ - !



Apr. 10, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) i love the ending but the anya cutscene is sooo sad!

+ - !



Jul. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Really? We have to flametorch the flies twice and have them attack the cat? How were we supposed to figure that out? There is too much running back and forth and asking people things again, and the dreary hovering over every inch of the screen till the pick-up cursor shows up.

+ - !



Aug. 23, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) thank god for skipping cutscenes, i exadently closed my browser after the shotgun minigame, and having to play the whole game again was bad enough

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Nov. 17, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) @drakedarko, Stephan king

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Jul. 13, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Oh wow, this game is touching, amazing and terrible all at the same time. One of the best games I have played, ever.

+ - !



Aug. 24, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I think a lot more could of been done with this but I did like the effort. Would have been better if a) it was longer b) the second half didn't feel rushed c) the story had been a teensy bit more original. 3/5 stars. It passed the time and had potential. :)

+ - !



Jun. 20, 2011


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May. 01, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I saw both,"The Mist" and "The Fog" and I have got to say that, "The Fog" had nothing to do with this game BUT the crucial fact is that the better movie, "The Mist" heavily influenced this game. I loved the characters, the settings, and even the shotgun battle(s). I have to say, for a flash game this blew my mind. 5/5 P.S. I shall miss the cat that got burned and the that deer that may have turned into roadkill.

+ - !



Nov. 15, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Was it me or did anyone else think of "The Mist" by Stephanie King?

+ - !


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