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how do you fire the red portal? for some reason i can only fire the green one, so I'm not being able to use the portals...
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Guys,first of all THIS IS NOT PORTAL so stop asking for GADLOS or however he is spelled and stuff in portal. second of all is he tried his best,EVERY CREATOR DID!If you don't like you have 2 choices 1.Go leave the game without a comment swearing about the creator/game
2.Simply tell the creator what is wrong with the game.
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It's cool that you created suc a game but, dying resets which is bad + the jumps with cubes are hard to get + it's too slow. Even though the idea is very good there are little bugs/annoying
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If this game is gonna be Co-Op i swear my life would be litterally completed. No more buying P2! :D
Bugs: Some levels are spelled: LELELS
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I think i saw my friend play this before but it was on a mac laptop so rightclicking was a pain. replaying this with a mouse its pretty fun and really good for an online unity game
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All right i almost SCREAMED at this game what was the tab key so i pressed ESC (escape) I was soooooooooooo relived to see i was of the game menu. I was DElighted soooooooooooo........ YAAAAAAAAY!!!!!
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This game is truly amazing! The fact that you can play it on the browser without any downloads (Besides Whats Needed To Play It) makes it better than Portal. All left to make is turrets,Glados,Bosses, And a reflection of the main character and its perfect.