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Comments for Amorphous+

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Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) it's not ... any .... all! THIS! IS! BORING!

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) you should add upgrades to weapons and ability to regenerate quicker

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) its actually real least it CAN be tough. 5/5, fave. i love the system, controls are smooth, graphics are rather appealing.

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) Quite fun I guess but the collision detection is a bit off. 3/5 for the entertainment.

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) Perfect game, and people who complain about how theres no upgrade system thats what the achievements act for. Gotta plan out what skills you use in battle as you get better you can use more then just 1...I give it a 5/5 and i've wasted so many hours on this game.

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) NEEDS BADGES! VERY NICE GAME!

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) Freeking amazing... 6/5. but i will forever rue the day i heard the name "biter"

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) good game!

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) It would be nice to have a little more to the game, instead of just running around, whacking blobs with a sword and occasionally pressing A. The character should be more dynamic, with upgrades like bigger blade, faster swing recoup, quicker movement, faster ability recoup.

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) Best game on here since music catch

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) The Awards are so frickin' random. i love it. best thing to do at 3 am before you crash

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) Hmm .. Its not good and its not bad either .. I dont like how the jelly's just walk around randomly .. And i dont like the controls either .. it would be nice if you added upgrades to the sword and moves Mostly different types of one handed swords if you know what i mean ^^ Other than that its brilliant ^^

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) Simple, yet very addictive.

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) This game made my day. I sense it'll get popular soon.

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) we want badges!!!

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) I just want a way to lock the mouse cursor into the playfield so I stop clicking on things outside the game accidentally and cancelling my game. :)

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) I LOVE this game, i played version 1 several years back. Months ago, i searched for it again and couldn’t find it, but HERE IT IS!!! And yes, this is the same comment as before! 21

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) whoa, stop posting, ppl XD

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) saga awesome pic

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) finally beat the SMall nest

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) its ok not good not bad just ok

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) also, badges

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) was sitting here playing this, then i realized it was 12:50 and i started at 12. really great game and really addicting. like heroin, cept without the getting arrested. 5/5

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) If you likes mine i like your.

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) time to play!

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) who likes my pic

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) wonder if this game is good well gotta wait for it to load i sound like a jakeass xD

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) hn

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) sooooooooooo gooooooooooood neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeds badges itssssss sooooooooooooooooo gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood badges please

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) Brilliant work. It's like you synthesized what makes browser games great, and gave us an overdose in this package.

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) Hehe, 1st one here to get all the awards XD. If that becomes an impossible badge here... instant 60 pts.

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) Badges would be amazing. This game is amazing, but I fear that if it stays up, I will never get anything done ever again. Seriously, most addicting game I've ever played. But still, 5/5

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) by the way see the green light over chat, yep this game got api, expect badges

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) this is going to be the next game with a card.

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) love the acheivements, doesnt the sound of oomph strike fear in your heart lol

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) Achievements are something that clearly attract gamers, and this game does a great job of getting you an achievement almost every game. The unlocking new abilities aspect is also very addicting. I find that I just CANNOT stop playing, because I have to get that next ability. The ironic part is that there are no Kongregate achievements on a game that runs on achievements, but I am sure that will change. Keep it up! 5/5

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) Been playing this on another site for a while; excellent game, has all of the elements the original was missing. Now all it needs are badges (I hope you used some of the APIs!)

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) 5/5 How to kill: Gray:Stand in front of it at a distance and when it shoots, dodge and charge at it. Horror:When it shoots it's disks, dodge and charge at the core. Void eater:When it charges it's laser, charge at it and smash it before it fires. If it fires while you run at it you're probably screwed.

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) geez. lol. this is addictingly hard. and very simple ;)

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) MOST ADDICTING GAME ON KONG.

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) Fun and pretty addicting. Although it can get repetitive, it's pretty fun. Badges would be nice, maybe even the weekly challenge..

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) Couldn't even beat the smallest nest.

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) not bad :)

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) Awesome, 5/5, and I know I like it.

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) awsome... pure awwsome and stupid pure stupid

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) It's very slow when there are at least 13 gloopies on the screen.Awesome award system. 5.1/5

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) ok so far 40 awards

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) I pity the fool who doesn't give this a 5. And badges for this would be awesome!

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) What twelveinchsoft (cool name man. Pick up any fine creeps from DTD with it?) means to say is, it just isn't as _easy_ as it could be.

+ - !



Aug. 03, 2008

Under rating threshold (show) woot woot 60 awards

+ - !


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