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Feb. 16, 2015

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Feb. 13, 2015

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Feb. 13, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) the game is very good, but there must be another "mini games" for the people in the casual game that are waiting

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Feb. 12, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Love the game!!! Especially when there are more than 2 players in one game :3 That's just epic!!!!

+ - !



Feb. 11, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) @bobwithbacon thats what happened in the battle of stalingrad, an entire platoon of germans versus a small squad of russians and the russians win, you don't see yourself complaining over thatn ow do you?

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Feb. 11, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) In instance, why do you think the gaming industry was developed into many different styles and genre, even though each game had different "Base Line" for their ideology? Yeah, maybe they had some debate or crucial issues with itself, but the point is that they just took their own path and continued, without interrupting someone's game by hacking or taking developer's life away (like killing millions of Jews because Hilter thought that they're one of the dirty races in the world). How awesome is that we can just live on without major conflict or extreme conditions of taking others' life?

+ - !



Feb. 11, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) @ConnarKenning As I said, the example that people think about war is mostly subjective, and not accepting as a objective thinking. You must also acknowledge that he just took millions of lives in Earth just to gain his power and establish his own idea forcefully toward the others. IN fact, each nations' or governments' ideology (including Nazi) had similar experiences, since the way of thinking with Liberty and Justice was taken by their own thoughts, cultures, and influences with power. However, even though the principles of each side are different, there's a thing called arrangement, which is to just put aside of each other and bring out logical reasonings as we make comparison in peaceful communication.

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Feb. 10, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) When the enemy has 95 tanks and you have 3 militia in a trench, but some how mange to hold them off for an entire turn.

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Feb. 10, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) To those that say about this dev about premium and stuff They didint make this game Somone else did The just copied this game from somone else(Propally with their permision)

+ - !



Feb. 09, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) @Victory By that same principle, then the Nazi's were right in what they did, in the worlds eyes, there was no Justice, nor liberty, they made up their own, just as countries like the US did, what the US does, is seen as Ideal Liberty and Justice, I am basing it on this Idea, the Nazi's felt that their system was Justice, and Liberty, so there is an idea that there has to be some sort of Justice and Liberty in the world, if you cannot accept this, then you are no better than a Nazi.

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Feb. 08, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) I can't play the game it says OPERATION TIMED OUT.

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Feb. 04, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) online debates lel.

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Feb. 02, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) so true

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Feb. 01, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) wow, intense nerd fight in comments lolol

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Jan. 29, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) War can be deal in many possible ways when it comes down to games. The goal of the game can be casual, realistic, authentic, and sophisticated, it's just that it's the creator's choice to how they're going to focus their game on. I don't know where you got the idea that war = realism, but people have their own point of view, and it's their variety to choose to express the details about the war itself. It's none of your business to set your own principle about war over Liberty and Justice and Fairness.

+ - !



Jan. 29, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) @ConnarKenning, I was only pointing out that the morality of your statement or the "Unfairness" is nothing but flawed. Just because the thing exist in the world doesn't mean it's going to be logical when it comes down to judgmental conditions. Besides, it's nothing wrong when the developer adjusts the game for pure fairness, because it's not going to be useless unless it violates the basic line of the game. The thing is, did the developer mentioned that realism is necessary for the strategy war game? They didn't state a single word about it in comment section, and they want you to make your own user map if you're not satisfied with the original content. Am I clear?

+ - !



Jan. 29, 2015

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Jan. 29, 2015


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Jan. 29, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) @Victory, all you are doing is proving my point, that the world isn't fair, you shouldn't cut Russia's power in half, because a few people want fairness, and if you understood my original comment, then you would understand that I have labled unfairness, those are just plain unfairness )(someone is a little stronger than another) and Absolute unfairness ( someone is way stronger than everyone else) if your going to cut Russia's power, then cut the US's and China's as well. This game should be more realistic, because it is based on a real thing, War!

+ - !



Jan. 29, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) this game is a shit theres nothing to do in it you can only make troops

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Jan. 26, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) For disclaimer to my previous comment, I was only pointing out that my connection between my example and "fairness" is not solid at all. In fact, I didn't mention anything about the morality of the examples as a flawed thing to the real world. Please understand the message behind early comments :(

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Jan. 26, 2015


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Jan. 24, 2015

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Jan. 24, 2015

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Jan. 24, 2015

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Jan. 24, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) ok first of all, Islam is only taught peacefully here in the western world, which makes up about 10% of Muslims, so they are not abusing the name of Islam, if anything ISIS is the real Islam, if you look back at Muhammad he was Peaceful in Mecca his home town for about 10 years until he decided "peace" wasn't working so they took the violent approach giving them an Empire, Islam is in no way Peaceful, western Islam is, and that is to gain acceptance, you think I do not know what they are doing, in fact I am pegged an enemy of Muslims by being Christian, an Infidel who "must die" according to the Quran

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Jan. 24, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) This is a strategy game, and the community wants a fairness to have a perfect logical conclusion when it comes to "win-and-lose" results. They do not want the developers to interfere the whole game by adding premium contents and block-off the other users from the user maps. That's abusing power against then, which is a ideal of "Authority over logic (game itself)" or "Authority over fairness". Who would ever support that kind of nasty thing?

+ - !



Jan. 24, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) By the way, can I share a little about one of the quote that you gave, "The World isn't fair, get over with it."? The idea that the world isn't fair can't justify the fairness as a little fallacy when it comes to competence ( such as hiring or official competition), unless the justification of either the name of Liberty or peace comes to hand. Did you ever see a time when US and Europe will give ISIS a chance to prepare for a war, while the ISIS will continue killing innocent people and abuse the name of Islam? Did you ever think that it was necessary to not support a charity for poor people, just because that the world was unfair and that you wanted to keep the money for your own sake?

+ - !



Jan. 24, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) @ ConnarKenning It seems that you contradicted your argument when you said that unfairness must go, even though you're trying to criticize the ideology of fairness. Let me get you straight and clear. The antonym of unfairness is a thing called fairness. Fairness can be achieved by giving same circumstance, resource, and support at the first place, especially in strategy or tactic genre. However, the way of management or development will be on player's hand, which can be carried in million possibilities of different game plays. This rule will be ruined if the pay 2 win methods are applied to the game, which can be only achieved throughout real currency.

+ - !



Jan. 23, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) I feel so disgusted by other people

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Jan. 23, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) It would be better if the alliance would be permanent after 10 rounds cause i help 2 of my allies for 100+ round until they are very powerful and in the end they betrayed me

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Jan. 20, 2015

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Jan. 15, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) It's good to see people being active and having discussions with their opponents :)

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Jan. 12, 2015

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Jan. 10, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) I or we were wondering if you can let us be able to concuer greenland and canada north

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Jan. 10, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) xd

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Jan. 10, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) This game is truly a brilliant design, and unlike some claim it is mostly balanced if you know what you're doing. My only real complaints involve the premium perks, which can on occasion provide severely unfair advantages. Most notable in this category are the Desert Storm's unique ability allowing helicopters to carry Marines, along with the other premium tactics. These is just the most noticeable advantage, the others (like the general) are less noticeable. Since unobtainable gameplay changes like this tend to frustrate players, and even premiums agree that it's little fun to have no one to fight, I'd suggest removing "premium tactics", and making them available to all, or return them to the drawing board. Another option would be to limit premium perks, tactics, and generals to premium-only games, so non-premium players don't need to worry about premium players doing things they can't. Apologies for extensive comment, but this is normal for games I enjoy.

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Jan. 10, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) theres a little problem but its natural i think. when u attack an enemy by mistake u cant undo it pls fix ...

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Jan. 05, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) GOGO...GOOOD

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Jan. 03, 2015

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Jan. 02, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) death1812 you owe me sp

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Jan. 01, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Swagin game

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Dec. 31, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) i agree. The premium membership really takes away from the enjoyment of the game. It is unbalanced how some peple get mroe options than others. I would suggest taking ti away, and having a donation option. I am sure many would like to donate, since this is such a great game.

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Dec. 27, 2014


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Dec. 25, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) greatest online strategy game ever

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Dec. 24, 2014

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Dec. 24, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Best game I ever played on kongregate , but in my opinion starting scenarios should be free and/or creating .

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Dec. 23, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) @Vaerturk he, and most other people, want to be able to access different maps besides the world map. That's how it used understand the devs need money but no everything needs to be payed for

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Dec. 22, 2014

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Dec. 21, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) @superrmatt i think the problem is why you're using a Mac, no im sorry but lol

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