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Any1 of ya'll veterans active know if paulinakai or paulina15 Ãs active nowadays? Remember she was a veteran that i saw around not too long ago
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a tear is shed for this game, all the joy the 3x exp events, the character color theme in the tavern dam old days filled with so much joy!
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For people thinking this game is totally dead, its not.
The community is small, but it's here and we got a lot of players online daily.
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Man, coming back to this years later, this game was great
Not much a point of playing it now, I barely remember it but I know it's not just nostalgia goggles, I had great fun with it
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hum... it seems that this game is pretty much dead (not that strange since it's quite an old one) but, it is tagged as "team" so i think that we can and must group to do dungeons or it is pretty long/difficult... Hum... I was thinking about doing badges but i proprably won't by myself so... If anyone is interested to do them too, then pm me, i'll be glad to "embark on this small adventure to get those badges"... (NB : i'm on the 5th servor (i have no idea if we can move characters from one to another, but to be sure...) and i'm only lvl 10 actually. So i hope someone will be in the same situation, meanwhile, i wish you a good day.
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This game is awful: No hot bars for skills; you have to select each command - hotbars would eliminate this; you must select each target every round - instead of a persistent targeting reticle; some spellcasters begin with NO offensive spells and super low attack; movement is cluncky; quests are lame; etc., etc. There's a "?" in the skills menu which does NOTHING. This game is truly awful. It's not even fun enough for the badges. Utterly awful.
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Why does this game not have hot keys or auto-attack last enemy when selected. Ton of wasted time between selecting actions and targeting...
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From somebody that has been a fan of this game ever since 2008, it is sad to log in and see that this game has died off entirely. Hope for a revamp is long gone, but it is always nice to log in from time to time to see my same class characters that I have spent so many hours grinding to level up. Rest in peace, Sacred Seasons.
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I spent an hour in the West Hill's Castle, a level 12 newb, fighting 3500 health rock golems, dishing out a meager 21 damage with the occasional crit, praying that the next battle would not feature one, struggling though five gruesome battles with them, hoping the next room would be the last, until I got to one room. I had one battle left in it. I prepared myself. I entered the battle. THERE WERE TWO OF THE BASTARDES!!!! I exited the battle, let a tear loose and went to bed, knowing the server would time out and put me at the beginning again...
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got the badge, so forget about my request. thanks a lot to pop, eternal, cadu, ptico, blase, and the others who helped me! idk that this game still have a number of active players. you guys are cool! :D
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@UnWarp do we only need to level to 45 to solo it? i saw that i have to level to 115 to solo it in other guides.. |
anyway, i'm lvl 33 now and i need someone to help me to get sword of thorns. hit me up if you want to help! :D
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is there someone who wants to farm the hard badge with me? i'm just starting this game and seeing that you have to be lvl 45 to complete "a hero is born" achievement solo is quite.. interesting, you know.
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is there someone who wants to farm the hard badge with me? i'm just starting this game and seeing that you have to be lvl 115 to complete "a hero is born" achievement solo is quite.. interesting, you know.
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Some classes do have cheap mass attacks, problem is that you still need to grind a bit to get them. Also, they're useful only in dungeon grinding, a thought you should abandon at level 200+ (unless, you are a Snow Bandit, then you belong in Scarabs until you can properly contribute to your team at... level 2500 should be enough, and that's a bit of a stretch. Hue.)
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There's no such thing as a class with mass attack. What we do have here are classes with lvl 150 skills that have a strong mass attack, but not something that can scale up to higher lvl arenas because of the mass consumption of SP and low-damage growth with lvls. So, what you can do is try to run with other people (The game gets better if you play with friends!), since some classes (Scout) have mass attack-speed buffs and some have 1-player attack speed buffs (Clair, Savage). There are many ways you can play it, but trying to lone-wolf can be very very boring.
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I don't get it. I always have to deal with more than 4~5 enemys and it is really tiresome and not funny, since once my turn all I can is hit ONE enemy AT A TIME. I wonder is there a class can mass attack available.
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Spaghetti should just go down for good, no one eats it. the cooks had enough sense to abandon it because they knew it was terrible. Check out their resturant, they don't even list this as one of their dishes!! That's a hoot. and yet there will always be those stupid amerifats who think "Oh my, what a wonderful dish! Ohhh look there are 3 meatballs in at the same time, new record!!" yeah yeah yeah you are all idiots. I know plenty who have cheated their way to a real resutant and beyond and you all are too naive to realize it. This food is shit for a reason, wanna know why? Because only the biggest losers of all eat spaghetti. When was the last time someone decided to cook spaghetti, 2007? if you truly had any brains at all you would realize it isn't worth your time to eat this crap. but i guess this crap suits idiotic losers like you people.