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Comments for Fire Jumpers

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Aug. 04, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Sometimes when two units are too close, it's really hard to control them.

+ - !


Developer response from jasonredhawk

I know what you mean.. I've been trying to find a good simple solution, but all I can think of is on every move a unit makes, swap it's depth to the bottom. Gets very confusing on 4th of July level with so many Hoser Teams. If you have a suggestion, I'm very open to new ideas.


Jul. 23, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Need to give this game a "Unlock" or "Upgrade" system. Its really dull to play levels and have nothing to grind up for or have something new to use.

+ - !


Developer response from jasonredhawk

It was originally part of the plan for version 1, however after 6 months of working on this as an indie game developer, I had to pull things out just to get it out the door. Depending on the success of the game on Android and iPhone markets, I definitely would like to add an upgrade system to improve unit performance. However I need to financially recoup some of the 1000+ hours already put into this game before my wife will let me program any more! lol


Jul. 18, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Alright.. going to see if I can start working on the iPhone version today, aiming to release it on iTunes sometimes this weekend. *fingers crossed*

+ - !



Jul. 18, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I would really like to play this, but missions two and three keep locking up on me. It's very frustrating.

+ - !


Developer response from jasonredhawk

I just uploaded a new fix.. was on vacation and my laptop wasn't able to publish a proper swf file for some reason. You may need to clear your browser's cache. The new version is 1.0.9, which you can verify on the information page (the "i" button on the splash screen)


Jul. 16, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Yo Jay. I know you guys are still on your vaycay, but whenever I complete a level, the big green "SUCCESS" doesn't go away, and I can't click on anything. D: Something to look into when ya' get home. :)

+ - !


Developer response from jasonredhawk

Sorry about all this messed up buggy game.. thought I could do some work while on vacation, instead I messed everything up. I'm back now and I uploaded the fix


Jul. 15, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I love the game, it just keeps pausing on the second tutorial mission, the ground cutters, so... i can't finish the missions with ground cutters, good game though, hope to see a second.

+ - !


Developer response from jasonredhawk

Thanks, sorry about this bug.. really unfortunate, I'm on vacation and for some reason my laptop won't publish my game properly, which is causing the cutter to freeze the game. If I publish it from my home computer, it's fine. Strange weird bug I don't understand. I'll have the updated version by next weekend.


Jul. 11, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) ETA on iPhone version??

+ - !


Developer response from jasonredhawk

I was hoping to get it done by this weekend, however there's a problem with my laptop and will have to wait until I get back from vacation to continue the work on my home computer. I can say that it will only be available on iPhone4+ and iPad2+. I tried it on my iPhone3GS and it lagged too much to be fun. Works great on iPhone4 though. The reason it's not available yet is I need to update the maps and screen, buttons and things to fit the different screen ratio and resolution. I'm hoping by July 22nd it should be done.


Jul. 09, 2012

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Jul. 07, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Map editor!!!! MAP EDITOR!

+ - !


Developer response from jasonredhawk

shhhh.. don't tell anyone, but it's in the works. You'll be able to create your own maps and perhaps even load the map on your phone. Top secret though, so do tell anyone.. lol ;P


Jul. 04, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Great game. I see lost of potential for the future. Just cant complete LvL 15 too. So i'd guess that fix doesnt work.

+ - !


Developer response from jasonredhawk

Thanks.. level 15 bug is eluding me.. shenanigans!


Jul. 04, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Still can't complete mission 15, but I LOVE the rest of the game. I love how you can think "Oh, almost done!" then a hose burns through, and you have to start all over again. A suggestion would be slightly changing wind conditions. As it is now, you can do one test-burn, see what fires die out, and only fight the dangerous ones. a few degrees randomized wind direction would change that.

+ - !


Developer response from jasonredhawk

great idea, will implement that into version 2! Thanks for playing the game through.. sucks that the infamous level 15 is still causing troubles. Will have to check into that.. again. :/ Weird that I can finish level 15 on my Android though. Hmmm..


Jul. 01, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Same as Sierra 112, cannot complete mission 115. But GREAT game, very interesting. Looking forward for new missions.

+ - !


Developer response from jasonredhawk

I thought I fixed that.. and thanks for the positive feedback! :)


Jul. 01, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Freezes on mission 15 for me. :( twice now, Ive completed without credit. :(

+ - !


Developer response from jasonredhawk

gah.. same bug as before. I thought I fixed that


Jul. 01, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Have to say, one of the best strategy games I've played with potential to be even better. I might just have to buy this on the app store. It's up already, right?

+ - !


Developer response from jasonredhawk

Thanks man! Android version is ready, but the iPhone is taking a bit longer to port over. Hopefully in the next week I'll have it ready.


Jul. 01, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Needs a fast forward button.

+ - !


Developer response from jasonredhawk

there's is a 2x speed toggle on the bottom left. There's also a 10x speed BURNOUT mode in the pause menu.. it's the button that looks like a fireball. However BURNOUT stops your units from moving.


Jul. 01, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Cannot complete Mission 15, it just stops after the successful mission on the game screen. I can even go on using the plane...

+ - !


Developer response from jasonredhawk

gah.. same bug as before. I thought I fixed that


Jun. 30, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) love it

+ - !



Jun. 30, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) why i got 1 star for level 6 with 88,2 %? its a high rate for this level! This level has the longest way to fly and 2x the units take over. in some level no one has a chance to get stars or to win at all. a better balance for level 6, but especially from level 9 please

+ - !


Developer response from jasonredhawk

hmm.. I got 36% & 2 stars for level 6 - Plane Crash. I'll look into it, it definitely shouldn't be that high! As for level 9+, I'll rebalance them, give a wider range of success.


Jun. 29, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Just because of ur 4th of july mission im giving this a 2 star.. b4 that u'd get a 3.5/4 star.. i swear you got a bunch of drunk volunteer firemen on this mission ... takes Fing 20 tries to get the damn hose hooked up

+ - !


Developer response from jasonredhawk

ok, I fixed the hose team / fire hyrdrant bug.. thanks for catching that. Remember 5 stars!


Jun. 29, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) near impossible*

+ - !



Jun. 29, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Its almost neat impossible to get the hose men to grab a fire hydrant.. especially when there's more than one team there.. it would be nice if you could fix this somehow

+ - !


Developer response from jasonredhawk

Thanks for that bug.. that's a huge bad. Was trying to fix one thing.. now broke something else. Will fix immediately


Jun. 29, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) its fun but its kind of anoying when your cut team takes forever to reach the fire

+ - !


Developer response from jasonredhawk

There is a 2x speed button at the bottom left to speed things up a bit. There's also a 10x speed BURNOUT mode in the pause menu.. icon looks like a fireball.


Jun. 29, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) One of my fave games. Why is this not featured yet?

+ - !


Developer response from jasonredhawk

I know right? lol With comments like these, just a matter of time xD


Jun. 28, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Upgrades or specializations, like a tech tree would be nice.

+ - !


Developer response from jasonredhawk

Looking to add that to version 2.. depending how well version 1 does. Need 5 stars! :p


Jun. 28, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I think that this is a very good game, although there is one thing that it needs... zombies! XD I'm kidding, it's fine. I just wanted to bug you with that.

+ - !


Developer response from jasonredhawk

lol.. funny guy :p


Jun. 28, 2012

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Jun. 28, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) could you add vehicles in a sequel? it would be nice to have faster units

+ - !


Developer response from jasonredhawk

good idea. For now, helicopters can help move these units around faster than they can walk. Thing about vehicles are that they don't move well through the forest, unless they are on roads. We thought of perhaps bulldozers that can create wider firebreaks and faster, but are limited to starting from roads. Then there's fire trucks in city areas. Many features we'd like to add to a version 2.. depending on how version 1 does :)


Jun. 27, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Cool i think it would be better if the wildfires spread quicker and the helicopters more effective, to make it more challengening to the player and a refuel the heli feature 4/5 for now. 5/5 if this happens

+ - !



Jun. 27, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) One of the best games here! From level 9 to... its too hard for fun. The units are very very slow and sometimes without enough help (heli). Waterbomber has no effect - countdown is too long.

+ - !


Developer response from jasonredhawk

Thanks, much appreciated! That's why I've got this game on Kong, get data, rebalance some of the levels, but the last 5 levels are designed to be hard.. I mean challenging :)


Jun. 26, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Nice game mr. in my chat room

+ - !



Jun. 26, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I did not think this game would be as good as it is, specially with it involving a firefighting theme. I was pleasantly surprised when I started to play the game and saw that this game was very exceptional to others that have tried to come before it. There is a learning curve, but once you begin to master certain aspects of the game, it becomes easy, just not in the "I can play it in my sleep" easy. There are a few things that could be adjusted, like the plane timer and maybe more access to water points for hoses. Other than that, great game.

+ - !


Developer response from jasonredhawk

Thanks... *tears in my eyes*.. thanks :p


Jun. 26, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) This games needs upgrades such as increasing speed to take water and to let cutting crews run/build faster etc.

+ - !


Developer response from jasonredhawk

absolutely.. it's in the works as we speak for version 2


Jun. 25, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I want to thank everyone for playing my new game and giving feedback. I'm collecting a lot of great data on the percentages of the levels played. Looking into normalizing the scoring values to be more consistent across the levels. In other words, bell-curving the points system so that all levels have the same 1/2/3 star percentages. Of course I'm going to need a lot more help from users like yourself playing the game to get the best data possible. Thanks again :)

+ - !



Jun. 25, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) hard but fun

+ - !


Developer response from jasonredhawk

perfect, I was afraid it was going to be too easy :)


Jun. 25, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Nice game. My major suggestion is showing what percentage equals loss.

+ - !


Developer response from jasonredhawk

Ok, I fixed the scoring system. Now the scoring fails at 0% always. This doesn't mean that every terrain blit is burnt, it just means that you've let things burn too far. The game doesn't end just because you hit 0%, cause sometimes it's just fun fighting the fire anyway.


Jun. 25, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) very nice idea & proper graphics! but the waterbomber is sooo slow :-(

+ - !


Developer response from jasonredhawk

Slow as in the countdown to use it, or the actual speed of the water bomber while it's dropping it's water?


Jun. 25, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) cool game i like it nice job jacob but as i said in our chat the plane glitches if u click and accedintly let go in one spot :O

+ - !


Developer response from jasonredhawk

Alright, I got that bug fixed.. thanks waters :)


Jun. 25, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Pretty kewl in my opinion :P

+ - !


Developer response from jasonredhawk

You have good opinions :D Thanks!

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