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This is literally one of the simplest games that i have ever played, but it is the greatest. If your like me, someone who has been very lonely, its really a soul-searcher game and can make you think just how realistic it is..
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i think that my dot stinks, so for that is rejected. maybe a toothbrush could help for him. btw the boy has real problem, shoud go at a pub instead make something like this.
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I really like this, I don't think it deserves its low score at all. It's a game that can trigger some soul-searching. It isn't over-complicated at all- plenty of flash games I enjoy because they're complicated enough to drown out my sadder thoughts, but this helped me to engage with them. 5/5 from me.
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good points and bad about this game but i get the point. maybe a sequel of some sort to either illustrate a different issue or somehow make this a real game?
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The meta-game reason for it aside; it does have nice music and visuals, but you can't use 'minimalist' as an excuse for not having any real content. There'd be many ways to take some time and actually give it a point beyond the meta-game point to it. Games can have meanings and messages beyond just being a 'game,' but a game must have some sort of rules and goals to it to fulfill its primary purpose as a game. Without that, it doesn't matter the reasoning or point to it, it'll just be dull.
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I'm sorry but the only thing I felt is "yeah I'm fking poisonous!" then I felt "man this is dull" then I felt...nothing...just boredom
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I can't speak for everyone, but I come here to play GAMES, not for lessons in sociology and psychology. I have no idea why you would upload this onto a game site calling it a 'notgame'.
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Not an extremely bad game, and it really gets the message through to you before you read the ending, once again nice game. 4 stars
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when i began playing i thought that this was going to be sad..........once i turned on the volume i felt like crying...............................
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Decent, but I understood the point you were making quickly. It takes too long to get to the end screen message. I would shorten this 'not-game' down a bit unless you added few more interesting pieces.