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Ultrachao- I can only imagine playing "Flight",about to complete it, then get crashed into by a giant bison and pummeled. Made my day!
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what i hate about this game is that in survival mode, there is nothing we can do as there is nothing we can catch after 50000m. And all those missions are just a matter of time.
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Wooooooooow..... Why do the gummies want his wallet when they could just sell that giant vault they keep it in and buy 100million wallets????
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Just a tip: When, in any game, you're told to click super fast, use your left (or right) hand and use both your pointer finger and your middle finger to click. Hope that helps out!
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Following his recent visits to Candy Land, Burrito Bison was largely unchanged, except that he would always check to see if his food had a face on it.
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why when he stops being able to bounce across the ground and gummies does he go back to the ring to get a flying start??
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Crushes Gummy Bears, breaks cars in half, flies to space, comes back as a meteor, cant figure out how to open a door.