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Comments for Mob Wars: La Cosa Nostra

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Jun. 08, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I have seen multiple post by these new MySpace players who are migrating to this platform claiming they are getting their accounts transferred or getting insane amounts of God father points brought over to this LCN from their Myspase accounts is this true? If so how can I get my Facebook account transferred here too?

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Hi dsilentangel, we currently aren't doing any Myspace transfers, so anybody claiming that they have been transferred or have received any points for doing so are unfortunately just trolling.


Jun. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) love it !

+ - !



Jun. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I love this site........

+ - !



Jun. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) S6CieXuGWR

+ - !



Jun. 04, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) 50 stamina restoring is not much because you spend in it 100 points in energy 500 and in health 1000 but at least 125 stam should be restored like 250 500 1000. but again basic sugestion.

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Thanks for the suggestions! We did want to mention, however, that the raids tab was something that existed prior to your suggestion, it just happened to be exactly what you were asking for, which was very serendipitous! We unfortunately can't guarantee a similar turnaround time for other suggestions, as our implementation process for community suggestions is rather lengthy, although we absolutely appreciate the love :)


Jun. 04, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) and last sugestion we have quests we have bosses but i have idea like robbery and it will give you money in lots and sometimes FP you will encouter mini-bosses like guards elite guards and others in row with no way of healing and its only soloable no help. but its only sugestion.

+ - !



Jun. 04, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) i have idea for implementing music ito game in left corner button to turn it off or on and a contest for best music to this game and winner could be awarded by 50FP and 100% for next lvl and 20 hourly income for 5 days

+ - !



Jun. 04, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) first time my idea coming in use thanks you developer i love you soooo much

+ - !



Jun. 02, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) i have idea about adding in bosses section place to paste link to bosses because i hate to open another page to go to boss

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Good suggestion! If you click on the "Raids" tab in the Kong Chat, you'll find a comprehensive list of recently posted bosses for your perusal! Clicking on them there should open them in your current window as well :)


May. 27, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Why I see users that have my same level but have likes 1 hundred spots for thei familia?

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

You are absolutely able to have hundreds of mobsters, although all players are limited to 18 members of their Familia. For clarification's sake, Mobsters are other players who help you in battle, while Familia are a select few who contribute to your income.


May. 24, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) We want BA... All of us do :)

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

We appreciate that players are interested in experiencing the Battle Arena, and will continue to monitor the Kong ecosystem to ensure that it will be a fun and competitive experience when we make it available :)


May. 22, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) When I get an energy/stamina boost as a gift, it doesn't work

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

For any account-related issues, head to That being said, you do need to go to your boosts page once you've accepted them from your mobster alerts.


May. 21, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Yeah, but when I get enough to buy something, I always feel super tempted to spend them.

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Unfortunately there's little we can do about protecting you from yourself. :)


May. 17, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I love it when devs actively respond to folks comments and feedback, just showing they care is great.

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Thanks! We think our players are great, and we appreciate hearing what they think!


May. 17, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) There is a bank for cash. Why not make a bank for favor points?

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Although other players can take money from you by attacking, they fortunately can't take Favor Points, which means that there's no need for a bank :)


May. 06, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) @ a4rdv4rk Once your Hit is posted, The mobster will be publicly listed for attack. The reward will be given to whoever accomplishes the task. then why can't mobbed up mobsters get it without removing the mobster if its public contract?

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Loyalty! :)


Apr. 30, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) yo

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps



Apr. 29, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Apr. 28, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Check out the add-me thread in the forums!


Apr. 28, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Check out the add-me thread in the forums!


Apr. 28, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Submit the following invite code to join my mob...... t5NjvudLlT

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Check out the add-me thread in the forums!


Apr. 28, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Check out the add-me thread in the forums!


Apr. 23, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) add more bosses and make less time to fight them, like 2 hours. not 2 days...

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Thanks for the suggestion!


Apr. 21, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) When you put money in the bank, it takes away so much, I might as well have put half of that money in the bank. It just seems like a waste of money too put money in the bank when you barely lose any when it isn't in the bank. To me, the only purpose of the bank is achievements. click + if you agree.

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

You gotta watch out for bankers, they'll get you!


Apr. 17, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) when someone clicks the thing where it shows a link when they want help with boss. you should make another button. when you click itm it will add the boss to a list where all the bosses are. so when i want to help someone in need i go on the list. find a boss and help. saves time posting the link or looking for a boss.

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Check out the "Raids" tab in the Kongregate chat area to the right of the game screen!


Apr. 16, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) there should not be a time limit for energy and stamina boosts, or else you just sit there, try to level up with barely any energy and stamina, pay in favor points which are hard to get unless you use money, or angrily quit and play another game

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Thanks for the feedback! We've done our best to structure boosts in a way that's balanced and fair, and we appreciate you letting us know what you think!


Apr. 16, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) buildings you can buy under the "city" tab should not have a higher price the more you buy. its just a waste of money. unless you add too the profits of a single building every time you buy one. Meaning, the profits go up with the expenses. click plus if you agree.

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Land is expensive!


Apr. 15, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I think if u have a high level and high attack and stuff, u should still be able to increase ur attack with items that have like 1 attack. I have around 1250 attack and whenever I buy an item in the stockpile store, it doesn't increase the attack

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Because we know you want the best for your mob, the game automatically equips your mob with the strongest items available for the situation when you're fighting. To see what you're bringing to battle, click "Show details" in your fight screen.


Apr. 15, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) you should make a thing, when i have a missing item which i need to have to complete a job, when i click on the item it should pop up a little window aand say Buy... because i hate it when it sends me to a new page.

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

We agree! When you click "Do Job" for a job you don't have the item for, a "Fallimento!" message will appear at the top of the screen, with a "Buy Items" button. Click that to purchase the necessary items for the job!


Apr. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I just finished my Pet Calendar the second time and now it told me i finished it 3 times... and i have the 3 kano kleaver.. Im not the only one with that problem... I started in fb the same time with the calendar and did the keys every time the same time and there i got a 3 calendar ? Thats really not ok because i lose a lot of exp with that!!

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

We're sorry to hear you've experienced this issue! If you haven't already, please create an account and send a ticket through


Apr. 10, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) This is a mouse click game and if you dont like these types of games than dont put on star and under rate it just leave the game so this game can get badges please rate up so people can see

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

We agree with this statement! Thanks!


Apr. 04, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) it should be like 25 favor points for the first reset than 50 the second and increases everytime you reset them

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Resets are bad news bears, although we appreciate the suggestion!


Apr. 03, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) make a button where you can reset your atributes. lets say pay $100,000 to reset your attributes or something

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Unfortunately, we don't do resets, although we appreciate the suggestion!


Mar. 28, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Thank you guys a ton!! I'm going to check out this link although I need one were i a 15 year old can learn lol. But thank you. I really appreciate what you've done.

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Glad to hear it, and best of luck!


Mar. 24, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) It was a construction person looking vest

+ - !



Mar. 24, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I was playing on my tablet and I had 87 favor points and by accident I pressed buy now while scrolling down and I got a vest can you guys be able to give me back my points and take it away and also it might be better if you guys had a confirm buy button after you press buy

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

For all account-related requests, please create a support account and ticket at


Mar. 23, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Hey i am interested in developing. And i was wondering if you guys can point me in the right direction or kinda take me under your wing. I am really interested but idk what programs to use or even where to start.

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Like most things, the best place to start is the internet! Check out for a list of places to check out!


Mar. 20, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I love this game but i feel there's a little more needed to keep people hooked on it. Like double xp fridays, or maybe 1/2 stamina or crew saturday you know what i mean?

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Thanks for the suggestions! We do have a number of boosts, bonuses, and rewards, but we appreciate hearing that players are interested in more!


Mar. 20, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) FJdNurIFAR

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Check out the add-me thread in the forums!


Mar. 16, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) every like month can you guys change the crates stuff

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

We will be changing crate contents regularly, although we haven't currently announced how often they'll change, as the feature is still quite new and is still being worked on.


Mar. 15, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Can you guys out the G36E Valkyrie on sale again i would appreciate it

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

Our sale items are constantly rotating through, so keep an eye out if you're looking for a specific one!


Mar. 15, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) People really want the battle arena why do you lower the level to 500 to join then unlock it and lower the rewards till more people reach the lvl to join tbh the games getting a bit boring but the battle arena could liven it up alot more im sure alot agree

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

We appreciate that players are interested in experiencing the Battle Arena, and will continue to monitor the Kong ecosystem to ensure that it will be a fun and competitive experience when we make it available.


Mar. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) See I'm not using any bots, scripts, or other automated software to enhance my game play..That the PROBLEM..but i'm still getting my account disable.. So then there is no point in me playing this game is there if its just going to disable me when ever ...Last two times i was disable was when i hit the 75 levels a day mark just to give you some in sight ...Thx for your time and i'll take it for what it worth and not spend anymore money to this game or any of your games ... i will not play anymore and i will recommend others not to play as well and for sure not to spend money on a game that not going to look into a problem that on your end... So Dont fix the account i dont care but i want to tell you the truth ...( I was not using any bots, scripts, or other automated software)

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing issues with what sounds like our auto-detection system. For any account-related issues, please send a message through (you'll need to create an account first.)


Mar. 13, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I was just wondering if there was a chance of a full stamina refill after each leveling on here instead of 50 stamina.

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

When you level up, you get the following bonuses: 50 Stamina, 500 Energy, and 5000 Health. Hope that helps!


Mar. 13, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) whens the battle arena coming???

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

When there are a reasonable number of players at or above the level it was designed for to ensure its a fun and competitive experience.


Mar. 12, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I've played it on FB, but wanted to start over. Glad I can do so here!

+ - !


Developer response from kanoapps

We are also glad!


Mar. 10, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Mar. 10, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

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Mar. 10, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Mar. 10, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


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