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Comments for Grey

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Aug. 22, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) There is an alternate way to make the world color-in: Just zoom in (i'm using Chrome) and at some point, colors will magically appear. For example, at 250% purple appeared, and later at 400% green appeared also. Weird!

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Aug. 22, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) Arrow keys or ''WSAD'' to move what kinda keyboard are you using?

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Jul. 09, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) you can tell your a ghost because you're see-through and are blurry when you move.

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Jun. 30, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) shadow6nothing9 - The Terminal - Piano This is the soundtrack of this game

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Jun. 27, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) This was a really sweet game. I enjoyed the mechanics as well as the story it told. My only disappointment was that since purple was the last color I grabbed, I didn't get to see what became purple.

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Jun. 13, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) Beautiful game!

+ - !



Jun. 08, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) Can I straight buy this soundtrack somewhere?

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May. 30, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) bruh

+ - !



May. 30, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) This game reminds me of the move "The boy in the striped pajamas" cause in this game it is showing that this boy is willing to risk his very own life to make someone else happy. In the boy in the striped pajamas Bruno breaks into the jews prison and trys to help shmule find his dad which ends up them both being cremated. the wonderful things that people will do to save others.

+ - !



May. 30, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) This is a good game but maybe if the boy could move a little faster = Better game

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May. 28, 2016

Under rating threshold (show)

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May. 27, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) oh my gosh.. this story is so sad, I'm literally crying because I just beat the game, like this if you cry everytime

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May. 15, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) WTFH is it with these games getting so dang sad:_(

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May. 13, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) Ok, sorry if i'm not as deep as all of you, but from what I see, we're some sort of robot getting colors for his boyfriend/girlfriend and then we dissapear?

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May. 09, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) This was beautiful and needs its own category not sure on a name though.

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Apr. 26, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) i think he's a llama. this would explain the speed images left behind you as you see more and more colours... + - !

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Apr. 25, 2016

Under rating threshold (show)

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Apr. 25, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) This music is disturbing

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Apr. 25, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) I swear were just helping him make his girlfriend happy....

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Apr. 22, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) It's a shame that not all stories don't have good endings.

+ - !



Apr. 21, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) Just like in a real relationship: You go through great labors to give a girl gifts, then once she's gotten what she wants out of you and has drained you emotionally and financially it becomes as if you didn't even exist.

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Apr. 17, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) nice 7 colors, like the rainbow

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Apr. 10, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) what no kiss after die?!!!!!! :(

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Apr. 09, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) In the game I noticed how there were 7 colors, not the traditional 6 colors of the rainbow. My interpretation of the game is that each item you bring to the girl is one step in the 7 stages of grief, I think this because there is a gravestone next to the flower. After each item you bring to the girl the character becomes more ghost like, this is the girl getting past the death, for I also believe that the character is dead, only existing in the girls memories, when the character becomes more ghost like, this is another step in the 7 stages of grief. In the end the character fades away, and the girl releases a bird, this is a common symbol of letting go, and the last step of the 7 stages of grief, acceptance. I also decided to name the character Jack.

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Mar. 21, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) How sweet! <3

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Mar. 21, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) is that grave were you get the yellow flower yours?

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Mar. 19, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) ...wut

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Mar. 15, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) the game fills the emptiness in my heart. a game full of love.

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Feb. 21, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) this game is so pretty i love the music

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Feb. 06, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) amen

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Feb. 04, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) Though I feel these explanations are very valid, I have my own. As it's clear, the story starts out black and white and ends in colour. I agree with the lifelong journey explanation (Thank you deathkknight) but I'd like to expound upon that. As time goes on, it's your quest to satisfy the girl and make her happy. Soon colour fills the world and as colour does, you fade. Now, I believe that this is because as you endeavour to make her happy, you disregard your own needs, thus shriveling away. May that be over a year or a full lifetime, that's is not clear (Though based on the items collected from a clockwise order the latter is assumed). All and all I feel like this game was beautiful and it deserves more recognition for it's deep meaning, despite the simple appearance. ∞ out of 5.

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Feb. 03, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) Great game with a great meaning.

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Jan. 17, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) this is a sad game... i hope people can get the underlining meaning

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Jan. 17, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) One of the best 5 minute games I have or will EVER PLAY....

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Jan. 11, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) Not bad.

+ - !



Jan. 05, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) I need a new word just to describe this game, because beautiful isn't enough...

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Jan. 02, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) this game was beautiful.

+ - !



Dec. 25, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) This is a wonderful game! So artistic and sweet. But I wonder if the toys are a symbol of something? And when the girl lets go of the bird, does it mean that she's setting him free? 0.0 Lots of questions proves that this is a great story!

+ - !



Dec. 25, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) I think this game fits neatly into the philosophical genre. The music is beautiful, but sad, and like some of the other comments here is about stages of grieving....sad, but beautiful and a brilliant game. I wish there was more story to it, not just collecting stuff, but that probably serves to allow your imagination to pick it up.

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Dec. 23, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that the further you progress in the game the more faded the man becomes and the more of his trail he leaves when he is running?

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Dec. 20, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Reminds me of Spirited Away, the empty environment and abandoned places.

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Dec. 12, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) This my own story of this game, The boy tries to get the attention of this girl, thus this is his love, but she doesn't notice, and he tries to shower her with gifts, which makes her notice more about him. but when he gives her the last present, he gives up. but when he does, she notices him, but he is gone.

+ - !



Dec. 11, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) This song is made by shadow6nothing9, and the name's The Terminal. You can actually download his songs here, and the song is made in 2010. Don't need to thank me. ;)

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Dec. 10, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) I know this is 2015 and your guys comments are in 2011 but also as you give her the boys mementos you start to fade. My heart is broken </3

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Dec. 06, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) This music is so beautiful, I could listen to it forever.

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Nov. 22, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) This game was a nice refresher from all the action, shoot-em-up, zombie games I normally play. I love the style of the game, the music and the art go great together. Amazing job kevindoesart :D.

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Nov. 22, 2015

Under rating threshold (show)

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Nov. 21, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) my theory is they were in love and the boy was dealing with depression, committed suicide and then felt bad that he had left his girlfriend there. so, he did everything in his power to make her happy again.

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Nov. 16, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Actually, I take that back. It's the lovechild of Endeavor and I Saw Her Standing There, with music straight out of The Sailor's Dream.

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Nov. 16, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) This game is like the lovechild of Endeavor and Pretentious Game

+ - !


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