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Comments for Heaven or Hell

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May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) LOL! if you hit the girl angel she'll make a manly sound

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May. 20, 2010

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May. 20, 2010

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May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) If you die at the exactly moment you teletransport, you can't do anithing... Fix that please =)

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May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) If your game is based on deliberately making the control scheme suck, then you're making a game about controls. Does anybody think game controls are fun? Does anybody think fighting bad game controls is fun?

+ - !



May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I can't get past the tutorial. Says" Press the char to open the menu of actions" None of the actions change that. I went ahead and tried killing the dummies to see if that would get past the bug, but they won't die so I'm stuck.

+ - !



May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Should be nice if we could sell our character instead of just deleting them, especially for the "angel only" award

+ - !



May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Also, no sellback function? Wtf

+ - !



May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Having lots of units is useless, 'cause you can't control them quickly enough, the only way to play is to level up one or two units to full power. Either make it truly turnbased or add hotkeys or a way to auto attack. 2/5, and one of those stars is for the intro movie which amused me.

+ - !



May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Not only could Gigant kill most of my units in one shot (Except for upgraded versions of the lowest tier units, go figure), but he hits almost every unit at once... Also, my hand really started to hurt after awhile. Really needs hotkeys or an autofire.

+ - !



May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) How is having no hotkeys balanced? Since your opponent is a computer it can attack the instant it's ready but the player as a person has to click at least twice so then you're attacking less often.

+ - !



May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) pretty fun until i met the nord man with my hell army. He like hits 50+ dmg in 3+ spots every second. Thats god right there. Need to make him much easier, decrease his attack rate and damage. I was playing on easy mode and this was like epic hard. Spent over an hour trying to beat him and i couldnt. gf easy mode.

+ - !



May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) z0mg hotkeys u noob 1/5

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May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Hotkeys or autofire are rlly needed. U cant use ur 6 units equally cuz of the clicking. 1/5

+ - !



May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I know I'm not saying anything new, but I'll add my voice to it. The clicking over and over, combined with certain units needing to target after clicking, made me feel like I was wasting 2/3 of my units. Also, the Demon levels suck at earning gold, making it a grind-fest to beat the later levels.

+ - !



May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Nice game completely wrecked by lack of keybinds - hand started to hurt from clicking before I could really enjoy it.

+ - !



May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Spiffy graphics, shitty controls and system. Needs balancing, and hotkeys. Whoever decided to use lack of hotkeys as a balancer should be shot. There are two types of challenging games: ones with innovative gameplay, and ones that are challenging due to crappy control systems. This game falls into the latter. 2/5

+ - !



May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Clickity clickity ugh clickity clickty quit

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May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) to annoying to play with a lap top touch pad

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May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I got to level 3, but I don't feel like playing it. It's just the same enemies, except more of them. The game hasn't given me enough cash to buy more units (I upgraded one of my original guys, turned out that cost me most of my dough), and I know I can't beat it.

+ - !



May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Nice concept, however some issues I have with. Leveling up is simply a matter of how much money you have not any relation to how much a creature has been in battle or killed someone so you can grind away at lower levels and simply bam have yourself a maxed level creature. The lack of any "auto" function makes this a matter of how fast can you click, and the computer is always going to click faster than you can so you're already at a disadvantage combine that with the losing turn points if you get hit and it really makes for a frustrating game because having to click between 6 characters can get tiresome especially if your rhythm gets screwed up because one guy has to wait now because he got hit. The last angel unit seems extremely overpowered, attack that hits everything? Good for you if you have those units, bad for devil if you go against them. Plus no story line to it, there really was no feeling of accomplishment when I beat everything.

+ - !



May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show)

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May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) "a) The absence of “Hot Keys” is on purpose; Hot Keys would ruin the current balancing of the battles" What 'balance', the computer uses an AI to throw everything its got at you, while i have to use mouseclicks. Seriously? Balance is for player vs. player. Don't "balance" my skill by limiting it to how long my hand can hold out clicking furiously all over the damn screen. Fix this. BTW, i think i won the game and cleared everything. How bout a notification? An ending screen? This game would be mint, if you actually finished it before putting it up.

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May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I would have to agree, adding hot keys would be quite an improvement

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May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Umm. Wait. You decide to take away hotkeys to balance the game...When BEING HIT CAUSES YOUR DELAY TO REDUCE ANYWAY? That's unacceptable. 1/5 until either there is hotkeys, autofire, or being hit doesn't cause delay.

+ - !



May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Interface sux. Sluggish. Clunky.

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May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) You have a turn based control scheme and action gameplay. Does not work well together.

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May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) turnbased please!!!!

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May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) i can't even beat easy without grinding

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May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) It could be a 4/5 for me, but now I can only give a 2/5. Auto-fire, turn based system or other changes needed!

+ - !



May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) This should absolutely be turned-based! It would be a perfect game if it was. I know a lot of reviewers are obnoxious and make stupid suggestions, but trust all of us here. This would be absolutely amazing if it was turned based.

+ - !



May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) the game got potentiel.. but I must agree with most of the comments.. it should be turnbased :) I like it..

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May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show)

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May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Fine concept? but too primitive and monotone. Probably game should be turn based and with more units, some kind of buildings and upgrades. 4/5 for effort.

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May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Good. Potential to be a lot better

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May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) This sucks. Without hotkeys, how are you supposed to beat 30 seconds? Especially if you are using elder angels, which require you to select a target -- and then the mouse control is too stiff, and it doesn't register your choice. The control just ruins it.

+ - !



May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) i also think it needs to be turn based. The difficulty level seems amazingly high, and Im not going to continue to play a game that frustrates me from the very beginning. Good start though 3/5.

+ - !



May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Perhaps you can make an extra storage for your not used units, because sometimes I want some not into the battle (as for like to get the max health achievements) but I'd hate to delete them and rebuild them everytime

+ - !



May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) i like the tactical aspects of subobjectives and minimalistic party management, but after a certain point battles too often turn into a pure clickfest. i ended up finishing the angel campaign with a party of 3 chars only one of them really 'active'. a guard was placed in front of a mage at perma-guard, a buddon started by casting his all-hit and was basicly useless afterwards (because he didn't get a second turn due to constantly incoming retard effects), the mage picked off all enemies one by one. might as well only have used guard and mage.... -------- i know the atb-style battles are part of the core concept, but i really wished it would be a 'dynamic' _turn-based_ system (think grandia or ff X).

+ - !



May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) lack of hotkeys and explaining that as "maintaining balance" is being lazy and downright retarded since the game requires endless grinding

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May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) 2/5 until you make some improvements. Agree with all the top-rated comments. Hotkeys, for god's sake! Clicking every where sucks. And the click-detection isn't very good - or hard to tell when you have clicked correctly. Don't balance thru removal of hotkeys.

+ - !



May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) OH awesome if you go to move then click off and have not clicked where you want to move you get stuck forever. 1/5 this game is boring the sound is repetitive and the game play is lame.

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May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) at first it looked good but then it was a 2/5

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May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) so, like most of the comments here, at first I thought that this game is really cool, but it just needs a few hotkeys or the like. But, upon playing it more, I've realized there's not much to this game besides the graphics. It's short, extremely repetitive, the leveling up system requires only that you have money (no experience points or anything), the heaven/hell campaigns are basically the same, there's almost no information given on characters or their stats, there are only 3 commands for each character, a number of the fights are just grind fests, you can't sell back your characters or store them somewhere so you just have to delete the character and earn money to replace him, the abilities are neither dynamic nor original, the list goes on. So, I'm actually quite disappointed with this game. Though, again, the game does LOOK very very cool.

+ - !



May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I don't see hot keys as neccesary, i consider this like the time management games. The only reason i can't beat certain battles has nothing to do with hot keys, it took forever to beat the sea monster because it's waves hit multiple times draining all of all of my units action bars and when i get the occasional shot if i was unlucky, which is most of the time, it would be during it's attack and miss automatically. i had to beat it with just one healer and an angel, after everything else died trying to take out one tentacle. Buddan's sleep is useless, the enemy never sits on a full bar and for example with Gigant his bar is recharged by the time i can click on a different unit. Overall the action bars should probably be slowed down slightly and the enemies hits shouldn't stun the player. make the $70 angel hit a random target. If theres no sell there should be a reserve team to swap units and upgrade new units until they are good enough to fight.

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May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I think my hand is numb from all the clicking...

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May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) it would be nice i we can delete one character from our army without lossing it ;). But i love this game, verry funny and i love the hell

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May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) haha fukked it up again ;) I bet the game idea, wasnt even yours, its ways too good compared to the weak gameplay

+ - !



May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) It seems like a lot of work went into the asthetics of this game, but not very much into the gameplay itself. I really want to like it, but there is just way too much monotonous clicking involved. And for some units (e.g., the old angel), it's even more tedious - click once for attack, click again to specify the target...rinse, repeat. Please improve the controls - it would vastly improve this game. 5/5 for graphics/asthetics...4/5 for concept...2/5 for gameplay/controls.

+ - !



May. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) There are no descriptions for what the different characters do, the tutorial is broken and cannot be completed with the old guy, it needs hotkeys or an auto attack option with each character, needs more level upgrades for the characters... 2/5

+ - !


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