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Comments for Beloved

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Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) As I was reading the introduction to the first level, I was thinking "Oh, great, of course he had to label the guy blue and the girl pink... Great :|" I almost quite upon finishing level two. When level 3 popped up, my jaw dropped. I then smiled, and kept doing it until the very ended, where it turned into a grin. I nearly teared up... Thank you. Thank you for your kind message and your support. People like you give me hope, hope that one day I will not be discriminated against. Thank you so much! <3

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

Yay! Thank you for playing til level three, and thus the ending! :D You're so welcome, I'm extremely happy to hear this game had such a profound effect on you. Remember - you are awesome :)


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I couldn't agree more, the only solution to this problem though would be for people to grow up. Unfortunately, far too many people believe it's their RIGHT to FORCE their OPINIONS on others. Everyone needs to realize one simple thing; I am me, you are you, it's not my place to tell you how to be. Now that I'm done ranting..The game's cute, music isn't horrible but then again it took me all of five minutes to complete it. Short and sweet, and honestly I believe you pulled off exactly what you intended to. Kudos for trying to enlighten other people but it's all in vain, and effort in vain is wasted just the same. 4/5 stars.

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

Lots of people are really entrenched in their closed, traditional views which is quite sad. But, with time, those people will become the vast minority, outnumber by the happy loving people in the world! Even here, for every hateful comment someone posts, there's dozens of positive happy comments :) Thanks for playing, and remember yo - nothing's ever in vain. Sounds like a BS movie cliche, but it's totally true <3


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I'm more a "blue heart with pink heart(s)" kind of guy, but damn, crack another book than the Bible and you'll see that homosexuality and bisexuality were depicted at least since Ancient Rome... Anyways, these comments from retarded people who can't be happy unless they're putting their noses in other people business pisses me off. If two peolpe choose each other, let them. I don't go and forbid anyone else to wear red shoes just because i don't like red shoes... Live and let live! Thanks for the game. ;)

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

Haha, I like how you included the little (s) on pink heart(s) ;) Glad you enjoyed the game, thanks for playing+commenting!


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Not to hard of a game but I like the message and the music. On any subject it is always the haters who are the real problem.

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

Thanks dude! Ya man, haters gonna hate, whaddya gonna do. For the most part people have really enjoyed the game :) If you want you can download the music,


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Thank you people who created this! I almost missed it thinking it's just another Valentine crap, and oh how wrong was I! Many hundreds thousands thanks!

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

"Person", just me :) Glad you enjoyed it, it's definitely more than your average silly little love-game!


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Excellent work. I'm not sure I've ever derived as much meaning from so short a game. Simple, refined, and engaging.

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

Thank you so much :)


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Man, this game change my entire view of Valentines Day.

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

I hope for the better! ;)


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Great game, fantastic music! I think I'll play it in the background for a while. *Reads comments* I can download the music? WHO IS THIS PERSON AND HOW CAN I SEND HIM A GIANT BOX ON FLUFFY PANCAKES???

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

Hahaha, I take it you noticed how often I post regarding pancakes. They're just so awesome :D That's why I made this awhile back: Anyway thanks for playing! If you want you can download the music too,


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) it's the first time I find a romance related game that everyone can relate to, including me, I'm the guy in level 5 to be precise :(

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

Yeah man, Level 5 is there for a reason. If it makes you feel any better I'm flying solo this v-day too. But hey, we always have the internet and its limitless amount of pornography to keep us company :)


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Very nice game

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

Thank you!


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I love when this kind of games hit Kong. Also, happy valentines day!

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

Happy v-day to you too!


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) However you do have a few valid points in some manners but the thing is most is ok as long as everyone wants it and that´s the problem with those you took as comparisons you can't know if an animal or kid wants sex(and with the kid its more moral problems too), the raped person is pretty sure not to want it. Gay people on the other hand find other gay people that wants it so that´s why its accepted. straight wants straight gay wants gay nobody gets hurt.

+ - !



Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Beautiful, that is all i have to say.

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES



Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) 5/5 the game itself is simple but the message in the story makes it special. :)

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

Thank you ^_^


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Enjoyed the game's message but found the game rather boring lol

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

Haha no worries man, the game is designed around the narrative with the mechanics supporting it - as such the gameplay was second to the message, and I didn't want to make it too revolutionary so most people could easily understand it and get through. Thanks anyhow, glad you enjoyed the message!


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Congratulations on dealing this good with such an important and hated matter. As a game, this is obviously nothing remarkable, even the hardest puzzles were way easy (I really wish homosexuals would find those difficulties to express their love, in the real world it is so much worse...). The reason I gave this a 5/5, apart from talking about the true meaning of love on a day when everyone just babble about sex, is how much you beautifully showed how it is so simple and good, while every homophobe try to make it look so difficult and horrible. You put it down in a childish language, like if you were explaining to a 3 year old (the mental age of most homophobes, actually) that 2 plus 2 makes 4 (and homo love is that natural, actually). And you successfully integrated those explanations in a videogame context, like if you were explaining the rules to the puzzle or that you can move with the arrow keys (and if anyone could love anyone, life would be beautiful, fun and light as a game).

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

Thanks so much for this review! Yeah dude, most people really tend to overcomplicate things much more than they need to be. That's the whole point of this game - love is love. It's simple, everyone feels it, no matter who you're attracted to. Thanks for playing, I'm really glad you enjoyed it so much and I hugely appreciate the rating :)


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Finally a love game who understands that there exists gay love!

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

Damn straight! :D


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) @Jacobusjames: Because dog, tree, horse, girl, and ice cream cannot consent. There's no slippery slope there.

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

Maybe he thinks all women are dogs and all men are trees. In which case his homophobia is really the least of his mental concerns. <3


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Wow. I never knew moving circles around could teach morals so well! This game is genius!

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

Who would've thought! Thank you :D


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Never seen anything like this before. I assume there is a resistance to addressing reality in a gamers community. Way to hit the mark, I am sure a lot of people feel supported by your message. 5/5

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

Actually I'm really impressed by most people's reaction to it. There's a handful of naysayers but the vast majority of commenters have been really supportive. The Kong community is awesome :3 Thanks for rating!


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) nice music

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

Thanks! If you wanna download it it's up at


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Lateris I find your "belief"? interesting (and I honestly had a hard time trying to come up with a reply I´m good with) but isn´t that somewhat like saying that all pleasure but that which "I" think is right is to be weak? You are pretty much saying that if you like people of the same sex and give in to that feeling instead of being straight against your hearts will is weak, whilst just being straight from scratch is strong and honorable when its really the same thing. Only seen from different angles.

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

To each their own opinion, even when that opinion is wrong and broken and dumb and ugh. But hey, he beat the game and by viewing it got me some ad revenue which I can then donate to a pro-LGBT rights organization so whatever, joke's on him. Thanks for playing the game, congrats on the badge and award! :)


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I don't usually comment on games, but this was nice to see, considering I'm bisexual/pansexual/I'm-not-actually-sure-but-on-some-level-I'm-attracted-to-more-than-one-sex myself. The message is very frank, but so what? That's the point. Like a lot of commenters, it's nice to see something which isn't so heteronormative, so his 'n her. Thanks a lot for this, game was lovely c:

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

Yeah, there's only sooo much exposition you can get into eight levels of an online puzzle game, but I'm really pleased to see the reception it got. Eventually I'd like to release a mobile game with more content and hopefully touch on the many MANY other groups that aren't represented here (like the ones you mentioned!). Thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed the game :)


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

You can agree or disagree with whatever you like! Hell, I ENCOURAGE you to have opposing viewpoints, as then stuff gets talked about and debated. Just have an open mind to other people's points of view, be objective and don't actively get in the way of other people's thoughts (not saying you were though). In the words of Bill and Ted, "Be excellent to each other." That said, this comment'll proooobably get downvoted, just cuz it IS posted on a distinctly pro-gay game. C'est la vie. Thanks anyway for commenting, congrats on beating the game and getting the badge+award :)


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Is it strange that after I beat the game, I left it on to listen to the soundtrack? Is there somewhere I can buy this?

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

Yeah man! You can download it for free, but I can't tell you how much I appreciate any donation you want to throw my way. Thanks, glad you enjoyed the music so much!


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES



Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) This game should have been longer! There should be a next game where there are more couples gay, or straight that try to get to each other, but they have a longer story. Like in "The Company of Myself"! I love the message with gay rights! I didn't see that coming! :) Happy Valentines Day to all the straight, gay, and lesbian people! <3

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

Thanks so much! Eventually I want to release a mobile version that'll have more content in it. Very happy you enjoyed the game and message, thanks for commenting and a happy v-day to you too!


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) It's things like this that remind you that there's good in the human race.

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES



Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) A nice presentation about the different way of love , nice job Kranggames

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

Thank you!


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) way to easy, really nice concept

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

Thanks :) Try beating the level pars!


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Just shared this on twitter. Thanks for brightening my day :)

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

Once again, happy to hear I brightened your day ^_^ And thanks so much for sharing!!


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

True dat! Love can be wherever you want it - between romantic partners, between friends, between a man and his fluffy warm pancakes in the morning... Wherever you want it :)


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Did I just play a gay rights message? Anyway, decent game. Too short for my taste.

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES



Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) omg..... you did a great job, happy valentine kong ;)

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES



Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) This is a game is remarkable in that it delivers such a complex message in such a short simple and unusual format. The symbolic pixel art helped distance the player from the real-life visual 'ick factor' that usually colors people's prior perceptions of LGBT relationships. I found myself rooting for the game because of what it was trying to do despite the overly-familiar game-play. Perhaps that's a greater level of success.

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

Haha, oh man I'm stoked to hear that :) Yeah, a lot of people get uncomfortable when they think of two men together or two women. I went for as much symbolism as possible, to make it clear but distance people from any preconceived bias they have. That's why it's Sir and Sir and not Man and Man, why it's just blue and pink hearts, etc. Thanks :)


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Sir and Sir? This gay guy is incredibly happy! you made my day :)

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

Awesome! Hearing I made your day makes my day :)


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) @Lateris Homosexuality cause by a mutation? ****in sweet, I'm gonna join the X-Men!

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

You're my favorite :3


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

This comment is technically correct. The best kind of correct. <3


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I really enjoyed this game, it was simple but it changed my views on non-heterosexual relationships. Also thanks for the smile, this game brightened my day!

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

Woah, if I've actually managed to -change- your view on gay relationships (hopefully for the better ;) ), that's amazing! Thanks SO much for playing and commenting :D


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) This game made me smile. :) Simple clear message. :) It's true! All that matters is love itself.

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

I'm really happy to hear the game put a smile on ya face. Happy v-day :)


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Awesome game. I wish I could give it a "10". It made my day and made me feel gay!

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

A 5 is good enough :) Haha, thanks man, excellent comment! :D


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Very thanks for this game, you famously ended my day. <3

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES



Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) So many hearts. lol Nice game :3

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES



Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I played this on Valentines Day.

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

Makes sense. <3


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) The second to last level made my brain hurt a little. But overall it was cute.

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

Haha, yeah that one's definitely the hardest. Hope the heart-squishy-love-happy message has made your brain hurt a little less. <3


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I love this game its so beautiful and its have nice message. Nice good on the game.

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

Thanks man, happy to hear you love it :)


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) There are very few happy things that make me tear up, and even less love-related things. Congrats on adding another thing to that list.

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

:') <3


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

I think you might've skipped levels 1 and 2 ;)


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) It's awesome how it's ok despite whatever gender.

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES

Yeah man, you got it :)


Feb. 14, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) 4/5 for game play, +1 for Getting It. Thanks!

+ - !


Developer response from krangGAMES


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