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You don't want to know how much of the last three days I spent on the three classified designs. But I sure (re)learned alot about the thinking in low level digital electronics design. Sure, it is not the real thing (which is analogue, not digital) but it does come close. Also some of my earlier designs really feel awkward and clumpsy compared to the onces used as parts of the last three. And there is nothing wrong with a huge selection grid covering most of your design space, ripple carry counters and other multilevel logics are for people more concerned about silicon space than raw speed.
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I can't get past the second level... the first one took me an hour of reading the instructions over and over :( I like the Bureau of Steam Engineering better
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i would love to see this game with a "sandbox" using a larger grid. I built the 4 bit selector for 16 bits of ram, but there isn't enough space to actually place 16 ram units, nor is there a way to set my own input values to test it.
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I have now finished the 16 nonclassified units. Interesting to see that the three classified once are mostly thing I have allready created. So if you just started doing this: remember to save your completed designs in a text file someplace safe, you _will_ need them. (Yes, mine are saved.)
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Finally I managed to create a small enough latch to make my 8-bit memory and is it a thing of beauty. Then I noticed the clock/RW parts of the mux where identical and and reduced the memory controller mux by almost 40%. :) Cannot post the design because of 1000 character limit. :(
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I was freaking 2 min away from done with the 8 bits of addressable memory when firefox crashed... And i was saving relevent chunks, but a lot of stuff needs to be wired by hand...
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Ok. my first try at better instruction was wrong. The output is called the drain in a transistor. The two inputs are source and gate. Source is the bottom layer and the same colour/type as the output, gate is the upper level and controls the conductivity in the source-drain level. P over N (yellow on red) is AND, output will be high if both inputs are high. N over P (red on yellow) inverts the gate (ie the "top" input) and then works the same way {(NOT gate) AND source} which will be an inverter if source is always high (as shown in the tutorial movie).
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These are the simplified instructions to remember which gate is which: N over P (red on yellow) is a NOT. P over N (yellow on red) is AND. Output in both cases is the lower level.
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...What? I can't even find the in-game tutorial. D: No rating until I find it. (So I'm not hurting OR helping this game.)
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I could do the first few levels, but I'm not sure why me lv 3 soloution didn't work.... no idear how to do level four...
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I have never played a game this hard for this long. It has basic graphics, a rubbish tutorial, and no in-game reward for your achievement. However, when i complete a level i get the greatest sense of achievement an internet game has ever givn me. Sometimes I lie in bed thinking of solutions. 5/5/5/5/5/5!
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I've been trying to figure out how somepeople manage to find these <20 pt solutions... then I noticed that for some problems one of the inputs is identical to the output. (groan)
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rofl, I did a karnaugh map for the two bit adder, reconised the XOR's but competely missed the OR gate in the carry. Clearly it is time for me to rest.
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some lvls really are way harder then others.
especially 8 i think.
But know i managed to hit 11 with my designe and it has a rating of 116 :)
(My first attempt failed misserable, my second had over 300, third was about 200, then it was only optimisation)
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This game REALLY needs actual instructions. Also the video's instruction text goes wayyyy too fast. Perhaps it would be easier to have a normal in-game instruction page (ex. list all items, this is what it does)?
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to make set and reset for number five you just use two nor's where one is verticle and the other is horizontal. its simple
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It is surprisingly satisfying to complete a circuit. Some are a bit tricky, but all are doable. I just finished the "Divide-By-Four Counter" as well as all the ones before it. I plan to try and finish the game.
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how do you make an oscillator? its really confusing me on how you are supposed to make it go up and down while it is turned on
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I dont know how, but i managed to design acurate lvl 4: