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Comments for KOHCTPYKTOP: Engineer of the People

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Aug. 27, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Just completed #5. You need to create a delay component as you did in #4 (just a series of AND gates (NPN) with the output of each previous gate wired to both inputs of the next gate). Use the Enable Pin's current to power the OSC, and the delay component to "interrupt" this signal path, using an PNP gate. That will give you 1 "pulse" and should get you started in the right direction. You still need to get the device to oscillate, thus need some way to re-enable the signal path between Enable pin and OSC after it's been terminated. But I don't want to spoil the fun. Good Luck!

+ - !



Aug. 26, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I am very confused by these small semiconductors. I have totally no idea how the transistors work. Those people that invented the microchip is exactly smart.

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Aug. 25, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) That's very nice game. I love it! I built 1, 2, 3 and 4 circuits. I really don't know how to do 5 or 6. Help!

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Aug. 23, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) ok, REALLY fun when u FINALLY figure it out just 1 puzzle, lol

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Aug. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) shift to change silicon p/n and delete silicon/metal

+ - !



Aug. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) 6. Show Me My Darn Score! - It would help to be able to see it after I beat a level in the game, rather than going to the chat GUI to find it. And once I have beat a level, let it update on the fly so I can test easily. 7. Undo/Redo Buttons - Just the last one or two moves, thats all I ask!

+ - !



Aug. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) 5. View Other's Creations - I boggle at the fact that someone can get 300+ points under me on a puzzle. But there is nearly no way for me to see what they did without scouring comments and loading theirs via that method. Why not let me complete the puzzle, then allow me to look at others designs, that way I can learn what I am doing wrong. Im sure there are Electrical Engineers that can pwn this game, but I am not one, so the concept of KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid!) is harder to master without that EE mindset...

+ - !



Aug. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) 4. Copy Paste button - Make it to where you auto copy what you select, then a shift-click+hold allows you to move it in to place, then release to drop that section. And add another quick key that lets me delete the selected circuit(s)? Like select it, then hit D. That would allow you to delete something from one place and move it to another location.

+ - !



Aug. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) 3. Button simplification - Why does shift toggle both the silicon type and the silicon/metal delete? Why not just have 4 buttons, one for each material, and then shift toggles the delete? I have a tendency to lay lots of one type of silicon/metal/connectors all at the same time, why not just let me hit shift to delete that specific type rather than having to change over to the deleting button...

+ - !



Aug. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) 2. Tutorial - The movie concept is awful, how about a darn click to continue step by step, along with a try it yourself portion. I understand the first level is a tutorial level, but come on, just a single tiny level for each gate type, with a good explanation of the concept of that gate. Or at least an auto-pause in the movie so you can read the text without having to pause it yourself! 2a. Optimization Tutorial - This would be a nicety that would solve a lot of frustration. It could just be a brief page on using the least amount of switches, and maybe another page on how to use delay to your advantage to even out the verification graphs.

+ - !



Aug. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) This game is so full of win on the concept it blows my mind. The feeling of success on laying out a workable circuit board is awesome, right up there with building a robot that exceeds your expectations on Incredibots or Fantastic Contraptions 1 & 2... That being said, it doesnt get 5 stars from me for several reasons, some of which are very frustrating: 1. Snap to grid - This whole game is based on a grid, why make me draw straight lines with a mouse that can wander? Which leads to... 1a. Click and hold to draw straight lines - It would take the hassle out of laying a long section of metal or silicon, especially when combined with the above.

+ - !



Aug. 19, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) everyone!!!!! CRUCIAL!! listen!!!!! in the totorial in the top right corner there is a pause button Make sure this comment stays alive so people stop complaning!

+ - !



Aug. 18, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) It's a great game but the one side deactivating/other activating can give moments when a value is true and your vertification says it's false this becomes a big problem at late levels.

+ - !



Aug. 06, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) wow, too hard for me. My study haven't reach that level yet, but I love physic! love this 5/5

+ - !



Jul. 30, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) kohctpyktop pleases his Motherland.

+ - !



Jul. 28, 2010

Under rating threshold (show)

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Jul. 27, 2010

Under rating threshold (show)

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Jul. 25, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I'm still playing through and I really enjoy the challenge. (physicist) but the one piece I couldn't figure out was the timing type of circuit. I had to see another solution for that. making transistor gates was an interesting challenge so far in terms of logic, but it would have been nice for the tutorial to at least hint how to make a time-delay.

+ - !



Jul. 25, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Makes me ask the question "what did college ever teach me?".

+ - !



Jul. 21, 2010

Under rating threshold (show)

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Jul. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show)

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Jul. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show)

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Jul. 19, 2010

Under rating threshold (show)

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Jul. 17, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) A one useful thing to have would be the ability to slow down the current. That way it would be easier to analyze the individual gates.

+ - !



Jul. 17, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) This game is unituitive, not aestheticaly pleasing and slow. However the sheer challenge of it is unbelievable. the moment when you suddenly get it... is one of the most amsing feelings. 5/5

+ - !



Jul. 07, 2010

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Jul. 06, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Lol, I had a nice logic unit, although a little chaotic, working flawlessly, and then I added the last operation - DISRUTPION... -.-... I was like WHAT THE FFFFUUUU

+ - !



Jul. 06, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Cool game - lets you understand those circuits by thinking about them and building them by yourself :D

+ - !



Jul. 03, 2010

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Jun. 27, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) When I first started playing this game, the initial levels were extremely tough to navigate. This was of course due to the lack of good instructions on how to play the darn game. Now, a few weeks later, I finally finished up a (rather messy, but functional) 8-bit adressable SRAM, and I'm loving this game. You get used to the controls, and when you figure out what the parts DO (by experimenting, or looking at other people's solutions) you will find that this game offers alot of fun and complex puzzles. I even found this game to be somewhat educational towards understanding electronics around you (maybe even somewhat how computers work). I would love to see this kind of game implemented as a feature on the smaller scale where you have to combine smaller parts of electronics on a larger piece of machinery.

+ - !



Jun. 26, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) This game is way to complicated for my underdeveloped brain.... not rating though didnt really play.

+ - !



Jun. 19, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) You don't want to know how much of the last three days I spent on the three classified designs. But I sure (re)learned alot about the thinking in low level digital electronics design. Sure, it is not the real thing (which is analogue, not digital) but it does come close. Also some of my earlier designs really feel awkward and clumpsy compared to the onces used as parts of the last three. And there is nothing wrong with a huge selection grid covering most of your design space, ripple carry counters and other multilevel logics are for people more concerned about silicon space than raw speed.

+ - !



Jun. 18, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I really wish 95% was enough to pass a level... 95% on the second confidential level...

+ - !



Jun. 18, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I can't get past the second level... the first one took me an hour of reading the instructions over and over :( I like the Bureau of Steam Engineering better

+ - !



Jun. 17, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) i would love to see this game with a "sandbox" using a larger grid. I built the 4 bit selector for 16 bits of ram, but there isn't enough space to actually place 16 ram units, nor is there a way to set my own input values to test it.

+ - !



Jun. 17, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I have now finished the 16 nonclassified units. Interesting to see that the three classified once are mostly thing I have allready created. So if you just started doing this: remember to save your completed designs in a text file someplace safe, you _will_ need them. (Yes, mine are saved.)

+ - !



Jun. 17, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Finally I managed to create a small enough latch to make my 8-bit memory and is it a thing of beauty. Then I noticed the clock/RW parts of the mux where identical and and reduced the memory controller mux by almost 40%. :) Cannot post the design because of 1000 character limit. :(

+ - !



Jun. 17, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) That's one of the best games EVER! Anyone who wants to be engineer MUST play this once on his life

+ - !



Jun. 16, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) How do you switch the Silicon types?

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Jun. 16, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) aaaaand i lost some of my pieces i designed

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Jun. 16, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I was freaking 2 min away from done with the 8 bits of addressable memory when firefox crashed... And i was saving relevent chunks, but a lot of stuff needs to be wired by hand...

+ - !



Jun. 16, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Stuck at 96% accuracy on the 2 bit adder with carry. Very frustrating. I love this game.

+ - !



Jun. 16, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Ok. my first try at better instruction was wrong. The output is called the drain in a transistor. The two inputs are source and gate. Source is the bottom layer and the same colour/type as the output, gate is the upper level and controls the conductivity in the source-drain level. P over N (yellow on red) is AND, output will be high if both inputs are high. N over P (red on yellow) inverts the gate (ie the "top" input) and then works the same way {(NOT gate) AND source} which will be an inverter if source is always high (as shown in the tutorial movie).

+ - !



Jun. 16, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) These are the simplified instructions to remember which gate is which: N over P (red on yellow) is a NOT. P over N (yellow on red) is AND. Output in both cases is the lower level.

+ - !



Jun. 13, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Ugh, this isn't a game, this is work lol

+ - !



Jun. 11, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) lvl 5: eNrtWVmWgzAMKxY/PcNcYf7nLHP/i8w8WmiCHWUr0BbD66qKuImiYGf8Hr+uv8P1 ZxgvLeebE4fpnF+H5XMBUe5E+X+W+3fFRIl+XNliE7GhRQlarSTqniwgSvIsEMBg jGlhqKyjClusIEqgmcHoYdpiqNFirZ5hIjvR7dHt0e3R7fFyu52T9DGhAMxHPzod mJ6A5b1E6ITcYBsFgutoLkUZVxi6fCeoReUREkSjeARnoaBo1F0GN2hSRZUY/U9A x8sGlw46WXU01nCMxkzFpSjjCkMDUUqroGGiUPMpnmYUfUjW5s5tY0dLMke/yCuP RZHhUml1cPui6kCZpK24K7ln9EpXrCu2F30dq4w18A6TBSVcIoAD/m/7RHPUFXtu xb6MVa66JFp3QGSp85U1l6UzjNuVzmh5VWfgwVU0N8iEVjFPP0CKe9IM3BXriv0I q8StHyHCOvP5qOS4YGhZ4oCkeKKqlEalDYUgjbrduWJdsW9tlViVfWtqLJl1tp2b nSxpLoIjXb1BJmZIdeUnw8VcQne7c8W6Yjewyudscidv7xGMg71HluHSbWzCBeVm Yi7a5OYrOE1nMoOY5HqKvVutEuSeM5e8SxMXlCs5m2UJON8B13ard8Az8yjJNfe4 +RzcZo/7KVZpP/rRMvFQ69hwjcaRkzRR+QFdoxek5W7H0cpapSv2KMXu4Uir4w/I c8lT

+ - !



Jun. 11, 2010

Under rating threshold (show)

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Jun. 10, 2010

Under rating threshold (show)

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Jun. 09, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) lvl 4: eNrtmk0OgyAQRssMG8/QK3Tfs/T+F2kyrqwDUSghwNO4ej4n/vAJgfiKz+0TtneI j5IdEfE/YkBcWRQqUpGKM1UMZf8OsZ3/Y7Fo3TlJb0ZV1T3qqWiu7pjU7i5Fxb7W hnx/rzUnVFeQ/APQKllwx3atgeyb23YsIH6ucmx3Lm2YUclsvBSeUGg5VVzcCShR CYVCO1IlKulHcb8XBmi407vZMNQTJiqJDih0NTpSv5GohPakioub61VONQBn1vsG JQxxcc/05hx3uxnwxlHpH/V0wuhIrB4iKnFXjEpvrdBhsVDRlTsk0hc+k8cx

+ - !



Jun. 09, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) lvl 3: eNrtml1ugzAQhLGHl5yhV+h7z5L7XyQNpTjrXS/FxIXEY8sK0ufhT/FkYDN+jh+X a7h8hXGo6RRSSCGFFG4QRrOvCm3RqrAkWhGWRXHLzXkRYagTxsOEQYyWwmGeFrLB hXxS4RTnYrlNFIA59tN7w9TuG/NYjpvow4wCnWco+v3xc6n5RaUJGdU7iKSkp6L5 BLkgIuSy0XTusYIuLdGHgxlaJMHUx6GIf8/YpMs2/seXbD/8k2GSkpK+BEVLurhh l/eZVklKSkpKqyTtmMKj8LTw9ozT5kbEfbScG7F6Vu+eOWmVpD1QOBQOhUNxCEVL Kl798wGcVknaS6rM634iVeZMpErFdEnxhHcDLalv77TKp1S6U743a9niCUB/LZ1s wBIpaW/UKYHL4Ai9yoo0N0to67BL4EZgraC6xt2uAt7YKu2xnxa/H/rXvyo5MGWR vhnF2rtZsR7EOvLezVYaOMyEvfl67b/8HeZIVrsB+iPJCA==

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