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Comments for Heavy Weapons

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Aug. 20, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) (Hint for final boss) Go inside the boss and use lightning gun right at the beginning it takes his life down really fast and then just use any other gun to finish him off.I was trying everything & this really did the trick.

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Go for 4 Homings (weapon 8) first. It'll be useful throughout the whole game. Then get Energy Homers (weapon 12) and switch between the missiles while one or the other is reloading. From there it's your choice between Lightning (weapon 16, great crowd control), BFG (weapon 17, fast reload good while other weapons reload), Big Laser (weapon 20, selective crowd control), and Duck Death (weapon 21, incredible single-target damage). Ignore my boss advice, Militant8invader's is better.

+ - !



Feb. 22, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Fun game but needs a replay button and maybe even a magnet upgrade for the cash pickups. 3/5

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Feb. 22, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) The gameplay was solid enough, but this game has everything I hate about shooters like this; you have to collect every coin with immaculate precision, the coins disappear before you can even get to them, and the level ends before you are done killing things OR collecting what few coins you can. The frustration outweighs the fun, sorry to say =\

+ - !



May. 31, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) money should be AUTOMATICALLY collected, i hate having to drive over it

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Feb. 22, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) really frustrating when you get stuck on a level and dont have enough money

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Its...a good game with just some serious flaws. I agree with money/replay levels, but the gameplay could be tweaked a bit. Maybe upgrade the ship so it's a bit faster/take a few more hits? I thought it was a bit disappointing watching my ship 'splode after like five hits. And I also hate how in the double score mode, you could easily die while waiting to finish the level and have to do it all over again. Overall 3/5; this game has good potential for a sequel.

+ - !



Feb. 01, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) "Instant death to anything it touches." LIAR! It doesn't even do more than a 1/12 to the installations! What the heck are you talking about, instant death? Now I might be screwed because the recharge on it makes the weapon suck, and I wasted all that money on it! man....

+ - !



Feb. 01, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) I survived the level. Beam me up, Scotty. Quick! Beam me up! Pleeeease.... BEAM ME UP ..... Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom!!!! >:-[[ Scotty: You are fired!!

+ - !



Apr. 04, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) For anyone struggling with the game,try using the arc spread.It is cheap,and it can get you through many,many levels.Try using it for as long as you can(i got the final weapon without buying any other ones).Some of the best weapons that last till the end boss are the BFG(you can shoot it from 1 corner of the map and follow it from the is a really good shield that is recharged by the time you reach the other corner diagonally),the lightning(if you hold it down until it runs out it is a screen clear,although it takes some time to recharge),the big laser(i see it as a slightly worse BFG),the vortex(when used with the BFG or the laser it can clear more than 1 screen at a time) and the duck death(good for damage and clears,but it gets much worse at the later stages).If you don't buy every new weapon and stick with the good cheap ones you can have all these weapons before the second boss.Good luck :)

+ - !



Apr. 06, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) Disappointed that there are no ship upgrades (that I can find). Upgrades such as coin magnet, speed, etc. would make this a better game

+ - !



Jan. 31, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Whoever thought this game was a good idea, either was a majestic gamer or had too much free time. No replayable levels + weapons are the only upgrade and cost money = the possibility of being stuck on a level, like, for example, 17.

+ - !



Sep. 03, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) You're in a small ship, trying to collect this tiny little dots, with a small hit box. WHERE'S THE MAGNET?

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Feb. 01, 2015


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Feb. 01, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) If you happen to buy weapons that do not fare well against the Mother Cube at level 36, you are screwed. For some reason, you cannot replay earlier levels. For some reason, the dev acknowledges this and acts as if this is fine. Besides the money collection and clunky movement, not being able to replay the levels means you might end up needing to replay those boring 36 levels just to have another shot at defeating that boss. If your weapons are still too poor, you'll have to replay the 36 levels again. You can't replay the levels as in any other arcade shooter EVER MADE, so you can get stuck, meaning you'll have to delete everything and retry. 2/5 for poor design

+ - !



Feb. 01, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Why on earth do the coins dissappear, considering i have no magnets to pick them? Make them stay on screen or put an effing magnet to that effing ship.

+ - !



Apr. 07, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) Whenever you get hit while winning a level, it counts as a hit. So imagine this, I have one hit till death, I win the level, and then an enemy hits me. I find this unfair and frustrating.

+ - !



Feb. 01, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Boring game. with having to collect money. Developers, please take note: collecting money is not fun. At all.

+ - !



Feb. 01, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) This game has the potential to be fun, but two things ruin it: 1 - Picking up money is so difficult, that it seriously interferes with killing enemies. 2 - Levels aren't replayable, and you don't get any money for a level you didn't complete. This seriously limits how much money you can accumulate, and can leave you stuck if you spend money on a weapon that doesn't end up fitting your play style. You don't have enough money to get further in the game, and you don't have any way to accumulate more.

+ - !



Jan. 31, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Because picking up the money items was such a pain, on some levels I didn't even bother. The small ones I just ignored precision is required to get them.....and they are sitting right where all the mobs are congregating/moving past.

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I got some cash! No wait, I got hit instead =W=

+ - !



Jan. 30, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Can't replay levels, weapons are your only updgrades, can die after winning?, can control with arrow keys but weapons only switch with 1, 2 and 3. And you aim with your mouse. In other words, if you type with an AZERTY keyboard you can't switch weapons. This game is so poorly optimized the highest it will get from me is a 2/5.

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I've been dying a lot in level one because I'm so paranoid about the money issue people keep mentioning. If the developer is afraid people will just grind early levels, why not do two things: 1. Make the levels re-playable. BUT 2. You only earn what you get above your "Most Money Earned" amount. So let's say I play and get $800. If I replay and get $1,000, I get $200. If I replay and get $1,000 again, I get nothing.

+ - !



Jan. 27, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) You could make it so we can't replay any past levels, you could make it so we're not invincible after reaching the quota so you can still die if you're not careful enough, you could make it so there's no magnet to instantly get all money left on the field and from enemies I kill between the quota and beam-up or any kind of money magnet whatsoever, you could make it so we can't upgrade the ship's firepower or rate of fire or HP or defense or maybe HP regeneration...... BUT --- not all in the same game. At least put SOMETHING, any of those would have been fine.

+ - !



Apr. 06, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) Spliner: "instant death to anything". lies...

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Feb. 01, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) You don't even keep the cash from the previous level after dying?! Greeeat game design.

+ - !



Feb. 01, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Well. I find this is another game I have to rate at ! due to poor game play, and the fact kong wants me to play it. Poor choice for a badge game. Poor mechanics, upgrades, pixile hunting, reply, ... sigh.

+ - !



Feb. 01, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) I enjoy the game design, etc.... but I can't replay levels for cash? And then after finally surviving the harder level.... I get no cash since I was too busy running????? Ugh..... only doing this for the badge.........

+ - !



Apr. 06, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) I've grown weary of this type of game. It's not a bad game but I'm not enjoying it enough to finish.

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Feb. 01, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) the lack of money magnet in this type of game is really crippling, with waves of enemies of good variety and nice controls, it's a shame such basic function is not implemented

+ - !



Feb. 01, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) One of the worst games I've played on Kong. The fact that we can't keep the money we've gotten after getting killed just makes this game tedious, boring, and awful 0/5 if I could

+ - !



Feb. 25, 2011


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Apr. 05, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) If the 58th level has taken me at least a hundred tries by now, with all the weapons unlocked, that's not me being below average, that's the game being bad.

+ - !



Feb. 01, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Why does every weapon upgrade leave me saying "well that was a giant waste of money"?

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Feb. 01, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) I just played this game for the badge of the day. It's got all the frustration of old-school arcade shooters with none of the fun.

+ - !



Feb. 01, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Here's the way to beat the final boss in literally less than 10 seconds; in fact there is a youtube video that shows this. Put Ricochet as weapon 1, Lightning as weapon 2 and Shortshield as weapon 3. The instant you can move, put yourself in the very center of the red dot of the boss; it has to be fairly precise. Then, put your aiming cursor so that you're aiming at the center of that dot as well. Then hold the left click to fire nonstop and the second you run out of weapon 1 Ricochet, press "E" to change to weapon 2 Lightning, then when it runs out, press "E" again to change to weapon Shortshield. If you and the aiming box are in the very center, the boss will die just as the Shortshield weapon runs out. It may take a few tries to get yourself in the very center of the red dot EXACTLY where you need to be, but it WILL work only if you are there.

+ - !



Jan. 31, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Without being able to replay a level for cash, you could get stuck on a level you cannot win with what you have bought. But it was developed in 2009. Would be nice if they just popped back to an old one like this and put a couple fixes in.

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Jan. 30, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) I hate this game! I'm just here for the badges!

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Feb. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) No health upgrades.

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Feb. 22, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Well. I think the game just outright lied to me with the Slow Time powerup. I first used it in Level 9, and it doesn't seem to slow down enemies by any significant amount... or at all, really. Instead, by using it, I just get a really blurry screen for 5 seconds.

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May. 20, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I get so concerned over the money that I died on level 2 about 30 times. Make a auto money collector or something already. Just because of that I would give this game a 3/4.

+ - !



Jan. 30, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Your weapons are your only upgrades: negative; Have to beat the game to replay levels: negative; Losing the game after completing the mission: negative; No soundtrack of any description: negative. All these negatives costs a star in my opinion, leaving this game with a 1/5 rating for me.

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Jul. 04, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) if your not going to add a replay level feature at least let us keep the money we earned on failed levels

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Aug. 05, 2018

Under rating threshold (show) I'm increasingly finding that weapons don't do what they claim. "Kills anything it touches"? Yeah right. Vortex suck in ALL enemies to a single point? Maybe a couple. Most ships seem to have more than enough power to break the pull of the vortex.

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Feb. 01, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Buy spread type weapons. Forget about single target weapons or any gimmicks like bomb or vortex.

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Feb. 01, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Weapons not heavy enough.

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Feb. 08, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Levels are not well balanced. Some levels are way too difficult, and then the next, way too easy. Level 36 is too hard.

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Jul. 04, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) The Duck Death's not nearly as good as it's quacked up to be...

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Apr. 12, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Last Boss - Energy Homers, Laser Lock, Big Laser ( For me this is the easiest way ). When you defeat the last boss you can choose level :)

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Jul. 04, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) a few things i would love to see changed 1) enemies dropping other things other than diamonds (i.e. something to heal me back up, or make me invincible for 5 seconds or something) 2)if i cant go outside the screen then the enemies shouldnt either.. 3) some ship upgrades other than weapons (like armor for more hp, or a shield if i know theres no way to dodge an enemy and a magnet so i dont have to work twice for the money i already earned) 4)

+ - !


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