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Comments for Cube Colossus

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Jul. 24, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) would be nice to be able to turn off music BEFORE the first fight is over. Need options on the main screen at the beginning.

+ - !



Jul. 24, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) Energy is mislabeled. It's actually how long until the weapon overheats, based on in-game dialogue.

+ - !



Jul. 24, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) I am leaving this for 15% at the initialization

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Jul. 24, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) i like the different controls but i can't figure out how to mute , if there is any way to mute it at all

+ - !



Jul. 24, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) I have no idea how this game ended up on my favorites list. I hate shooters! Must have misclicked...

+ - !



Jul. 24, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) The font is awful

+ - !



Jul. 24, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) i began chapter 4 and with every type of weapon i didn't finish it ,some of them deal seriously too few damage to down 1 ennemi in under 10 sec with lv45 attack ,that's insane T_T.

+ - !



Jul. 24, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) 1 star game, the game controls are horrible, I have no control of where I shoot. At least give people a option to configure their controls, I'd rather move my ship around with wasd and point & shoot with my mouse.

+ - !



Jul. 23, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) Needs tutorial. Controls are too atypical to just throw us into it and expect us to understand what it means. Give us time in combat to look around to figure out A from B at the start. Who is to guess that when your shield is down you die? Isn't shield conventionally supposed to be on top of your hit points? There are no explanation for shops, I don't know the weird shapes below represent weapons you can buy initially and was busy upgrading my damage. I still don't know what upgrades do, what proficiency do besides guessing they increase damage. This is coupled with the bad font. Yes we may figure out everything eventually, but it takes the fun out of the game and we don't even get to enjoy the story as much. This is at most good for people who like beautiful effects and cool weapons and shoot a bunch of things without knowing what from what. Could have been a much better game since I like the story and weapons.

+ - !



Jul. 23, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) What's with the font man? It takes me a few minutes just to read the weapon specifications guessing around, and I'm not even sure I'm right. Takes part of the fun out of the game

+ - !



Jul. 20, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) thesaleboat use AMU-02.

+ - !



Jul. 19, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) WASD controls are confusing.

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Jul. 19, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) The menu text is almost unreadable.

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Jul. 18, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) Laggy and unresponsive

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Jun. 17, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) how do I beat level 20?! goodness that's tough!

+ - !



Jun. 13, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) The animations and the songs are really cool, expecially for the lasts battles. I really enjoyed this game and the story with it, nicely balanced and a good assortment of weapons. Maybe just a little laggy, but nothing of so annoying. I still don't get it why this game have a rating of 3.7... it seems too much low, for me at last. I really enjoyed, surely 5 stars. Good work.

+ - !



Apr. 03, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) skill-less grind

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Apr. 03, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) need medal...

+ - !



Mar. 10, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) Laggggg... On Google chrome and windows 10. More lag every level you advance. Gave up on level 7. Don't want to start on another browser.

+ - !



Dec. 27, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) "I might be pushing our weapons too much, but could you PLEASE just hit anything?"

+ - !



Dec. 07, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) For Loki I found that using AMU-5 ODIN (obtained after level 20) and Excalibur (obtained using Lightknife on level 19) as a weapon worked best. Don't try and dodge in the middle, just circle around the outside as fast as possible while firing. Spam invincible and once protected go in close to Loki as possible. It should die after about 2 invincible bursts.

+ - !



Sep. 08, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) make a second one the fun must go on

+ - !



Jul. 15, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) don't try to play bullet hells with a trackpad like i did. it's not easy

+ - !



Jun. 25, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) You should add a velocity calculator to the target mode.

+ - !



May. 22, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) It's a fun game, but I seriously think you over-complicated the genre.

+ - !



May. 06, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Damn why i must be informed always when i broke chain....

+ - !



Apr. 12, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) the controls are perfect, but too many people are complaining because it's not mainstream.

+ - !



Feb. 23, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) hmm... beat the whole game in about 1.5 hours... good game, but I feel the same as the others on a couple of points: 1. getting the best weapons after the game is done? wtf? 2. Controls are really difficult to master. There are a couple of levels that just leave me flopping around and shooting randomly to win.

+ - !



Feb. 23, 2015

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Jan. 31, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) awful... The controls are crap, the font is illegible... overrated piss-fest

+ - !



Jan. 17, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Devs, could we have more to do, i mean, this is an old game, and basically a 100 percent complete project but there are still loads of grammar errors and you get all the best weapons at the end but nothing to do with them. Maybe more duels and a survival mode?

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Sometimes I wonder whether this game was made in Game Maker or Flash...

+ - !



Jan. 08, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Correction to Tarantus... Beating LOKI is easiest with AMU 02 - Heimdall because overdrive regeneration.

+ - !



Oct. 08, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) It would be nice if the dev used a legible font.

+ - !



Sep. 11, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) level ten... one barreled cannons that shoots 2 bullets that hits anything but a target standing still

+ - !



Jul. 26, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) @Perillus Well. you are right. maybe a survival mode?

+ - !



Jul. 06, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) steerage sucks..

+ - !



Jun. 19, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) The translation is pure horror.

+ - !



Jun. 19, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) In soviet kongregate...cube incinerates you!

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Jun. 17, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) there should be something like a survival mode, so you don't need to make your biggest chain in level 20 or 19 or fighting Loki to go to the leaderboards on MAX CHAIN =/

+ - !



Jun. 16, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Why does clicking on Weapon Proficiency open up 2 windows for!?

+ - !



Jun. 16, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) PLEASE provide better instructions for this game! Too many problems to try to recommend this game: Poor translation/grammar, no explanation of what powerups do, too much text on too small a screen, enemies teleport in randomly making them unavoidable AND prior warning is misleading, constant need to mash W, etc.

+ - !



Jun. 14, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Well that was a nice surprise, two Hard badges with in 10 mins. Great game, I was expecting a harder battle for Loki tho. Well made game, but several annoyances, the freeze after combo break, mouse tracking off screen, and best weapons unlocked after you complete everything ... Rated 4*'s

+ - !



Jun. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) There should be a sequel!! there's too little about the cubes!!

+ - !



Jun. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Great Game developed. Thx for that. Really enjoyed it, but next time please eliminate this "chain break"-thing because in higher levels when you´re hit more often it really sucks.

+ - !



Jun. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) @salyanea Wave 19's segment hint was there for a reason.

+ - !



Jun. 12, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Well, i like when my aim hit "moving fast" enemy,while my target still roaming.... XD

+ - !



Jun. 12, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) I hate how the game doesn't follow your mouse movements when you mouse moves outside of the screen. This is probably the most annoying feature in this entire game, because it WILL make you die when the easiest method of dodging bullets is to run around in circles.

+ - !



Jun. 12, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Simple, upgrades should make more changes since the lvl19 with the first weapon was way too simple. But the game was fun it only miss a sandbox with bosses every 10 waves or so (like that we could use the last weapons we unlocked at the end).

+ - !



Jun. 12, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) @SataiDelenn It's right there in Config. Just load the game, and you'll see it at the bottom.

+ - !


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