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Comments for Zombie Outbreak 2

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Jan. 05, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) you spelt supplies wrong, you spelt it 'supllies'. in not trying to be mean, just telling.

+ - !


Developer response from madmanic

thank you I won't do it next time :)


Jan. 04, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) lmb= left mouse button it is english

+ - !



Dec. 24, 2011

Under rating threshold (show)

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Dec. 16, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Tedious 3/5.

+ - !



Nov. 27, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) 5-Star Axe (;

+ - !



Nov. 27, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Runs around in circles burning all the zombies with level 5 flame thrower. Pilot: "Come on, get inside!" Me: "Nah, I'm having fun."

+ - !



Nov. 17, 2011

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Nov. 11, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Cool game, but the upgrade system is banjaxed. Why bother upgrading anything when the weapon becomes outmoded in the very next level? I wasted about 10k before I thought "Oh, no need to upgrade the shotty-- something better will just be laying on the floor in the next level". So, that's an issue. No complaints otherwise.

+ - !



Nov. 07, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Oh my goodness!! Dearie dear! Finally someone who thinks about the little guy... Stategy, waiting, and forethought. Most zombie games are too quick to kill a player, keep him moving constantly... not letting him think. Hats off to you! someone who THINKS! Really... in the event of something like this actually occuring, would someone rush out to meet this meanace without thinking? Good upgrades, good progression, 5 of 5! Keep going.

+ - !



Oct. 27, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Dang! You'd think the amount of zombies you kill alone on the last mission would be enough to rid the world of the infection alone much less the entire game!!!!

+ - !



Oct. 27, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Where is the second melee weapon?

+ - !



Oct. 17, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Great job man i love this game.

+ - !



Oct. 08, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Good thing I found this Fire axe and pistol laying around in the sewer isnt it?

+ - !



Sep. 20, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) i get rid of axe and pick up pistol i shoot first shot at a group iof zombies, i miss and hit a barrel BOOM! wow i didnt know pistols were strong!

+ - !



Sep. 15, 2011

Under rating threshold (show)

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Sep. 15, 2011

Under rating threshold (show)

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Sep. 15, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Kickin over trash cans like a boss

+ - !



Sep. 14, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) The flamethrower is the best weapon, btw. Zombies just straight up don't come near you when you have it, and you can use it to block vomitspit. Aim at zombies, make sure they're all on one side of you, and run to exit. Also, lit zombies run away from you. Upvote this, I guess.

+ - !



Sep. 14, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Man, it sure is convenient that the city left all those exploding barrels around.

+ - !



Sep. 14, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) i would've liked to shoot some zombie iguanas.

+ - !



Sep. 14, 2011

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Sep. 14, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Liked it. A few ideas: you could make different achievements for each level like speed run (reach the safe zone in a certain time), kill'em all badge (no zombie left), reach x points in the challlenge levels, it's heading for us (destroy car before it hits an obstacle), driving school (clear obstacles and let a car pass safely before it explodes), kill it with fire (9k zombies destroyed with flame flower). Oh and I hoped there would be a twist at the end like the helicopter crashing and releasing some more zombies. End screen: you stand before a destroyed chopper and wonder how to get away.

+ - !


Developer response from madmanic

Those are all neat ideas. I'll keep them in mind. Thanks!


Sep. 13, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) ...a door is there to let zombies out but is it meant to let us in... i walked into the door and was behind the wall :o is that meant to happen?

+ - !


Developer response from madmanic

yes and no :) well... I had to make room for zombies to spawn behind doors. But you're right I should have blocked player from entering them... I'll look into it.


Sep. 13, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) never mind the zombies. they were never a threat in the first place. it's those evil barrels you have to be really worry about!

+ - !



Sep. 13, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) omg my comps so slow i cant enjoy the game to its full extent D:

+ - !



Sep. 13, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I won't say it's a bad game, because it's a good game :P but as far as I am concerned, zombies = stress, fear and anxiety. no stress, fear or anxiety in this one :(

+ - !



Sep. 13, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Yes, it has room for improvement, and I have a few suggestions: Improve melee combat. I have a difficult time knowing when my swing will hit the zombie. Of course, if you plan on staying with unlimited ammo if you make a sequel, melee isn't worth much. However, that moves to my second point. Limit ammo supplies. Instead of unlimited ammo, make it so that every shot from your weapon needs to count. And even then, limit it so that melee combat is inevitable. More types of pickups. Adding ammo will do wonders, as you no longer are only picking up upgrade money, aka supplies. You have the potential of making a game that can reach past 4 stars, and I hope you do. This game is enjoyable, and I wish you luck if you decide to continue with a sequel.

+ - !


Developer response from madmanic

thank you for your comment! actually ammo was limited and you player had to buy them using supplies. but I thought that might be frustrating for most players and switched to unlimited ammo. next time I'll try to use limited ammo and add an option to switch to unlimited ammo upon completion of game. and I'll need to think about melee weapons... may be I can use space key for melee attacks without changing weapons.


Sep. 13, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) 4/5 but add a Minimap, Beastiary or Sub Plot (why am i here) = 5/5

+ - !


Developer response from madmanic

thank you! I'll keep them in mind.


Sep. 13, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) i like how on the streets there are red or green lights.i like how is the ''help'' or ''sos'' is write on the building. but after a time is getting boring good game 3/5

+ - !



Sep. 13, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I'd also recommend adding some sort of feet animation to walking and sprinting, it doesn't have to be very detailed, maybe just feet that always walk in direction of movement? Not so noticeable once you grab your first weapon, but very obvious at a time that matters most - the first impression. For upgrades, probably best to use a series of bars to show current "stats" like fire rate, accuracy, range and magazine, with parts of the bars highlighted to show how it would upgrade. On the whole a nice game, but not really interesting enough to keep me going... it's just too easy.

+ - !


Developer response from madmanic

thanks for your comment. I'll try to add legs to the player as soon as possible. I always forget to add legs.....


Sep. 13, 2011

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Sep. 13, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) One thing I would really like to see, and I consider a near-necessity for any game that offers upgrades, a numerical system for upgrades. I need to know what I'm upgrading and how much. I just spent a ton of upgrade points on this weapon or that. Does it do more damage or attack faster? Do melee weapons get better range? Or if no a numbering system (dmg = 5+2), then a bar that fills up. Just something that offers a benchmark of a weapons stats and improvements. Thanks.

+ - !



Sep. 13, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I shot a barrel. It exploded. My character does a loud scream, gets splattered into bits, and becomes a zombie. Wait what?

+ - !



Sep. 12, 2011

Under rating threshold (show)

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Sep. 12, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Bleh... everything works, but it feels uninspired. A for effort, though.

+ - !



Sep. 12, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) is it just me or does every other sentient being`s goal in life to explode in a car fire ehe probobly just me

+ - !



Sep. 12, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) it should say "get to da choppa" at the end

+ - !



Sep. 12, 2011

Under rating threshold (show)

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Sep. 12, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) when i was using the assust rifle, i had 20 zombies following me so i walked into a kantana by accident and got raped

+ - !



Sep. 12, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Can't anybody in this city drive?

+ - !



Sep. 12, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Pretty good game. It's sad you can't see much though : I blew up on level 7 without knowing why... The ending text said that one should not shoot next to exploding barrels so I guess that's what happened but... Oh well, it's nice someone took the time to put exploding barrels everywhere and hopefully no-one oiled their door so that it doesn't make noise :)

+ - !



Sep. 12, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Its great game, Its well developed and It has lots of potentials, the game does need the exciting effect tho, when you picture a zombie game, you picture running for your life with limited amounts of ammo/weapons and trying to find a way to survive, which makes the game fun AND exciting, this game is good, you have a variety of guns and upgrades with different maps which doesnt make the game boring as soon as u start the game, but the fact that u have to walk most of the time and zombies come out at you at such a slow speed with the unlimited ammo factor makes you say its "eeh" and stop in the middle of the game to do something else cus its not exciting as it could be. I give this game 4/5, its a great game with room of improvement, plus.. who doesn't like a zombie game :D

+ - !


Developer response from madmanic

Thanks! It took a lot of time to learn how to code this game so I wasn't able to focus on different game-play elements. But now I got a decent engine and can focus on improving it. Hopefully soon : )


Sep. 12, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) That was pretty fun. Nice, short, and a nice sense of satisfaction with a fully maxed assault rifle. 4/5

+ - !



Sep. 12, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Saved my supplies to upgrade the assault rifle and that got me through the rest of the game

+ - !



Sep. 12, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Good game and great graphics, but the weapons are completely unbalanced. All the automatic weapons need to be nerfed significantly, and the slower firing ones need a major boost. Same for the melee weapons, never used them beyond the first level. All in all, good job, just need to tweak the weapons to make me use more than the uzi and assault rifle for the whole game.

+ - !


Developer response from madmanic

thanks for your comment. you are right weapons need some balance adjustment I'll look into it asap.

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