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Dec. 29, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) as with most games on Kong, this game is meant to WASTE time, sorry if you entitled lazy brats can't respect or enjoy that. SETTINGS is useful in ANY game you play, instead wanting directions on how to do everything printed in a cheat log for you, try PLAYING the game. Once again if you are lazy or looking for an easy game easily beatable go play something else. I like this game as an 8 bit throwback to the gaming days of yore.

+ - !



Dec. 14, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) THIS GAME SUCKS

+ - !



Nov. 19, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Needs way more materials, better music and bug fixes, 2/5...

+ - !



Oct. 15, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) This would be a great game if it didn't have the whole fuel and recharge thing going on. It takes way too long to dig 30 blocks and then have to drive all the way back and hold a button to recharge and do it all over again. Too time consuming and not enough fun to make it worth it.

+ - !



Oct. 04, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Ya know, I think the ability to actually recharge your driller without having to go to a certain, unmovable area would be more important that building when there's no point in building.

+ - !



Aug. 29, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Action button=E, The game was so cryptic about this that i gave it 1/5 instantly. Please include control-info in the game.

+ - !



Jul. 15, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) why does my SUPER BIG DIGGING MACHINE OF AWSUM use batteries for power...?

+ - !



Jul. 02, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) does the recharge upgrade not work or something?

+ - !



Jul. 02, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Does the demon door actually exist? Has anyone ever found it?

+ - !



Jun. 01, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) whats the action button?

+ - !



May. 26, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) I was reading the description of the engine when I seen the two words, move faster, so I got right to work!

+ - !



May. 09, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) its just to much driving back to base

+ - !



Apr. 29, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Oh, and if space opens the Garage, could it possibly close it too?

+ - !



Apr. 29, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) I really want to like this game, but a game where the vast majority of my time is retracing my own steps, is not particularly fun. I'm not sure if I would suggest shrinking the world, populating it with more ores etc or making earlier access to multiple use teleporters. I assume they're are in the game, but I haven't gotten anywhere near that, and frankly may stop playing long before I do. I can only imagine how bored the miner must be, driving endlessly back and forth through a featureless void of his own creation... If I was him, I would find a new job (which is what this 'game' is starting to feel like) :(

+ - !



Apr. 29, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) how do you build a wall when i press research it deosent do enything???

+ - !



Apr. 26, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) no auto save wtf...and how can a 16bit game have lag o__o I'm giving this a 5 because there's not enough of these digger games around, but you have some serious design flaws dude

+ - !



Apr. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) I hope some one actually reads this, worth a try at least. Mostly because I could really like this game, but the way it is right now it is a terrible grind for little reward. I like that the map is enormous, I want to explore all of it. (If you didnt know there are 4!! quadrants in the map). However some tweaking is necessary, as a minimum upgrades should be easier to get, and perhaps more types of ore. Another great feature would be increasing the visibility radius of the miner. Anything that would make you feel like it is worth it.

+ - !



Apr. 02, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Got the teleporter to work. ONCE. Otherwise I've not been able to build anything. Either instructions are unclear, or there are bugs.

+ - !



Mar. 31, 2014

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Mar. 30, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) pretty good, kinda like motherload

+ - !



Mar. 27, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) what is the point of "CLOSING UNUSED PATHS" there are no hostiles on the map ?_? upgrades quickly get overpriced as there are mostly 5 coin resources scattered far away, game is rather boring than fun ... maybe creators should think of an IDLE version

+ - !



Mar. 23, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) where is metal? Ive found diamond, but no metal is it the rock looking stuff?

+ - !



Feb. 28, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Terrible, grindy and slow.

+ - !



Feb. 16, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) The music is absolutely awesome.. reminds me of Megaman VERY much.

+ - !



Feb. 06, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) how long take to find tresure and demon door

+ - !



Feb. 06, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) make it so you can upgrade battery more

+ - !



Feb. 04, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) i'm lost

+ - !



Feb. 02, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) nice idea but too slow, hate having to come back to base for the first 30 minutes of game

+ - !



Feb. 02, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) You wanna know the best use for pennies ever? Take about a dozen pennies and stack them up, then wrap some tape around them. Instant Keyboard Weight. Gotta love my penny paperweight when I'm playing a game like this, spread the word and end carpeltunnel. xD In all seriouness though, the game is alright. I'm not really liking how much they limit your fuel though considering the size of the map but at least the fuel is only used when digging, also the resources seem kinda low to me, I feel like either there should be way more on the map or they should be worth like twice as much.

+ - !



Jan. 30, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Needs Badge despite its very very very...well Infinite play time to finish

+ - !



Jan. 25, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Is this like Junk Jack, where you find recipes to craft by digging?

+ - !



Jan. 25, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Aw. What, no badges?

+ - !



Jan. 21, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) this game sucks like a vacuum cleaner!!!!

+ - !



Jan. 17, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) I wish you could be paid for dirt. Like, a dollar every five blocks. Maybe ten.

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) this game similar to mega miner

+ - !



Dec. 21, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) A nice idea and a nice start, but I felt I should have been getting paid for the time I was spending without any tangible rewards. For how rough it was to dig down, I didn't feel that the things I was digging for were worth what I putting into it. I also Don't know of any benefit to building walls if you don't need shelter or gain any benefit by it. It would be cool if the benefits came from constructing things with your resources, but I didn't understand the wall structures other than distinguishing the area you like from everything else. A great start, I'd say.

+ - !



Dec. 19, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Dec. 15, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) A good time waster, but MAN do you have to love grinding to really enjoy the game. The resources are incredibly far apart and worth barely anything, meaning it takes several trips for even the first purchases. The fuel rate is terrible, making the trips to and from even more annoying, especially once you've started branching out. I highly advise using the one-trip portals if you have them.

+ - !



Dec. 12, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) i put my action button on space before i knew you needed it for the inventory, so now the game is unplayable.

+ - !



Dec. 09, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Just compressing the apparent gripes into one post: - The maps, game and discovered, utilize extremely long String variables in the .sol file that are most likely at least a million characters each. I don't know if that has to do with the lagging, but it seems suspicious. - The fuel rate is abysmal considering how far apart materials usually are. - The above amplifies the tenacity it takes to get the 100 Rocks (80 with the early Diamond) needed to dig any deeper. - There seems to be some sort of problem with turning that can cause the driller's graphic to move a pixel to the left or rarely right outside of where it is physically. Doesn't seem like much at first, but is quite noticeable after it adds up. Warping re-aligns the driller. I really wanted to like this game, but unfortunately I cannot.

+ - !



Dec. 06, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) 6. To build, click the build menu, then click the item you wish to build. It will tell you the resources you need to build it. If you have everything, and you are in the build area that you've bought, you should have a green box around your miner. Click on the mined ground around your miner and it will build your item. 7. If you cannot find a path through a rock wall, blow it up using a dynamite or C4 charge if you have found those blueprints. 8. To use a teleport, park your miner over the teleport and hold down the action button, E. All in all, not too bad of a game, could use some clearer instructions from the dev. Does take hours to finish mining entire map. Kind of exciting to find an explore area that is almost completely walled off, maze like with treasures to find.

+ - !



Dec. 06, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Ok, a few of notes for you all: 1. This is a long game with no apparent ending. It's basically a time waster. I've mined and covered my entire map and have found no Demon Door. I've contacted the dev to see if this was on purpose. 2. As far as I can tell, the maps are randomly generated. 3. The final 02 compressor upgrade costs 10,000 coins, it just doesn't show up on the button. 4. One-use portals are extremely useful when tunneling, no more driving back to base. Just remember to keep enough resources so you have enough to make one, eg: 10 rock and 10 metal. 5. You can turn the annoying music off. When you load the game, click options and turn the music down by dragging the slider. The music will continue to play until you click Start or Continue. Then sweet sweet silence. You will have to do this each time you load the game up however, as it doesn't remember your settings. Continued in following comment..

+ - !



Dec. 03, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) dear GOD man put in more minerals, or increase the amount of the higher-valued things the deeper you go it's incredibly unsatisfying to buy another compressor upgrade just to find yet more fields of extremely scattered ore and I'm averaging a couple hundred per trip max holy crap Just so this ain't all hate, this is a pretty solid basic mining game. Good job and keep at it :)

+ - !



Nov. 29, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) you cant even buy level 7 compressor... wtf?

+ - !



Nov. 28, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) the vehicle becomes out of alignment with the rest of the game and i jsut started, its one whole block off

+ - !



Nov. 26, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Controls don't work for me; I can't move my digging machine!

+ - !



Nov. 23, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) E is the action button

+ - !



Nov. 18, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Where's the Mute Button?

+ - !



Nov. 16, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) how do you build?

+ - !



Nov. 16, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) what is the action button, the control thing is covered by an ad

+ - !


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