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anyone else having trouble getting the 93rd enemy to spawn on lvl 7? https://gyazo.com/01c2725d16712e9b3b950ae1204e901c
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it's a detail, but the menu shows both addons can and can't be removed. maybe you changed it at some point in the development process? looks like one is outdated
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Hi there! First of all, really awesome game! I LOVE it so much. Second, can you tell me where the menu and level musics are from? They totally feed my soul, they are so good I am in love with them.
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Why do I have to buy an add-on again once it is removed? Surely, I could use it again on the same plane after buying it??
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After some testing, it appears that the damage amplifier addons do absolutely nothing(at least with the plasma bomb).
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Let's review. Take a game concept from 1979, make the game's graphics intentionally terrible, and make a boss on the first level that has homing missiles that can 1-shot. And then you add a button so people can like the game on Facebook. Seems a bit optimistic.
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First level is tough because you have to beat a boss, but the next two don't so all you have to do is not get shot to advance. Hang in there!
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Pretty unbalanced upgrades vs money but quite enjoyable at parts. 3/5
Sensei's advice? save up for the snow upgrade, then cheapest 3 slot aircraft, upgrade to full, save up for the final weapon. step 4) dem profits though
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adobe flash player freezes on this but doesn't on more "demanding" games, I press a button and nothing happens, when somehow I start a level when I get to the end It freezes again and can't get back to earlier screen
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Hey dev, seems like I found a display bug, when you press on a level, there will be 3 difficulti options, right? Anyway, when I look at the frenetic level, it said that I have to complete frenetic level to play it, the same to hard level.
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DUDE the laser SUCKS. I saved up so much money for nothing!. my pulse was more effective. atleast make the laser go through the enemies
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Shall I equip my ship with lasers? Plasma cannons? High powered Gatling guns? Lawl, naw...shoot some pigs at the problem. PETA is very upset with you...but I am very happy.
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@Top60 Yes, the homing missiles make the game, but its not about the money, its about dodging the bullets.
That is, on hard mode. I wasn't aware of survivor mode. I'll try that to feel the difference.
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Agree with many of the other comments. Maxed plasma. 2 damage amplifiers, top level ship. You simply cannot kill things fast enough. I could see myself getting there with luck on the bomb/rapidfire drops. Otherwise no, you can't kill the stuff fast enough and live through the hits you have to take to do it.
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"Go back to upgrade" and then you can choose "More games" and "Nxt lvl". What do you mean, back? Aaah... You mean "Nxt lvl" and then "Hanger".