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Comments for Ricochet Kills 2

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Jul. 05, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) This game is not luck based. The physics are accurate and you can replicate any shot if you get your mouse in exactly the same place as you had it before. Anyone thinking this is about luck is just being clumsy.

+ - !



Jul. 05, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) barley an improvement from the first just new levels, level creator and a background, still no story or upgrades or anything, 4/5 same as i gave the first.

+ - !



Jul. 05, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) fun game but what do you have against all those orthodox jews

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Jul. 05, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) i'm adicted with trhis game its just funy bouncing bullet owneg baby

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Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I love it when a ball comes rolling at me, killing I shoot it then bounce back

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) ive found a good technique! spam all your bullets but one EVERYWHERE and it should 9 out of ten times (for me) kill everyone. if theres anyone left then kill him with the bullet you saved! w00t

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) why is it that when I fail a level, that I have to press fire 3 times even though I know I'm out of ammo, before the box telling me I failed showed up? and yes I realize I can just hit restart

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) All Luck

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) "Everything went just as planed." pretty much describes everything in this game.

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) BADGE BADGE BADGE This game is awesome! I LOVE IT

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) 7=330=430=7=360=390=7=300=390=7=300=230=7=360=230=7=330=190=8=290=270=8=290=430=9=370=430=9=370=270=6=330=160=6=430=140=6=230=140=8=290=190=9=370=190=7=470=170=7=470=210=7=470=250=6=480=440=3=420=410=3=420=370=3=540=410=3=540=370=6=480=320=6=480=340=9=490=290=8=450=290=5=580=430=5=610=430=1=460=400=1=490=400=1=530=280=1=330=120=1=420=280=2=140=140=2=160=160=2=160=120=2=500=120=2=520=140=2=500=160=2=330=240=2=330=220=2=330=400=2=330=380=2=240=160=2=260=180=2=570=320=2=570=340=2=390=440=5=560=290=7=330=350=7=300=310=7=360=310=8=290=350=9=370=350=7=330=270=2=330=300=2=330=320=7=290=110=7=370=110=8=300=70=9=360=70=7=330=30=1=140=100=1=160=80=1=180=100=1=520=100=1=500=80=1=480=100=5=210=110=5=450=110=5=400=110=5=260=110= the impossible version... some one prove me wrong!

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) 1=580=400=8=300=380=8=300=430=2=300=350=2=300=330=2=300=310=2=300=290=2=300=270=2=300=250=2=300=230=2=300=210=2=300=190=2=300=170=2=300=150=2=300=130=2=300=110=2=300=90=2=300=70=2=300=50=2=300=30=2=300=10=2=580=440=2=320=440=2=350=440=2=380=440=2=410=440=2=440=440=2=470=440=2=500=440=2=530=440=1=320=400=1=350=400=1=380=400=1=410=400=1=440=400=1=470=400=1=500=400=1=530=400=7=60=10=

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) 7=330=430=7=360=390=7=300=390=7=300=230=7=360=230=7=330=190=8=290=270=8=290=430=9=370=430=9=370=270=6=330=160=6=430=140=6=230=140=8=290=190=9=370=190=7=470=170=7=470=210=7=470=250=6=480=440=3=420=410=3=420=370=3=540=410=3=540=370=6=480=320=6=480=340=9=490=290=8=450=290=5=580=430=5=610=430=1=460=400=1=490=400=1=530=280=1=330=120=1=420=280=7=290=110=7=370=110=7=310=70=2=140=140=2=160=160=2=160=120=2=500=120=2=520=140=2=500=160=2=330=240=2=330=220=2=330=400=2=330=380=2=240=160=2=260=180=2=570=320=2=570=340=2=390=440=5=560=290=5=250=110=7=350=70=5=280=70=5=250=70=7=330=350=7=330=310=7=330=270=5=300=350= its easy... at first it was neigh on impossible... ill put that version of it up in a bit

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) i made a teleporter! heres how to make it go into edit mod then select man spwan all of them but one in the air on the top of the map thenspwan a barrel on the ground and place the last man on the far end of the map. finaly play if you placed all of it in right place the men will fall causing lag DONT REFRESH OR SHUT DOWN! wiaat then suddenly the barrel will disapear AND THERE YOU HAVE IT A TELEPORTER! ND ALSO YOU CAN MAKE YOUR PERSON SLIDE IF YOU SHOOT A BARREL NEAR HIM.

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) the problem with this game is you cant try to kill someone because if you do it just goes way off track and hits nothing you just have to randomly shoot and you win.

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) BOOM Headshot!

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) It's so luck-based, it's pretty much a mindless-fun kinda game - so don't set it up like a puzzler. Add an infinite ammo mode.

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) am I the only one, to whom after pressing play thte screen gets crazy. It's moving between tow pics: one of some men an a car and oil pumps at the backgorund,,, and the other is a black screen, and I can't do anything about it.

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I feel like this game is a lot of dumb luck.

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) i like it it seems way better than the first but its not that challenging 4/5

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) yeah if you're going to make a game that is based off of ridiculous ricochet shots...some shade of aiming line would be nice. Just a dotted line for a little bit of the distance, not even the whole ricochet. The way it's set up now is's more of an irritating game than it is fun to figure out.

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) This game has OK gameplay that, while entertaining, can get tedious quickly. On the other hand, this game would get a 5/5 no matter what because the back ground music is awesome and doesn't get irksome like a lot of other games' music.

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I love to see dead ragdolls flying covered in blood.

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) 1=220=420=1=240=420=1=260=420=1=280=420=1=300=420=1=320=420=1=340=420=1=360=420=1=380=420=1=400=420=1=420=420=1=430=420=1=440=420=1=450=420=1=460=420=1=470=420=1=490=420=1=510=420=1=530=420=1=540=420=1=550=420=1=520=420=1=560=420=1=570=420=1=580=420=5=190=430= Aim for the heads!!

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) meh, sequels dont work for flash games unless they bring something new to the table.

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) for those of you who want to restart the game without having to move the cursor out of a good position to do so, try hitting Tab on your keyboard twice (or untill Restart is selected) and then press enter. Hope this helps :)

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) [+] this if you think this needs badges.

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) 296 total shots

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) argh there is a guy on level 13 that I can't seem to reach!

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) i seemed to accidentally the first level 1 shot but the rest are prooving much more... challenging lvl 18 i hate thee

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) 1=130=420=1=150=420=1=170=420=1=190=420=1=210=420=1=230=420=1=250=420=1=270=420=1=290=420=1=310=420=1=330=420=1=350=420=1=370=420=1=390=420=1=410=420=1=430=420=1=450=420=1=470=420=1=490=420=1=510=420=1=530=420=1=550=420=1=570=420=1=590=420=1=610=420=

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) The tune that is playing sounds good.And the game is very good.

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Lol, most kills I got where acciedents :D 5/5

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) The only thing i dont get is the phys i mean when you spawn a stableized objet with a non it just pushes apart :P

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) lvl 17 and i quit :P

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) cool song

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) A novel concept, but needs some better execution. A means to see a trace line of the last shot's path would be great, as well as a means to aim a little more accurate. Setting something like a "Par" score system would promote people to attempt to be more efficient. The game is interesting, but there is too much randomness from my perspective as a player. While fun, it gets frustrating too quickly and too easy.

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Alright, so, CAN YOU KILL THEM ALL WITH ONE BULLET? I've been doing level one for about 30mins TRYING SO HARD to get it all in one kill. BTW I was close.

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) How does one rotate objects in the level editor?

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Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Noo i shot my last bullet with like 90% of guys on screen and it said i failed but after that it killed all of em lol

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Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Couple tips. Remember that you can shoot backwards for a better angle. And remember that if a prop is coming at you that you can shoot it away.

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Is it just me or I found that I fire my shots a bit much too random? ^^;

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Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) badges/challenges?

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) @phynnboi - very true =)

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) 7=230=220=7=330=220=7=330=180=7=230=180=7=230=140=7=330=140=6=270=110=4=330=80=3=470=260=9=360=120=9=380=140=8=500=200=5=200=80=9=400=160=9=420=180=9=440=200=2=570=180=1=570=140=3=470=300=3=470=340=3=470=380=5=470=420=2=470=450=7=330=260=7=330=300=7=330=340=7=330=380=7=230=260=7=230=300=7=230=340=7=230=380=5=230=420=5=330=420=2=230=450=2=330=450=2=200=170=2=260=270=2=200=360=2=360=170=2=300=270=2=360=360=2=460=210=2=480=210=2=260=170=2=300=170=2=360=270=2=200=270=2=260=360=2=300=360=8=590=430=9=610=430=

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) lol first level. shoot, they all dead? how the hell did that kill them all

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) this game is better than the first one because it has more gore

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Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) music fits to well

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Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) It look really cool when the dart fly through them, this remind me of the movie name"Wanted".

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) 1=390=40=9=410=430=8=370=430=2=350=440=2=430=440= HAVE FUN!

+ - !


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