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Comments for Trigger Knight

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Dec. 05, 2011

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+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Good game overall. Needs some work though to be great. Suggestions: 1.) Experience and level should impact abilities in the game, not just score multiplier. 2.) Have the character's look change when upgrading armor and weapons. 3.) Customizable options for the character would be nice (gender, hair color, etc.)

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Anyone else notice the BGM is from tales of Symphonia 2?

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) its a cool concept, but its a shame theres absolutely zero skill involved in this, and nothing but dumb luck. hope the sequel improves on this =)

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Awesome game, but we should be able to customize our trigger knight. Nothing extravagant, just the basics: male or female, skin color, hair color, some hair styles, and a selection of starting clothes. I also hope this will eventually have a small story attached to it later on. A finally, as previous comments state, there should be a bonus for finishing achievements, like starting the run with more money, or a longer life span. I look forward for more of your work.

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) try to but the soushrines at the very last second before they go off screen the extra like 1-2% life you gain from doing this ( and im talking about how you lose more of the life bar before comletely restoring it) will sometimes save your life when it comes to reaching new soulshrines. and try to keep money on hand when you feel a shrine is cming up or your low on life bar. because trust me. you dont want to be 2 gold short.

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) So um.. I've killed like 2 dragons already and I haven't gotten the badge. What's up with that?

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) you actually CAN beat the dragon without a divine edge, you just have to be maxed out for weapon and armor (or very close) and have an elixir... but other than those 3 things, it's easy.

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Really good job done here

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) This is my favorite badge ever.

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) NOTHING gained from leveling up and the game is based solely on luck if I wanted that I'd go play yahtzee

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) @bushwhacker2k: Use a divine edge, it's the only way.

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) this game is so unbalanced, it's not even fun to play after the first 2 or 3 times you run, realizing that it never gets any better no matter how much you level up

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I beat a dragon without a divine elixer. I used the Flamberge and Avalon armor and a health fairness it was during a run which a had already beat a dragon using the Divine Elixer.

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) make a sequel i love this game!

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Killed a dragon without needing the sword power up. Like Metall666 said, use armor upgrades to replenish health. Also save up 500G and get the gold voucher ticket(green ticket) you can do some massive amount of upgrading then. Awesome and addicting game! 5/5

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) awesome game is there going to be another one

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Like everyone is saying, when u level-up the character should get money bonus when starting a run, and when you upgrade your weapon your speed should increase and with the armor should give you more defense because it only gives you HP.... Great Game, its addictive... Kill a dragon using my elixir, then another appear :(

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I love this game

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Do you actually gain anything other than score from leveling up? Gotten slaughtered by the dragon twice now and there's nothing I could have done to do better than I did...

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Does everyone else know you need the thing you get at the special sword icon to slay a dragon? Otherwise it's impossible!

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Killed two dragons, third one killed me. TIP: remember that armor also replenishes you're health. Use it when low on health (less then half). Around lvl 10 stop you're weapon craving and go for the armor. Get the divine edge and wait for a dragon.

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) arghhhh, killed the dragon and realised that my internet connection cut off T____T

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show)

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Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) The EXP bar doesn't seem to be stopping.... :/

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) You can tell it's a great game when I've got all the achievements and i'm still playing. It's like to add that i think the level up Should help with starting in some way :-p. Maybe even some special Armour you can buy. like maybe Boots of flight that increase you run speed 20%. Maybe an item that would make you invisible for 15 Seconds

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Suggestion: Event: Path split. Show the next 4 events along two separate paths, click to change to the other path.

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Wolves are over-powered. They do twice as much damage as other enemies and attack more often. A wolf should not be doing more damage than a Golem, it should just be faster. A strong enemy should never attack quickly unless it is a boss-type and a fast attacker should never do more damage than other enemies, once again, unless it is a boss-type. The dragons are near-impossible to beat without substantial upgrades or a Divine Edge (which seemingly appears once every 12 days). I understand that it is a dragon, but make it fair, especially since they sometimes show up within the first few days.

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Someone should make this game with Atari 2600 graphics.

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) whats the point of leveling up? :/

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) The greatest game ever.One button game,that is.

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Great game, I loved it but the hard badge was way to easy, one divine edge and you got it. Also there isn't much of a replay value. All that aside, I'm giving 4/5 for a great job from the Dev. =]

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I'm not sure why.. But though I upgrade my armor, it seems that the monsters actually hit more and kill me easier... You would think armor would some-what reduce the damage done to you, rather increase it by 300+ damage.

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Basic strategy if you're having trouble: buying armor maxes HP so time upgrading with when you need the HP, leveling up weapon quick helps a ton to prioritize that, don't automatically buy lifespan unless you're below 25 and don't see another one, an elixer as a backup for HP is great through divine edge does help with dragon a ton (though I killed dragons each run I did with an elixer). Pros: surprisingly fun for how simple and luck based it is, easy to learn, quick and straightforward Cons: once you max out armor your game is pretty much over since elixers aren't common enough to let you maintain HP, how attack speed factors in isn't obvious (does it upgrade?), possibly too simple (but that just means great potential for the sequel)

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Hmm. Does leveling up increase any stats, or just your final score?

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Side quests and different characters would be cool to see. Great game concept.

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I liked the game. But ther's too much randomness, everything seems to be based on luck. Asides from the HP nothing much seems to be changed by what armor or weapon you have equipped. It really doesn't matter if youre a level 1 or a level 50, you don't get faster, stronger or anything. I managed to beat the dragon without the divine edge but it was pretty much luck cause dunno why I got 3 attacks in a row. Gold vouchers sometimes appears a lot, sometimes they don't appear at all. I was at 60% completion when I decided to give up. If there's a sequel I hope this comment can help in anything to make the game better. But anyways, great job, nice game mates. keep up the good work

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Anyone saying based on luck is clearly just not intelligent enough to make the right decisions. There are certain times when you need to wait and save your money so that you can buy the gold voucher, other times a gold voucher won't show up for a long time (if ever). You just have to realize what the situation is. Also, I find very little need to buy armor, since elixer's only cost 150 I wait until I absolutely NEED to buy the armor to buy it, otherwise I just wait until I get to under 50 hp to use my elixer and then buy another. BUY THE FIRST SWORD UPGRADE YOU CAN.

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Armory shops should still heal you even if you got maxed out armor.

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Wow OP dragon

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) 2/5 Such a nice presentation, catchy backround music and original concept... yet the single deciding factor on EVERYTHING is luck. Buy some upgrade, get 3 armor and weapon shops in a row while you're broke, or get a dragon without being able to afford the divine edge thingy... that's not fun. There's just so very few things the player can do that affect the outcome in any way.

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) based too much on luck 3/5

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Hmm... trying to figure out why when the creatures level up they get stronger and when I level up... um... I get points?

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) This game would suck less if we could at least stack 2 items.

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Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) You should call this game Double Dragon

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Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) got all 3 badges in 15 minutes...still wating on the hard badge for backyard monsters...

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Dragoun sou randum xD

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Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Great idea, pretty mediocre game. Implement a reason to keep playing.

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Great game, would be awesome if there'd be any visual upgrading tho!

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) Great idea but a shitty execution.

+ - !


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