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Feb. 08, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) @ illnastygamer well... I think it wouldn't be random that way

+ - !



Feb. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Badges bring riff-raff D:

+ - !



Feb. 07, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Badge this game please.

+ - !



Feb. 06, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) BEST CCG EVER

+ - !



Feb. 06, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Finally, i updated my rating to 5. After playing for a while, with level-IV units, Elite campaigns and PvP, this game showed more depth than i firstly suspected and a lot of work about the background of the races. Quite entertaining even after hours... Interest overcomes the little UI flaws. Thx for this kontribution :)

+ - !



Feb. 04, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) personally i thought the story was great, really fleshed out some of the factions and gave them personality though in two occasions the sci-fi mumbo jumbo made me cringe,

+ - !



Feb. 04, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Great game only thing is that I wish that the storyline had more depth to it but because you had so many missions it's forgivable.

+ - !



Feb. 03, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Chaos maw could be useful to prevent launching ships with higher than 10 energy cost - for example, enemy gather energy for ultranought - on his turn 9, your turn - chaos maw activated, 0. Useful vs artifact deck, sometimes it can destroy all converters at once.

+ - !



Feb. 03, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Could anyone perhaps explain the strategic advantage of the Mith'ri'aeil structure "Chaos Maw?" I am having diffculty constructing a scenario for when I would actually use it.

+ - !



Feb. 03, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Today's challenge has an Unstable Mutator with the ability "2: Launch an 8/26 Crusher Class in target empty slot." ... I whimpered a little when I saw it.

+ - !


Developer response from nulllvoid

Those are my favorite ^^


Feb. 03, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Depends on your strategy really. For me, I equip my deck with 1 hit kill ships or actions to deal with those pesty ridiculously strong enemy ships. And if you have trouble with enemy dealing too much damage, try fast races like Human or Caes'cix. Or in my case I like Xyloxy because the ships add HP to the base, which comes in very handy when you can't launch so many ships.

+ - !



Feb. 02, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Feb. 02, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) NANOBOOOOOOTS

+ - !



Feb. 01, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Feb. 01, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) WTF Why does my data keep getting erased?

+ - !


Developer response from nulllvoid

Most likely your browser is deleting your savegame. More info about savegames and protecting them on the nulll games wiki here :


Feb. 01, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) OK, it´s called "challenge", but they are ridiculously difficult even on normal. How do you suppose to beat them?

+ - !



Feb. 01, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) DENATTADEN!

+ - !



Jan. 30, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) When I started caes cix campaign I felt they're kinda underpowered with no powerful ships with 8+ dmg except queen, but later the deck worked extremely well with overseer/leviathan/diamond praetor combo. Now I'm playng Rivi, got impression they're kinda like nazis, doing experiments on those poor caescix and all lol. I really enjoy the storyline.

+ - !



Jan. 29, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) @Spearka Play in quick fight vs random AI. Chances around 5%. You need to kill it, discarding doesn't count. I met 3 while tried to get marathon achievement.

+ - !



Jan. 29, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) how exactly do you find a space creature? :P

+ - !



Jan. 29, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) usless card: plasma blaster cost 1 brown gives +4 -4 assault cost 1 brown +4 can attack change pls

+ - !



Jan. 29, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) game is frozen with random generated card thogrom bomber recover engergycost destroy ship the comp used and delt 5 dmg to one ship

+ - !



Jan. 28, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I'm confused. The developer responded with "Didn't know cashgrab is such a big thin in CCGs these days" so, when was CCGs never involved with money? I think Magic the Gathering comes to mind among others. The genre is called a card collectable game. At least when you pay money for Magic cards you can play with them unlike collecting baseball cards.

+ - !


Developer response from nulllvoid

There's a difference between asking a fair price for an entertainment product and creating something whose sole purpose is locking people into a system where they systematically get milked for cash. The average facebook game belongs to the latter category. The whole DLC/microtransactions thing in games has gone horribly out of control - i'm not saying that all implementations of these are bad, but more than enough are to give the general concept a bad name. Example : 'free2play' games who implement all kinds of microtransactions and cripple the free portion of the game so that it becomes near useless unless you pay. Plenty of gamers have figured this out and by default avoid any game that's labelled 'free2play' even if that game is truly free. CCGs in my mind, by default, aren't (and shouldn't be) synonymous with cashgrab or player exploitation. So if i make a CCG that's truly free and people avoid it only because all other CCGs they know are cashgrabs, there's a problem.


Jan. 27, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I really am very bad at reading about how to play a game like this and then applying the information. Maybe a guided tutorial for people like me would help. 5/5

+ - !



Jan. 26, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) ... It never occurred to me to actually check the GAME for the link... now you're just showing off :P But seriously, thanks

+ - !



Jan. 26, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Enemy Shifting Morph uses his ability every turn and so never attacks.

+ - !



Jan. 26, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) @ Spearka: There is new card, treat the ones that gets changed/nerfed as new cards, LOL. Which some apparently did since yesterday. |~| I actually do not like the balancing that often, simply because I tend to play with single color in Story Campaigns for a more authentic taste, LOL and for more fun, but some change/nerfs make them harder to win with single color. But I guess PvP is much more important for this game. (tho I do understand why some cards needs to be changed) |~| on another note, I would actually love to see new cards added in, but it would be with new Story lines in Story Campaigns.

+ - !


Developer response from nulllvoid

Pvp is not more important than single player, but balancing is more important for pvp. The thing is that the same cards are used in single player and multiplayer, so whatever change i made, regardless of what mode it was intended for, both modes will be affected. This really can't be helped - creating a completely seperate set of cards and related balancing for pvp would mean twice the amount of balancing issues and maintenance work. Where possible i try to stick with changing only the restrictions so that single player isn't affected.


Jan. 25, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from nulllvoid

There's not enough of them already? :p


Jan. 25, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I'm ecstatic to find the sequel to Hidden Dimensions! I played the original for hours on armor games (even though it was singleplayer) because I loved the races, combat system, and general stategy behind this game. Good on you, NULLLVOID, for making such a wonderful game free-to-win.

+ - !



Jan. 25, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) It occurs to me I forgot to apologize if my question had already been asked. It was more an afterthought question that I figured "Hey, I'm here already, let's throw it out there."

+ - !



Jan. 25, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I realize this "problem" is solved by simply remembering the website or how to get there; I want to admit that upfront. That said, it would be convenient to have a link to the wiki in the game description, or if not a link, at least the text. Not that I'm lazy. Besides, I never even thought to look for the wiki until I saw it in your response to a comment. I've already said this, but props for that again. Oh, not that I'm complaining, because I was really busy last time Assault was the challenge and I didn't have time to pick up all three, are the challenges picked randomly (well, adjusted for rarity, of course)?

+ - !


Developer response from nulllvoid

I created some 280 challenges in a fixed pattern for the daily challenge, they'll cycle automatically. Difficulty is done procedurally. In the in-game help section, under the 'Helpful websites' header, you'll find the link to the nulll wiki, nulll forums, nulll website and HDx-related downloads. The 'view changelog' button in the main menu also goes to a page on the wiki, from where you can access the rest of the wiki.


Jan. 25, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) The game plays fine on, but it has the problem I mentioned on Kongerate.

+ - !



Jan. 24, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) The game doesn't start loading (pitchblack screen) since the last patch. It worked fine before. Does anyone know how I can solve this?

+ - !


Developer response from nulllvoid

Possible causes : flash player corrupt - install the latest version again. Your browser doesn't allow flash files to be saved - right click the game screen and check the local storage settings for flash. Or it could be your browser has a corrupted version of the game in its cache - try refreshing the page.


Jan. 24, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Got a Question, not sure if answered (can't find any using Google or using Google to search Nulll site) ~ But before I install the .AIR version, can this be played offline without any internet connection? (since I am going to be installing this on my laptop so I can play the game when I go somewhere else that doesn't have internet hot spots)

+ - !


Developer response from nulllvoid

Yes the game functions without an internet connection, but you won't have access to player created content, slots, daily challenge and daily trader.


Jan. 24, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) AI only uses Techno Exarch's ability once, even when it has more than one of them out.

+ - !



Jan. 24, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I play in chrome and lost my save file as well. Maybe chrome updated yesterday?

+ - !



Jan. 23, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Oh my crap. New patch, all cards gone. I can no longer lead Technomancers to victory.

+ - !


Developer response from nulllvoid

There hasn't been a new patch recently. Even so, the game can't reset your savegame. Most likely your browser deleted your savegame. More info about savegames and protecting them on the nulll games wiki here :


Jan. 23, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) @Stilgar85 There are benefits and downsides to both choices. Of course it's your call, but it seems harsh to penalize the dev for that. A central server, for instance, would risk downtime when nobody can play the game.

+ - !



Jan. 23, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Giving it 4 stars mostly because game information is stored on the players computer and not in a central server or database. This leads game information potentially being lost and makes hacking more likely.

+ - !


Developer response from nulllvoid

It's not straightforward to implement this seeing the amount of data HDX has to store (many times more than HDS), it's also no guarantee as aggresive privacy protection add-ons for browsers have been known to corrupt data being sent between HDS and the database. Databases are located on servers and those things cost money, as well - as people have pointed out several times already, this is a free game. Plenty of cheating protections are in place, and if you're careful with your browser settings, savegames should not be deleted. If you're worried about losing savegames, you can play the standalone HDX version, or read this info page on the wiki :


Jan. 21, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) First respectable CCG in a while. No energy. No cash kings.

+ - !



Jan. 21, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Literally hours of fun. It's worth visiting NulllVoid's website, there are lots of equally well-made games set in the same immersive universe.

+ - !



Jan. 21, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Tutorial and detailed manual are available in-game

+ - !



Jan. 20, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Just deleted cookies, game data gone. Good game while it lasted. AND now I see the information about correcting this. Oh well only wasted 20 hours on this game, sigh.

+ - !



Jan. 20, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) @ Brutarg : yea, there's no Detonate Ship (mostly because I think it would be too powerful and make certain cards in game useless, as some cards disable Ships or make them have no Attack) ~ @ Mathuclo : hmm, interesting thing there, I too would love to see a list of cards that can be used in upgrading (such as 2 different color and what they turn into) ~ IE: Vector + ??? = Mutating Vector....

+ - !


Developer response from nulllvoid

Here's the list :


Jan. 20, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) All the cards in Tyrant are available through the missions? That's simply not true. Very far from true. Also, Nulllvoid is one of the most responsive CCG developers around, and not allowing people to buy cards is a good decision. In support of that assertion, look at the tone of the comments here and in the Tyrant forum. Suggestions here are mostly UI-related, without the negativity and hostility you find on the Tyrant forum.

+ - !



Jan. 20, 2013

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Jan. 20, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I rate this game a 4/5. The only thing to give it the last star is to fix the wretched lab. When I put a card in to upgrade, why not just show cards that are compatible to be upgraded with it. Or dim out ones that are not. Amazing and fresh game. Will update rating when this major flaw is addressed.

+ - !



Jan. 20, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) Very very good game, but where is the ability to remove / detonate my ships? I can blow up my structures but i don't see a way to free a ship slot without using other ships guns / turrets? i thought space was big enough to bypass an own disabled ship...

+ - !



Jan. 18, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) I downloaded the cardlist that was on Wiki, but to find out it only contain level 1 cards. ~ Thought it would contain all level 1 ~ 4 + Mythical + AI only cards. ~ I could always screenshot the cards myself from Album, but it also doesn't contain Mythical and AI only cards. ~ (tho I heard AI only cards are Randomized? where they get random abilities, so it's not a set card but computerized random) ~ (well, I do understand Mythical are hidden for the "surprise factor" but I just want to download the cards as pictures so I can view them from my Folder) ~

+ - !



Jan. 18, 2013

Under rating threshold (show) like magic the gathering

+ - !


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