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first, learn the skill form the tutor....then click the skill tabs, select engineering and the skill you learned come in a drop down menu
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i have thats how i got banned for the 99999 hours after the initial banning. i would like to find out why did i get ip banned for asking and apologizing?
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can someone please tell me why im banned for 99999hours from both golemizer and the forums? what did i do that was that bad?
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The game would be awesome except that you gain time points quite slowly and dying causes you to lose 50 of them which is 5 hours worth of points. Other than that its an awesome game.
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from: mani6108
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this is the werst game ever it completly suck
i smell a troll.............
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yeah and ur the biggest idiot ever mani just because you can't understand a gme doesn't mean you should insult it im sad you don't have the the maturity to comprehend that
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Please make more NPC`s. I wouldn`t be saying this if this game wasn`t cool keep updating keep playing :D
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Just a tip for a common problem. If you are getting 2 menus upon right click and are using Internet Explorer, go to the address bar and click the ripped in half paper icon (Compatibility View or something like that). It may help!
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Here are some commands that are in the game:
/repair at the end of them, commands all golems in the area. Also you have to be targeting a golem of your own to use the commands /guard,/follow,/roam,/repair(this you also need your own repair-o-tron in the same area you are in). the Look commands somewhat tells you what npcs are in the areas you are using the command for.
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tip for new players: the toolbar can be a shortcut to using commands like attack, guard, roam, look and for using items quickly. Just click add to toolbar(for items), and choose the toolbar slot. For commands, click edit toolbar and under the button number in the first line, type the title you want the button to say(ex. Attack). then in the other line type the command(ex. /attack)
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If the right click options appear over your in gme options, left click outside the game, like in the Kongregate chatbox-it'll dispel the out-of-game right click menu, but leve the ingame one where it is!
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im not gonna rate down for this but when im trying to right click to learn a skill another menu appears above it and i cant learn the skill
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1/5. I'm stuck on the first task in the tutorial because, unlike everything else, I can't even get around the normal right-click menu by clicking elsewhere - when learning skills, that also closes the game menu that opens.