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May. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) ok listen, there should be a switch to select random/prefixed tests because my machine was NOT working (androids level) and after the random tests were embodied it was working, not because it was correct but because the tests came that way. I liked it better when it was harder.

+ - !



May. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Oh, and kudos for using part of one of Shostakovich's symphonies (I can't, for the life of me, remember whiche on it is) as the music. The loop gets a bit annoying after a bit, as do all loops, but it's a very cool segment to have chosen.

+ - !



May. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) A robokitties solve: lvl=6&code=p12:5f3;c12:4f3;c11:4f2;c11:8f2;p12:8f3;c12:9f3;c12:10f3;p11:5f4;c11:6f3;c13:8f1;c13:7f1;c13:6f1;c13:5f0;c11:7f3;

+ - !



May. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) As for random generated strings, I think they're necessary, as long as there are still pre-made tests as is the case at the moment (three pre-made tests, three random ones). Random tests are here to avoid specific designs that would only work for the pre-made tests, not the opposite. Pre-made tests alone cannot check every possible permutation; I believe the point of the game is to *solve* the problem, which means designing a solution that always works, regardless of the input. So if your builds worked before the random tests, and don't work anymore, then there is a problem with your design, not with the test.

+ - !



May. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Bart0vds, your solution is incorrect, in only works for the specific test strings of the level. It will _reject any valid_ string with an even number of blue bits, and _accept any invalid_ string that end with an odd number of red bits. It runs pretty fast, though (55secs). Here's my own solution for Android (1min05, 25 parts): ?lvl=17&code=c9:7f1;c9:8f1;c9:9f1;b10:7f2;q10:9f0;c10:10f2;c11:6f3;p11:7f3;g11:9f0;c11:10f2;p12:6f3;i12:7f7;i12:8f6;i12:9f1;c12:10f3;c13:7f3;p13:8f3;q13:9f1;r14:8f0;c9:6f1;c10:5f2;c11:5f2;c12:5f3;g12:4f3;c9:5f2; I like the game, and particularly the fact you can revisit your designs to improve them, and share solutions with other players. This is pretty stimulating, and this may be the most clever game I've ever played.

+ - !



May. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) my very weird solution to lvl 17, androids: ?lvl=17&code=c10:11f2;c11:11f2;c10:7f2;p10:8f0;p10:9f3;c11:7f2;c11:8f0;c12:7f2;c12:8f0;c12:9f1;c11:9f2;q10:10f3;c9:8f1;q13:6f2;c13:7f3;q13:8f3;c13:11f0;c14:6f3;c14:7f3;c14:8f3;c14:9f3;c14:10f3;c14:11f0;y10:5f2;c11:4f3;p11:5f3;q11:6f2;c12:4f0;r12:5f0;c12:6f2;c9:7f2;

+ - !



May. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I love this game, although in the later levels I cheated by having a simple layout and restarting the run over and over until I was lucky enough to be given a random combination that happened to work with what I had. That's how I solved Seraphim, anyway. Ideally this kind of cheating shouldn't work at all... Before they got impossible, I did love the puzzles, though. I loved that I didn't have to be physically looking at the board to figure out a puzzle, I could walk around town thinking over possible strategies until something fit into place. Not many games can be played in absentia like this. I'd like to see more sets of levels, though. And maybe the option of an infinite playfield for us who are incapable of making concise machinery...

+ - !



May. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) very thought provoking with a hint of trial end error

+ - !



May. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) my solution for android, basically a parity check: ?lvl=17&code=c12:4f3;c8:6f3;c8:7f2;c8:8f1;g9:6f0;c9:7f2;y9:8f0;c10:5f3;i10:6f1;c10:7f2;i10:8f0;c10:9f1;i11:5f2;p11:6f1;p11:7f2;p11:8f3;i11:9f6;c12:5f0;c12:6f1;c12:8f3;c12:9f0;q14:7f2;q14:6f1;q14:8f3;c12:7f2;c13:7f2;c15:6f1;c15:5f0;i14:5f2;c13:5f3;c13:6f3;c15:8f3;c15:9f0;i14:9f6;c13:9f1;c13:8f1;c15:7f2;c16:7f3;c16:8f3;c16:10f3;c16:9f3;c16:11f0;c15:11f0;c14:11f0;c13:11f0;

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May. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) The Update destroyed some of my machines! -.-

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May. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Overall, though, an excellent game, which I've become quite addicted to. I wouldn't be p***ed off about my machines getting trashed if I didn't like the game. :-) (Gah. Stoopid comment system having a limit of 1000 characters but no counter.)

+ - !



May. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Damm i solved nearly all levels, but the latest update crashed most of my old level builds. I didnt save most of them as Strings on my PC so they are lost. very frustrating.

+ - !



May. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I'm very unhappy that the changes overnight have resulted in at least two of my machines ("Androids!" and "Teachers!") being trashed. It's also annoying that the test cases have changed but the scores haven't been reset. So, when I run one of my machines, it usually says that half of my times are worse than my best, which is because the new test 3 is different from the old test 3 and so on -- of course it takes a different time for the same machine to deal with a different input! I don't think random tests are a good idea, for the reason you've explained, PleasingFungus. (On the other hand, one of the random tests showed a bug in one of my machines so I'm grateful for that.) That, and most of the new test cases seem to be pretty trivial, leading to very fast times. That doesn't seem to provide such good coverage of potential bugs as the old tests did.

+ - !



May. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show)

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May. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) ?lvl=18&code=p12:3f3;p11:3f3;p10:3f3;p9:3f3;p8:3f2;p13:3f3;p14:3f3;p15:3f3;p16:3f0;p16:4f0;p16:5f0;p16:6f0;p16:7f0;p16:8f0;p16:9f0;p8:4f2;p8:5f2;p8:6f2;p8:7f2;p8:8f2;p8:9f2;p8:10f2;p9:11f1;p10:11f0;p10:10f0;p10:9f0;p10:8f0;p10:7f0;p16:10f0;p8:11f1;p16:11f1;p15:11f1;p14:11f2;p14:10f2;p14:9f2;p14:8f2;p14:7f2;c7:11f1;c7:10f2;c14:12f2;c15:12f1;c10:12f0;c9:12f1;c17:11f1;c17:10f0;c12:4f3;c12:5f3;c12:6f3;c12:7f3;c12:8f3;c12:9f3;c12:10f3;c12:11f3;c8:2f2;c9:2f3;c16:2f0;c15:2f3;

+ - !



May. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) @orwell01: very cool solution! I was trying to minimize elements by separating common things as sub-routings (like restoring string after green marker, etc), but end up with a lot of conveyers.

+ - !



May. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Short Officers: 26 parts, 2:15. ?lvl=13&code=b10:2f3;p10:3f6;r10:4f1;g10:5f1;b11:4f2;q11:5f1;c12:4f3;p12:5f3;r13:4f0;g12:2f3;y12:3f3;q11:3f1;c12:8f3;c12:9f3;c12:10f3;c12:11f3;c12:12f3;c12:6f2;q12:7f2;q13:5f5;b14:6f3;p14:7f0;r14:8f1;c13:6f1;c13:7f0;c14:5f3;

+ - !



May. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I love this game! Extremely addictive :p Btw I thought I should share my own solution for Academics (29 parts, 5:05): ?lvl=23&code=c12:12f3;c12:11f3;g10:6f1;q10:7f2;b11:6f3;p11:7f0;r11:8f1;b11:9f2;y12:4f3;c12:5f3;c12:6f3;p12:7f3;q12:8f0;p12:9f3;q12:10f2;r13:6f3;p13:7f2;b13:8f1;r13:9f0;g14:6f1;q14:7f2;b10:5f1;b14:3f3;p10:4f2;p14:4f0;r14:5f1;q13:4f3;q11:4f1;r10:3f3;g12:3f3;c12:2f3;

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May. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Very short Academics: 39 parts, 3:42 ?lvl=23&code=c11:9f3;c11:10f3;c11:11f3;c11:12f3;c11:13f2;c9:5f2;q10:5f1;q11:5f6;y12:5f2;i12:3f6;c11:3f0;c8:5f3;i12:4f1;g12:2f3;b8:6f2;p9:6f5;r10:6f0;c10:7f1;c11:6f3;i11:7f1;c11:8f3;b9:2f3;p9:3f0;r9:4f1;q8:3f0;g8:4f3;c10:3f0;c11:4f0;c10:4f3;b12:6f2;g12:7f0;c13:3f0;i13:4f0;p13:5f6;p13:6f3;q13:7f7;c14:4f0;g14:5f1;r14:6f0;

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May. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) badgesbadgesbadges!

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May. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Smallish bug - it seems like the game is deleting my levels after I beat them. It shows them as beaten, but when I load the map there is nothing there and my record is (no parts).

+ - !



May. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) This game is definitely not for the average Joe, and it scales in difficulty quickly. And (unless you are a ... super genius/hacker?) some levels *cough* Android *cough* can take forever to run when your general solution is built around checking the first two and involves putting one of them at the end if they are the same color. Because they give you a string of 30 Red then 30 Blue. And you have to do checking, rebuilding, and more. ***And if you make a mistake... debugging is a major pain in the butt.*** But all that said, the game is awesome. If you like puzzles.

+ - !



May. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) 24 seconds and only 4 color things on Robocats: ?lvl=6&code=p12:4f3;p11:4f3;p13:4f2;p13:5f2;c13:3f3;c10:4f3;c10:5f3;c10:6f3;c10:7f3;c10:8f3;c10:9f3;c10:10f3;c10:11f2;c11:11f2;c13:6f3;c13:7f3;c13:8f3;c13:9f3;c13:10f3;c13:11f0;

+ - !



May. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) So that's why my hard drive makes noises. Conveyor belts and colored paint - I should have known!

+ - !



May. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Invalid Androids test: rrbrbbrbrbbrrb. 7 blues and 7 reds, but it says that it should be rejected.

+ - !



May. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Robospies in 3 branches: ?lvl=16&code=c12:9f3;c12:8f3;c12:4f3;p12:6f2;p12:7f3;p13:7f1;c12:10f3;c12:5f3;

+ - !



May. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Anyone else pass the tests on Android using no greens or yellow? I did :P Note: My device actually doesn't work when using all symbols on a tape but does work however on the tests, but I'm trying to get it to work for any combination on the limited tape (100 Symbols) this game has!

+ - !



May. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) androids beat in 6:38 with 21's the code: ?lvl=17&code=p12:5f3;p11:5f4;p13:5f6;b11:6f0;r13:6f2;c12:3f3;c12:4f3;c12:2f3;c10:6f1;i10:5f0;c10:4f2;c11:4f2;c14:6f1;i14:5f4;c14:4f0;c13:4f0;c12:6f3;c12:7f3;c12:8f3;c12:9f3;c12:10f3;c12:11f3;c12:12f3;

+ - !



May. 21, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Wow this game gets hard, I just bit the academics lvl, and it took me like 3 hours to figure out, and 10:31 for all the robots to pass the test machine. I've seen other "programing" games before but this is by far the hardest (and best) one. I think what makes it so hard is the simplistic commands that are given to make an algorithm, in computer programing you have a larger variety of commands, that would make loops much faster to go through, in this game loop counting is impossible.

+ - !



May. 21, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Anyone have a way to do Androids in less that ~30 minutes? Here's my solution... ?lvl=17&code=g12:2f3;p12:3f7;r10:2f3;p10:3f4;c11:3f0;r9:4f2;p10:4f7;b11:4f0;i12:5f7;p15:3f6;b15:2f3;p15:4f7;r14:4f2;b16:4f0;c11:5f2;c15:5f0;c14:5f0;c12:4f3;c12:6f3;c12:7f3;c12:8f3;c12:9f3;c12:10f3;c12:11f3;c12:12f3;c10:5f2;q13:5f2;i13:3f3;c14:3f2;c13:2f0;c13:4f1;

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May. 21, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Here's a slightly more compact level 5 ?lvl=5&code=p12:4f3;c12:10f3;c12:9f3;c11:4f3;c11:5f3;c13:4f3;c11:6f3;c13:5f3;c13:6f0;c12:6f3;p11:7f3;p12:7f3;c12:8f3;c11:8f2;

+ - !



May. 21, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) You can do robobugs in 3 B/R branches. First look at how to do it in two if Red is always first, then use a third B/R branch to account for blue being first.

+ - !



May. 21, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) sage1969= Wow. No simpler solutions? That's WAY bigger than I was thinking. I noticed you check the first bit, then you enter a loop to keep checking the next two. Do you need to check the first bit? Can you not just enter a loop?

+ - !



May. 21, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Bachan= ?lvl=5&code=p12:5f3;c12:4f3;c11:5f0;p10:5f0;c13:5f2;p14:5f2;i10:4f4;c10:3f1;c10:6f3;p10:7f3;i9:5f2;c8:5f3;c9:7f1;c9:6f1;c9:4f2;c11:4f3;c8:6f3;c8:7f3;c8:8f3;c8:9f3;c8:10f3;c8:11f2;c9:11f2;c10:11f2;c11:11f2;c10:8f3;c10:9f3;c10:10f3;i14:4f0;c14:3f1;c14:6f3;c14:8f3;c14:9f3;c14:10f3;c16:5f3;c16:6f3;c16:7f3;c16:8f3;c16:9f3;c16:10f3;c16:11f0;c15:11f0;c14:11f0;c13:11f0;i15:5f3;p14:7f3;c15:7f1;c15:6f1;c15:4f0;c13:4f3;

+ - !



May. 21, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I thought I would contribute a really eloquent solution to milidogs ( I think so, it just came to me all of a sudden) ?lvl=11&code=p12:5f3;p11:5f3;c10:5f2;c13:5f0;c11:6f3;c11:7f3;c11:8f3;c11:9f3;c11:10f2;

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May. 21, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I wouldn't worry about "poor instructions". This game is, as is evident, designed for engineers. It isn't a simple puzzle by ANY means, nor is it a "guess and check" game. People of the caliber mind to play this game should also be the kind to easily discover the rules on their own with no instruction. I must agree, however, that the visuals are lacking. It's not a pretty game and the buttons are... well, hideous. I would like to see a tutorial for this some time. I've just played a little in my spare time and I can't seem to figure out how to accept alternating colors in a variable length string. I can easily make a machine to accept alternating colors for all strings length 0-N (where N is limited by the board size and how long I'm willing to sit in front of a computer monitor), but an ultimate solution eludes me.

+ - !



May. 21, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) DJbob666, try 5 blue then 5 red.

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May. 21, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) lunncal5000, try 25 red then 25 blue. you machine rejects this input

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May. 21, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Here's a effecient teacher solution ?lvl=21&code=c12:8f3;c12:9f3;c12:10f3;c12:11f3;p12:3f3;p11:3f3;p10:3f3;p9:3f3;p8:3f3;c12:4f3;c12:5f3;c12:6f3;c12:7f3;

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May. 21, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) The runtime on my Androids algorithm is 31:03. Next I did Soldiers, which took 12 seconds.

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May. 21, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Think this is minimal roborockets: ?lvl=25&code=c12:8f3;p12:6f3;g12:5f3;b13:6f0;r11:6f2;q12:9f6;c12:7f3;

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May. 21, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) androids in 25 parts, passes in lowest part and time count ?lvl=17&code=p12:4f3;p11:4f0;p13:4f2;b11:3f2;c12:3f3;c12:2f3;c13:2f0;c14:2f0;c10:5f1;c11:5f0;i10:4f0;c10:3f1;c10:2f2;c11:2f2;c14:3f1;i14:4f4;c13:5f2;c14:5f1;c12:5f3;c12:6f3;c12:7f3;c12:8f3;c12:9f3;c12:10f3;c12:11f3;c12:12f3;r13:3f0;

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May. 21, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) A much simpler algorithm for Androids is to simply read one of each color on each pass through the string. I.e. Read a red first, dupe reds until you read a blue, then dupe to the end of the string and start over. It probably takes longer, but minimizes the number of parts.

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May. 21, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I really like this game and I can't figure out why. but congratulations, it's very addictive.

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May. 21, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I cant seem to figure out a way to double the code. As in, have it run back to back more than once. Would be useful. Is that possible?

+ - !



May. 21, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I love this game! It really shows how bad I am at creating efficient algorithms. anywho, here is my monsterous solution to TEACHERS. ?lvl=21&code=b8:9f2;c9:8f3;p9:9f3;b9:11f2;c10:8f0;c10:9f3;c10:10f3;p10:11f3;c11:8f0;r11:11f0;p12:8f3;c12:9f3;c13:8f2;b13:11f2;c14:8f2;c14:9f3;c14:10f3;p14:11f3;c15:8f3;p15:9f3;r15:11f0;r16:9f0;c17:8f1;c17:9f1;c17:10f1;c17:11f1;q12:11f0;c12:10f3;c14:12f2;c15:12f2;c16:12f2;c17:12f1;c10:12f0;c9:12f0;c8:12f0;c7:12f1;c7:11f1;c7:10f1;c7:9f1;c7:8f1;c7:7f2;c8:7f2;c9:7f2;c10:7f2;c11:7f2;i12:7f7;c13:7f2;c14:7f2;c15:7f2;c16:7f2;q17:7f2;c17:6f1;c17:5f1;c17:4f1;c17:3f1;c17:2f0;c16:2f0;c15:2f0;c14:2f0;c13:2f3;c13:3f0;c12:5f3;c12:6f3;g12:3f0;c11:3f1;c11:2f0;c10:2f0;c9:2f3;p9:3f3;c8:4f3;c9:4f2;c10:4f2;c11:4f2;c12:4f3;p8:5f3;b7:5f2;r9:5f0;q8:6f3;g9:6f2;c10:6f2;c11:6f2;b8:3f3;

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May. 21, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) My Rocket Planes has to run for 13:57 min. :P But it works on whatever you give him! ?lvl=27&code=p10:6f0;c11:4f3;c11:6f0;p12:6f7;g12:4f3;c9:4f2;c9:6f1;c9:5f1;q12:7f3;g13:7f3;c12:5f3;y13:6f0;c10:11f0;c12:9f3;i12:10f1;q13:9f7;p13:10f3;q13:11f7;b14:9f0;r14:10f0;i13:8f1;c14:11f2;c15:11f1;c15:10f1;c15:9f1;c15:8f0;r9:9f3;p9:10f2;b10:9f3;q10:10f0;c9:11f0;c8:11f1;c8:10f1;c8:9f1;c11:8f3;c11:9f3;b11:10f0;c14:8f0;c12:8f0;y10:5f1;r10:4f2;c11:5f2;c8:8f1;c8:7f1;c8:6f1;c8:5f1;c8:4f1;c8:3f2;c9:3f2;c10:3f2;g11:3f3;r10:7f1;

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May. 21, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) @3nd0fw0r1d: no, here's the perfect machine for lvl 10: ?lvl=10&code=g12:4f3;p12:5f3;b11:5f2;r13:5f0;y12:6f3;c12:7f3;c12:8f3;c12:9f3;c12:10f3;

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May. 21, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) it took me 20 minutes to complete the twice as many blue as red one 0_o

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May. 21, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) needs user created lvls

+ - !


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