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Aug. 17, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) The manor|_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 Test my new level, called The Manor. It's not too hard

+ - !



May. 29, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) Pretty nice game. Though I wish there was a bit more content. Still pretty good.

+ - !



Feb. 07, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) I really wish you could put chests down and more loot to put into it. And key doors is a must for dungeons.

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Jan. 30, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) Jolgard's hall|_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Jan. 28, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) needs new enamys you shouldn't only have cat wariors and you should make stat increasers

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) I think there should really be key doors in this game. And I thought a dog knight that would follow you and assist you in killing cat warriors would be cool. And maybe another weapon like a great sword that insta kills cats but is heavy and swings slowly. Or armour for the player that makes him take a little less damage. But I love this game. 5/5. Please keep updating it, because it's amazing.

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2016

Under rating threshold (show) That's a lot to request for but I agree with 10000bananas. Nice name, by the way.

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Dec. 23, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Reminds me of DOOM.

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Dec. 21, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) I can't get up the stairs. But it is a very good game.

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Oct. 28, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) for some reason the only thing i see is a blue screen...

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Jul. 15, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Maze of death|_456QlpoOTFBWSZTWXQug5IAAroPgHggCsRJgAKBXIRAAlysUA0IiVAAPU0Ak9UlShoNMTExQAYjTTRoIUpTTAAHqaQEPI9yFKUPcZXLAA2lBShGgHaMlQMhGmlEGzMr+RQe7AEH1BRTSn2/HTrP22tj5EN4PMRFCYYAVD7oAVDPjTRQtD+/cWk1IUI0GjflrtIpoSEd3ag0kq1YtRbX17tFqLbRUVJt5VzWkwzUVBFAgUlII8dGg3FJtj3x16crxzq8o3mNiNy5dLldhHbmr3rk3O7trRakojJFjFo8uaPLmOa6YtzciNi3vdheo149e9crJHhyvOUZgWKe917Rd73quWJd7z3Ykoiiua6dzqRNy5OTm7C73a6bXddjc8rzdNc5saxtFub4biefHu1qAtcyzMymYGRyLWSEhZZlttGweXnd1HSeRtzeb2/Qu5IpwoSDoXQckA== Maze of Death

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Jun. 16, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) I remember this game! Still one of my favorites on Kongregate. I remember my old levels I made, and rummaged around for them. Found them here: And here: Hope ya enjoy my levels. I spent so much time on this game... and well-spent, I think.

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Jun. 03, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) This game is really good

+ - !



May. 04, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Very good game, with lots of potential. I have a few suggestions though, 1) There should be a few more mobs 2) A new weapon, a wizard wand that shoots lightning, more damage but slower 3) A companion to fight with you/a pet 4) More textured blocks to make things look better, like torches, and doors that need keys.

+ - !



Mar. 24, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) really good level editor

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Feb. 23, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) level i mean

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Feb. 23, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) my game wont load

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Jan. 27, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Needs more weapons and enemy types. Also more blacks for custumization. Possibly water? And i think there should be a potion for 25% hp. Also could use mroe decorative blocks like chandeliers, crystals, foliage/fungus, etc. Would be really cool if we could change the skybox.

+ - !



Jan. 12, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) i made a level called Dungeon! heres the code! Dungeon|_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Jan. 02, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Try out my lvl Arena|_256QlpoOTFBWSZTWYCLOHIAAqgPgHgACsRJgAKHXIQwATqQhCoiABoAUGjRoMgNApKqaBoDRiepx4NGxJTofWxNVT352Tt1UtImuWsYzZyG5FAMC+NhT66CfBXYq/E5OLq6duxMzyi5kWIsEyrWone/iLiick7mCU45tgNOUIAfgJEN0IVSJWMyYXNpFhXAay0qVMolRAlKsQUJEsxSqFUQJSNC0I1EMyEQNBQUotLQpQKKzEsbVf4u5IpwoSEBFnDk

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Dec. 21, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Created this short map Mansion|_444QlpoOTFBWSZTWRqOHSYAAkePgHggCMRJgDaHXYRAAjTsVABKZFPKgaAAAhVIABoNGjQo0NAAAAIU1SoAAADQRQD0fRQzhX9D3n5MhQphdswgLUEBYhiMxyO9BQVNtkpmS1oZOCKhDUDtUTCQUlIQJ22ECKc0Q1KNxcqB3V429arwwCH2lFP0sfw8nk1aZY5e4OZEjtERjEFQwQzRgVDAFWIQ+iiYCoGIon48AqGgqBouxzqIRCimmigaBqIf33RSFMhSi0xFDEzETUyS0RIURUFUtUpTECUjSKhSJRAfC6/hA9FHkK9IgaACkIkf7/iO+h5Fo4jzkfJRcydBR5uMELQlI9HTWlysQRcttkeI0CmIY0roE6QTpoOIriKiZSjccSaTY2oNGIetAnbkHbkekMSMEW0Z0GrtgUNIGgVoDpA3/F3JFOFCQGo4dJg=

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Dec. 16, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) awesome game!!!!

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Oct. 24, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Lool!

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Oct. 18, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) yes lyle12

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Oct. 04, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) This sorta reminds me about minecraft...

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Sep. 30, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) 30x30x30 10 floor it crash my unity T_T

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Sep. 24, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) WTF I KEEP PLAYING THEN I FALL UNDER THE WORLD! this sucks

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Sep. 05, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) needs multiplayer and more wepons

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Sep. 01, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) WARNING:dont make the world 50 50 50 or 90 90 90 and do fill it will crash your unity

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Aug. 31, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) :)

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Aug. 23, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) idea view of person,skins,armor, and other mobs

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Aug. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) somehow i cant see the menu that great :/ i think its because its because of my unity version, somebody has the same problem??

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Aug. 11, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) it would be cool if this was multiplayer

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Jul. 19, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) maze:Maze|_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 not finished yet

+ - !



Jul. 19, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) should add guns

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Jul. 11, 2014

Under rating threshold (show)

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Jul. 08, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) i just made an awesome level:

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Jun. 10, 2014

Under rating threshold (show)

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Jun. 02, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Amazing game, with potential! I do have some ideas that might make the game better. First. Add a (add layer button) meaning, put one type of block in single layer, covering the whole area(kinda like a baseplate) Second. Add some new types of enemies like giant spiders and a cat warrior boss. Third. Please add a sound track and trigger so a music or sound will play when the player walks over it.

+ - !



Jun. 01, 2014

Under rating threshold (show)

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May. 30, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) level804|_372QlpoOTFBWSZTWZEBNsOAEKgPgHgACsRJgAKGRoZAAhupIVUUAGI000aFABiNNNGgmpSoAAB6gUlJTUPUBtTynqf3zdtxshTrKTa2qFbFDZIS2pJsKRsShsUpsgrai2VVsoKbFIenwjtQ/uBTrHNOB1+HRzrjadkpXz4o9Onongnh178/PlHrdpO8R1lRXAk6vsinCD8ylNqbBbKtjZKLYG1FWyqGyQbCVbVK2RbSI2pRJsoqmyiT/KDviG0Kcwrd+Li2s2Pfw8ur4t1ZHthLmVQ2XLHLbRjDSmaOYnNRbKrZmhbITZQtglsW0om1VS2UFbAWyS2pFLYiLaK2kVVsgpzKpzSTYGxcw7Iyr/F3JFOFCQkQE2ww

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May. 15, 2014

Under rating threshold (show)

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May. 10, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) i cant use data strings why?

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Apr. 20, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) I see much potential for this epic piece of work.

+ - !



Apr. 15, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) i made the smallest dungeon in the world

+ - !



Apr. 14, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) You could download this code for a extra map, level557|_300QlpoOTFBWSZTWS0tGfAAA/UPgHgACMRJgAaGVIQwAZqCSEKSgAAaFGjIGjTI0CkpSEGZT0nieuMBLYJ3edEyJsodtVgVKmSJkNKrEABjQoVMtpOJXMaltDUJlgOc5DGSw2OWzWcG1dEp0+cau3dUe3gdh26enfr9/ao3vJVdV1RFwEv/US9FQ86kNPSIvZ4SlsmMqWZDZstkyGkKVAoAUPkqJzg0RVSRNFt2MdWxLBi4BiUYImLooKrMotoNqzKhmaxNpLaY0lNpKasjVhjLaKUKqQH+LuSKcKEgWloz4A==

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Apr. 13, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) I've decided to make a list of suggestions to implement into this game: a soundtrack, could even be stuff by Kevin Macleod; more blocks, surprisingly not many people have asked for this; more enemies; more weapons; armor; magic?; a type of way to post levels online and search for them as well, since we're kind of stuck to comments; a night option, being able to toggle it on an off for specific levels that someone makes. Now, I don't expect any of this to be implemented into the game any time soon, and as a matter of fact at all. Although, I'd hope that the game creator would add more stuff to this game as many people have wanted for the past two years. Thank you.

+ - !



Apr. 12, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) A great game, it really is. That's why I made a new level:

+ - !



Apr. 12, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Just came back to this game after a little over a year of being off it. It's still fun, and I've made so much lore out of my levels. The thing is, though, RatKingsLair should definitely update this game with what's been demanded most: more enemies (bowmen, swordmen, mounted enemies), more weapons (ranged weapons, spear, and maybe even add a shield), armor (with a few different types, but no need to overdo it by making boots, shields, leggings, and cuirasses; just make shields and cuirasses), a fill option (so it doesn't take forever making levels with large floors), a line option (so it's more precise in making lines on a map), and other stuff, too. If RatKingsLair updated this game, it would definitely be a better game, and would be 6/5 stars. I still give this game 5/5 stars, and now I'm working on more levels. By the way, here's my over-a-year-old levels: --if that doesn't work use:

+ - !



Apr. 12, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) level269|_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 it's my level

+ - !


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