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Comments for Dungeon Sweet Dungeon

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Mar. 05, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) i was quite good at this game. i relied mainly on traps but when a hero killed a trap i could easily replace it with the heroes 500 gold (this was quite far in the game). however when a thief came through and destroyed say 10 traps, it was ridicoulously annoying. but since i am smart i saved after every round and loaded when a thief came through, and didnt let them hurt my experience. there is no reason to have theifs, and they should be removed, but stil, 5/5

+ - !



Feb. 20, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) there is one problem: how can i go back to the menu to start a new game???

+ - !



Feb. 01, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) I've been looking back at this game for months because it has so much potential. Please, seriously, f*cking fix it.

+ - !



Feb. 01, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) At the start really fun but then it gets boring and tedious.

+ - !



Feb. 01, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) It is fun and addictive. To bad it's unpopular.

+ - !



Jan. 10, 2011

Under rating threshold (show) A Defense game where you are a devilish lord.

+ - !



Dec. 23, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) IT FROZE AS MY BAT WAS FIGHTING A VILLAGER????????

+ - !



Dec. 21, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Great concept, but still needs a lot of work to be a great game. Right now, I give about a 3/5. One addition I would like is the ability to place dirt back, I end up accidently digging where I dont want, then Im screwed and I gotta start all over.

+ - !



Dec. 05, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) It's a great game. Except that I had to restart because of a freezing bug. The exact recipe for leveling up your dungeon evaded me for a long time., which was annoying because it does not take very long for the level one creatures to become completely useless unless in gigantic hoard. Which is technically correct but it still makes traps much more efficient to just spam traps and let critters finish the job. I keep reading comments about how you are scared about getting sued. While EA is a evil corporate overlord the only way you could possibly be sued is to completely remake dungeon keeper in every way. As far as I know, Dungeon Keeper's mechanics have not been patented. There is much more that can be done to the game. Giving characters more personality definitely. Giving creatures abilities.

+ - !



Nov. 12, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) needs badges

+ - !



Oct. 31, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Last time (no promises) id like some indicator that shows the progress on getting people to know about your dungeon. What I think the problem is that people can go threw hero after hero and think there not getting any ware. After so many waves and still seeing “no one is aware of your dungeon” might get some frustrated.

+ - !



Oct. 31, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Sorry I forgot to add if not objects as bait let us use all place values like instead of 10 100 1000 put the one in too (1 10 100 1000)

+ - !



Oct. 31, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Like the game (insert Lv monsters) that seems unlikely so maybe adding abilities. Or maybe just more with different stats. Possibly equipping the stuff heroes leave behind One thing I see is that the heroes have stats but there not set. Like a hero having no resistance to one type suddenly being invincible and only one Lv higher. Id like to see actual treasure like instead of gold have objects and have traps placed on them like in the movies pick up thing set off explosion. I for one would like to see mazes and such more practical. Maybe casting some spell and a definite cost for digging it’s probably because I’m not good at math but I can’t see a definite pattern from digging one block to the next

+ - !



Oct. 22, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) you should add a morale bar that slowly decreases as the charachters walk so that building a labrynth that is almost empty is worth it

+ - !



Sep. 17, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) lacks usability

+ - !



Sep. 11, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) i think it is stpid how a lvl 8 thief will come when all i placed was 1gold..... but beyond that great game, but needs updates 4/5

+ - !



Sep. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) no i had an awesome dungeon even though it was level 1 then a level 4 ranger came i ambushed him and the game froze

+ - !



Sep. 08, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) only four monsters who dont lvl up-.-

+ - !



Aug. 27, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I could see maybe grinding this game out in order to save up for a complicated, maze-like dungeon where the hero runs around in circles. But I don't see the point. He deals with (or dies trying) everything he runs into. It's not like he might run over the same trap again and again. Ok, so I build frequent intersections, put a trap in the middle, and monsters all around so that the hero is hit from at least 3 sides at once. Is there anything else worth doing in this game? I'm not necessarily being sarcastic. I could be missing something. How about a system of triggers where you can build creative, integrated traps from smaller parts? Oh, and I don't know why you're so worried about being sued. You can't copyright general game formulas. Otherwise, there would only be one RTS, one RPG, etc. Just don't call it Flash Dungeon Keeper, don't use the same units, buildings or storyline.

+ - !



Aug. 26, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) lol.. now I just dug some of the cave in hopes that the hero would move around to avoid whatever glitch it is, but then part of the ceiling collapsed and it costed 228 gold??? What the hell is that? Anyway, then... a monster hit him and the game froze. Awesome concept, would-be awesome game, but the bugs DEFINITELY need fixed. There are soooo many bugs...

+ - !



Aug. 26, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Now, my saved game is completely frozen :/ As soon as the hero enters, the game freezes...

+ - !



Aug. 26, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Fun game, but if you click a creature (red dot) on the map while it is in combat, the game freezes.

+ - !



Aug. 26, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Wow... 4 traps broken by a level 5 thief. Please... fix that. Seriously.

+ - !



Aug. 23, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) this is a good game but,here is a to do list :save files, 2 or more hero would be great,ability to move trap, ability to SELL trap and monster,ability to pay money to upgrade monster,make more lvl,dont put the legendary boss at 2000 g but at something like 150 g for lvl 1, 300 g lvl 2(the gold amout are only example, i have no idea how much you want)the hero become stronger whit the lvl,I explained , its because it get kinda boringafter 20 min at doing the same thing to get the gold, and this game is to good to finished in one lvl, if you get budget you could use it to make new background every lvl, and new dialogue every lvl,this should keep our fun and raise the game popularity,if possible better graphic,and i will says some already say comment like : speed up button or maybe even a auto result,ability to revive dead monster and repair trap, i think thats morethan enough to make of that a good game

+ - !



Aug. 21, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Great idea! The game needs a bit of polishing, but overall very well done! =)

+ - !



Aug. 19, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) fix the glichs. like when a hero kills a slime, game locks up, can't reuse some spaces for no reason, when i move a monster somtimes it wont let me set it down ever. fix these gliches and it will be a great game

+ - !



Aug. 19, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) @razuh, what you want is a flash version of dungeon keeper, we'd love that, but we can't afford the sheer amount of copyright claims that would come of it, we are working on things like monster xp and more workable suggestions

+ - !



Aug. 19, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Traps should not break randomly and instead of placing monsters use habitats that spawn a monster for the next round. The bigger the habitat(1,2x2,3x3) the stronger the monster. Those endless fights with weak mob vs strong mob times 100 are boring and the fact that your dungeon gets trashed randomly makes any progression null and void. Also the game currently does not support a clever dungeon layout or any beauty to construction like dungeon keeper and other games like this have.

+ - !



Aug. 18, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) make it so that you can set false treasure to lure the heros into false routes that lead into more traps/monsters

+ - !



Aug. 18, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) need to fix a major glich. when a monster dies nothing can go in the space not even the hero so the game stops.

+ - !



Aug. 18, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I have really enjoyed playing this game. 4/5 I have to agree with the sentiment that there should be a way to level up your monsters. You can upgrade traps, but the monsters are always level 1. It gets pretty old having monsters that don't stand up to the heroes coming in... With a few tweaks, this game would easily be 5/5.

+ - !



Aug. 18, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) wheres the mute button???

+ - !



Aug. 17, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) high level trap 'rune circle' lvl 9 does heck all damage..what a crock of shivers

+ - !



Aug. 17, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Clicking on the main board while a raid is going on makes the game freeze.

+ - !



Aug. 17, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Please update this game, it's very good, but just needs tweaking (look through comments, no point me restating everything. 4/5, will pos chnging to 5 if you update/tweak.

+ - !



Aug. 17, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) needs a mute or volume button

+ - !



Aug. 16, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) flash dungeon keeper would be a great game. This one still needs a lot of work but is a great first step.

+ - !



Aug. 16, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) nice potensial. needs a lot more pollish. (too many mouse clics, only click on "triangle" not word etc.)

+ - !



Aug. 16, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) why do monsters have levels if they cant be leveled up or healed, agreed on the lack of money, hard to get anywhere after awhile, needs upgrades for the player, ie maybe items to increase gold found, monster str, unit cost, what ever, the progression is hard with too few rewards, good consept and much can be done with it to make it awsome needs abit of work, id say take the oportunity to make it uniqe in some way, plus achievements that reward you could be a good add 3/5 but with work could easily be 5/5

+ - !



Aug. 16, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) love the idea, ease of play, and variety. don't like the repetition as much and the grinding due to low cash flow. many comments already made I agree with (on how to change). still, great first effort.

+ - !



Aug. 15, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) the more u play it the better it gets, takes wile tho, 3/5

+ - !



Aug. 15, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) @RESN - first, learn to take feedback...seriously. You may get the 'in depth genius' of your game but it seems most of the players are missing it. We get the big hero kills lots of monsters part, but try this - compare starting at say level 100+ the best possible lineup of monsters available versus a straight trap lineup and see which one results in anything close to a positive cash flow (and which one is more playable too!), which supports multiple runs without having to totally restock/rebuild, etc... and you'll get the feedback you're being given. I get the monster after a trap, but the truth is another trap behind that trap is more effective in the long run

+ - !



Aug. 15, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) apologies for the double post, but the ability to either sell traps or just destroy them to clear space would make upgrading to the better traps less time consuming just waiting for the heroes to randomly break the cheaper traps (and hoping that they do not break the better ones in the process.) Monsters you can generally move to a fairly suicidal position and let them go down fighting, but traps are tough to remove intentionally.

+ - !



Aug. 15, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Pro tip for people complaining about how weak monsters are: consider your placement. One hero against one monster will be a very one-sided battle indeed. Try to make situations where the hero will step on a trap and be surrounded by 3 monsters. As the hero triggers the trap, your monsters will also get a surprise hit in, then as the hero cuts down each monster one at a time, your other monsters keep hitting. Remember, you're an Overlord! use swarms of monsters! You hold no ties to pansy goody-goody single combat! (bonus points tip: monsters can't walk through traps. Use traps to keep your walking monsters in the right place for the ambush)

+ - !



Aug. 15, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Played for a couple hours. My damage output pretty much relied on traps, as I could never level my creatures up and they died, right along with some of my traps disappearing (or getting killed off). The money gain is not balanced to the rate of my ass getting kicked. I understand you want people to "experience" and not just "beat" it. But some of us don't even do either. If a game is too difficult, people don't play. Lots of potential though, would love to see a series of upgrades, like Hero's Apprentice. Because that's what this feels like. Gave it a 3/5.

+ - !



Aug. 15, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Bug: I can place monsters/traps on one square and then when they die/get destroyed I cannot replace them on the same tile. This messes up any strategy.

+ - !



Aug. 15, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) I dont know if this will work in the game but some part of me would actually like the monsters to 'level' or get stronger if they do manage to beat a hero.

+ - !



Aug. 15, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) another Bug if you click on the map while in combat game locks up.

+ - !



Aug. 15, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Bug not all squares are usable to place monsters/traps. needs to be fixed.

+ - !



Aug. 15, 2010

Under rating threshold (show) Can't*

+ - !


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