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Jul. 11, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) I love this game

+ - !



Jul. 07, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) It took me four years to notice that this game is a sort of pseudo-prequel to the Dev's previous game: I have 1 day. With the Spirit Swap spell and Vial of Dragon Water in your throne room and all.

+ - !



Jul. 04, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) @Doom2Noobs: not the best wording for it but it just means if you have a minion covered by two healers, a single damage reduction shield and a single cleanser, that minion only gets the effects of one of the healers not both. It really should be read "same effect does not stack"

+ - !



Jul. 03, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) good game

+ - !



Jun. 29, 2015

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Jun. 27, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Ive completed this about 6 times now. Im obsessed with this game, every two months i come back to it.

+ - !



Jun. 24, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Evil Commander (You): Siege the town! But follow the roads! Goblin (Minion): But if we cut through there we will be able to kill them without even being seen! Evil Commander: No. First rule of "Being Evil for Dummies" Guidelines say you Must follow roads, else it's not fair for the village you're raiding! Goblin: . . .

+ - !



Jun. 21, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Cura and Curaga? I smell a final fantasy reference

+ - !



Jun. 19, 2015

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Jun. 16, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Try to place the goblins in the middle of your formation so that they dont take that much damage

+ - !



Jun. 13, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) that is the weakest heal spell i have ever seen in my entire life. and ive seen alot of heal spells

+ - !



May. 30, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Put two giant turtles together at the front of your army, watch which unit the enemy towers attack and become confused.

+ - !



May. 30, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) to get pile of loot, its easy. get mammoth turtle, get summon, get stun spell, get healing priest, get cleanse warlock, get cleanse hp, and it shows all hp and kongregate treasure. 2000+ infamy free, and you get the achivement in the throne room. + to keep this alive!

+ - !



May. 24, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) those features aren't part of the game because it would make the game easier

+ - !



May. 17, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) they should make it so that if you have healer at end of you regein 10-30% of your health on all units

+ - !



May. 16, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) It would be nice to have be able to rearrange the remaining troops after every wave.

+ - !



May. 16, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Really nice gfame i love the upgrade system

+ - !



May. 10, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) The goblins are the only ones who can destroy entire villages. Everyone shoots the giant turtles.

+ - !



May. 08, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Hmmmm how to make goblins healthier......I'VE GOT IT YOGA!!!!!

+ - !



May. 01, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) nice game 5/5!

+ - !



Apr. 28, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) "Damn! The invaders stole our gold from us! What should we do commander!" "Isn't it obvious! Kill more and get the gold before they steal it again for more troops!" (Unfortunately the commander had no mouse and only ended up fueling the invaders)

+ - !



Apr. 09, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) This eye in the corner right above is really cool :) thats a cool detail, and the rest of the game is also very good

+ - !



Apr. 08, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Dannymcboy did any goblins raid or just other creatures?

+ - !



Apr. 08, 2015

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Apr. 02, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Pretty awesome, coming back to this game to relax ^^

+ - !



Mar. 15, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) It cool but took me a while to understand the game

+ - !



Mar. 12, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) I love the idea of how you are the bad guy this time trying to seize the opposing towers, but it could use a little twerk... "(If you know what i mean)"!

+ - !



Mar. 11, 2015

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Feb. 27, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Goblin-Goblin-Golem-Healer. Repeat 3 times = win

+ - !



Feb. 22, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Nice game and quite addictive. Could probably do with a few extra elements to keep people playing longer - 4.5 out out 5.

+ - !



Feb. 20, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) 5/5 Favourited, the game that reignited my love for flash games. So good I even stole it's art for my avatar.

+ - !



Feb. 18, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Loveeeee it:3

+ - !



Feb. 16, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Great game 4 me too! Overall well done, funny and entertaining. Impressive "game mechanics": so well-balanced! BUT ! i t w a s t o o e a s y !!! I'm not a tactic ace and I'm not into tower-defense-games. But still I made it just through the game without any major problems. I hope there will be a continuation, not quite so easy to win! That would be even more fun :) .... er.. I mean *evil-smiley*

+ - !



Feb. 13, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) The more I play, the more I'm finding spamming Summon, Goblin HP and the spell trees are the way to go. Just send out 12 Goblins...

+ - !



Feb. 05, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) This game is great. Great concept. It's fun to go 12-Goblins on the Tutorial level and see how many Raids you can go with Spells. HighScore 112 WootWoot

+ - !



Feb. 04, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Lowerer lands. What's below that, the "Technically we're higher depending on how you look at the globe lands"?

+ - !



Jan. 29, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) The Banana Shire is Famous for its coconuts...

+ - !



Jan. 25, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Kingdom of Bacon "Hope you like coconuts" :D

+ - !



Jan. 23, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) 'Stun Spel'

+ - !



Jan. 23, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) Im stuck at 100% loading screeen. How to fix this?

+ - !



Jan. 20, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) i have maximum summons, what is the best troop formation now that all types are unlocked?

+ - !



Jan. 08, 2015

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Jan. 06, 2015

Under rating threshold (show) The moment you come back to the very first town after finishing everything else, just to raid the shit out of them...

+ - !



Dec. 31, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) "Sir, is it the best idea to put a door no one can reach on this tower that is too small for a human? "YES!!!! WE GOT SOME UPGRADE!!! NOW BUILD!!!!!

+ - !



Dec. 31, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Bwhahaha! my castle looks so evil! wait a rainbow?

+ - !



Dec. 19, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) Good Game

+ - !



Dec. 06, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) turtle, turtle, golem, priest, goblin,goblin,goblin,goblin,priest,goblin,goblin,goblin,

+ - !



Dec. 06, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) The eye is always watching (0)

+ - !



Dec. 02, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) good.

+ - !



Dec. 02, 2014

Under rating threshold (show) there needs to be another type of seiging troop, like at the start-ish part maybe just after cleanse warlocks are bought that way the entire game isn't just guarding the goblins the other could be like, more health or does 2 points of sieging per wave it makes or something like that, or have it have both of those and a debuf of something like "cannot be healed" or "atracts fire more than turtles"

+ - !


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