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I never finished the first Synapsis game. I always got stuck on the laser-to-the-brain-level-thingy.... But, I still want to finish it (so when I get around to it), then I'll work on getting through this one!
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Just discovered this game - great game! Every time I was SURE I couldn't figure it out....I figured it out! Not easy, but not impossible - as it should be. Now have to go try the original... 5/5
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the problems with escape games is, i hate escape games. they are always either to hard, have a boring story or ******* NIGHTMARE FUEL. i always watch walkthroughs because the story is always cool but i dont have enough patience to beat them myself :D
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I cracked the code by looking at repeating letters and searching words with similar letter combination. no playing with that ENIGMA machine
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great game, but i have one piece of advice. make it more clear as to what some of the items are by adding text when you move the mouse over them. otherwise it is incredibly easy to get stuck later in the game just because you have no idea what something is
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I was wondering about my completion badge not poping up, then I remembered I have it and beat this 3 times.. I like this type of escape. Logical with skill and great story and puzzle.