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Jan. 10, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Or maybe even just to RAM?

+ - !



Jan. 10, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Just thought of something. How about a chip that's the opposite of the hub? Can produce units well, but can only transfer to other chips, not attack.

+ - !


Developer response from RoughSeaGames

You are the second suggesting it, and I think its a very decent idea. Will test such a node for the next version! :) Thx!!


Jan. 10, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Really nice game, the last 3 levels took me some time but finally did it. Keep up the good work!

+ - !


Developer response from RoughSeaGames

Thx mate! :)


Jan. 10, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Please make it so destruction of all units is a loss, even if there are still chips remaining.

+ - !


Developer response from RoughSeaGames

Good point! Thx :)


Jan. 09, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Now I am just putting ideas in the air, I love this game already but if you make another wouldn't it be cool if it was also a multiplayer, or if you could custom make your own maps and then play them yourself or with other people. + so the developer can see.

+ - !


Developer response from RoughSeaGames

custom maps as well as an editor will be included in to the next version of the game. promised! :)


Jan. 09, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) You need a colorblind mode. The blue and purple are nearly impossible for me to tell apart.

+ - !


Developer response from RoughSeaGames

This is one of the next things I will fix! :)


Jan. 09, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Could you switch the position of the new game and the continue button in the main menu? I always press the new game button...

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2012

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) damn, I hate levels with 3 enemies - at least one of them is out of your(and, therefore, 2 other enemies) focus => he wins

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I don't know if this is the cause but I won a game and changed tab, pausing it in the process. When I came back I went to level select from the auto pause (Instead of closing the pause menu and clicking next level like I had been doing) but when the level select opened it wouldn't let me select anything at all.

+ - !


Developer response from RoughSeaGames

Thx, I will look into that issue!


Jan. 09, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Instead of having to capture all of the nodes to win, i think it would be better if you only had to destroy the enemies. Going back and capturing all the nodes when your the only one left seems kind of pointless.

+ - !



Jan. 09, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) For the love of god... can you fix so we can see what way the power is flowing? im getting so angry at the game right now. Not cause im bad at it, but because when loosing to having ONE connection set on the wrong way is... Annoying...

+ - !


Developer response from RoughSeaGames

There is a indicator but its obviously not clear enough. Thanks for the hint. I will look into that ASAP.


Jan. 09, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Great twist on the genre! A must-play.

+ - !



Jan. 08, 2012

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Jan. 08, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Anyone else have the urge to cut all connections before the end of the level?

+ - !



Jan. 08, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) If the line directions and relative transport speed were a bit easier to see it would offset the insane speed a bit.

+ - !



Jan. 08, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I'm at #23 things are going so fast it's no fun at all... have some compassion for people over 30... slow it down.

+ - !



Jan. 08, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) im sorry if i sound like a brat in some of these comments and that they just keep coming... but i just wanted to thank you for all youve done for the game. i hope the sequel will be great.

+ - !


Developer response from RoughSeaGames

You are welcome, your feedback is very helpful! I will do the sequel because guys like you help me to make the game better and motivate me to keep going! :)


Jan. 08, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) will there be a way to swich between normal and hard whenever we want keeping level progress?

+ - !


Developer response from RoughSeaGames

The sequel will have 3 saveslots. Not sure if I will do that in a normal update.


Jan. 08, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) i used a different strategy for the old 39 (the new 30) and its sort of easy but level 29 is very very hard (the old 28)

+ - !


Developer response from RoughSeaGames

ok thx, I will keep the current order and see what people will come up with. The levels feel always easy if you know how to beat them, because the AI behaves in a certain way. There is no randomness in the AI at all to be able to find a strategy against it.


Jan. 08, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) level 30 seems like it could like 27 or something because 28 was pretty hard and 29 was almost impossible. (on normal)

+ - !


Developer response from RoughSeaGames

ok you are the 4th mentioning that so I fixed it. Check update info.


Jan. 08, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Also, i'd like to make a small suggestion, not sure if this is something you had in mind in your strategy type game. It would be really cool to make decisions while paused, some of the levels have so many things happening so quickly, its hard to manage everything. otherwise looking forward to your updates :)

+ - !


Developer response from RoughSeaGames

Yeah, some other suggestions were to regulate the speed, which would be a straight forward solution (only a good interface idea needed). The problem with this is current AI. Its dumb and relies a lot on speed.


Jan. 08, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) wow making a great game, listening to others suggestions, going to update, and has a full-time job. nice

+ - !


Developer response from RoughSeaGames

Thx! :))


Jan. 08, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Hey man, very nice rts with unique topology of the game, totally new experience, but the game is lacking in... level editor! Your campaign really feels just like tutorial and after i really started to comprehend the flow of the game it ended :( I have no doubt that with level editor people would make levels that would keep others playing this game for a long time. Anyway, gg.

+ - !


Developer response from RoughSeaGames

Level editor is planned for the next version. All the levels are done with it already, but it would have been too much work polish it for the first official release ;).


Jan. 08, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Thanks so much! I am overwhelmed by all the great feedback I am getting here. I currently learn a lot and I will definitely try to improve the next version of Neo Circuit to address most of the issues you brought up. The next updated version will only fix some major bugs, as the save problem and some smaller issues. To fix the balancing is much tougher, because I have to replay all the levels and check if they are still challenging enough. I am already planning a second version, where all the great feedback from you will go into. So I am very open for more suggestions...keep it coming. Its much appreciated! Please be a little patient, I got a full time job to fulfill as well! :)

+ - !



Jan. 08, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Developer: Detailed explanation using mission 16 as an example:

+ - !


Developer response from RoughSeaGames

Wow! Thanks so much for this! Thats very helpful for my next balancing path... :)


Jan. 08, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) i love the gameplay and how it all flows together my tip is i get irritated that my units keep sending more power to units that are full and the power just vanishes i think if the unit is full it should stop receiving instead of me having to cut the connections other then that 5/5

+ - !


Developer response from RoughSeaGames

That is a very good suggestion! Thanks!!


Jan. 08, 2012

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !


Developer response from RoughSeaGames

I am sorry you could not beat level 8. Next version will have an easy mode. 1/5 is a little harsh, but anyway thanks for letting me know ;)


Jan. 08, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) The other thing i think LordBucket was saying, when an opponent overtakes a node, they get 5 power points in it, so in the GPU vs HUB scenario, the hub will win and put 5 points in a gpu, which makes it even harder to get back. My best example of this is level 12, I rush to take out the orange cpu, and then i start an infinite battle for the gpu in the center, the battle never ends because the gpu can never solo down a hub, their attack speed is too high. When i try to, the hub attacks me and i lose all my power, which was en route to the hub, the hub then over takes the gpu and puts 5 points in it, and now i'm behind purple by 5 points, giving purple the victory. Its just a little unbalanced that you lose all the power that was "mid-air" if the node goes down before the power reaches its destination

+ - !


Developer response from RoughSeaGames

The 5 points were necessary to give the winning attacker a little advantage, because otherwise possession would switch so fast you wouldn't realize and your connections would go off faster than you could attach them back. But I agree that the HUB is currently too strong, as stated in LordBucket's great jpg! :)


Jan. 08, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) LordBucket has a good point. The GPU's attacks are so much slower than the hubs, that often hubs are stronger attackers than GPUs in a hub vs GPU scenario, even if they have the exact same amount of power, the hub will win from attack speed, not attack strength

+ - !


Developer response from RoughSeaGames

Yeah its actually true, Lord Bucket is correct. I have reduce the hubs attack power otherwise its too strong overall


Jan. 08, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) For all the people who didn't like the different nano things, the creator should make a "create your own" level, so you can have however many computers and choose what machines to use. I love this game. It is really challenging in a good way.

+ - !



Jan. 08, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Mission 16: Capture router down, then GPU1 that's down and right. By then, green has taken router below his CPU1. Attack his router being fed by his CPU1, using my GPU1 that's being fed from the router being fed from my CPU1. My GPU1 has 8 points, and growing, but CANNOT capture his router with ZERO. I'm attacking a router using a supposedly "strong" GPU1, my GPU has 8 points, the router his zero. Why am I not capturing it?

+ - !


Developer response from RoughSeaGames

Are you attacking a hub (you did call it router). Well if the hub is not supported then its a bug, otherwise the support is flowing fast into the hub, preventing the take over. Maybe a little more feedback needed here. Thx for letting me know, helps to improve the game.


Jan. 08, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) An encyclopedia of what each unit does would have been nice in addition to more info on what each unit does. But truth be told, aside from the faster movement node, I would prefer hthat there were fewer units as the attack/defense nodes were annoying and ALWAYS in the most annoying and non-strategic spots imaginable.

+ - !


Developer response from RoughSeaGames

As written in an earlier reply, this will be included in some of the next versions. Thx for the valuable feedback.


Jan. 08, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) This was a really fun game. I like how there is a speed up button (useful in the early levels). But the rules are too erratic for me to get a feel for any strategy. I ended up just trying various gimmicky methods until one worked. The cause of this is the fact that you get free money from transport nodes, which makes no sense and really hurts the strategy since you cannot defend against 5 enemy energy taking every point when distracted and then suddenly having 50 energy. What would have really helped would have been a pause action move where you pause the game but let us re-work our lines which over time became incredible hard to manage and directly lead me to losing multiple times.

+ - !


Developer response from RoughSeaGames

Thanks, very good feedback. I will think about that idea. I wanted the game to be fast paced, but I agree that in some levels its hard to find a good strategy.


Jan. 07, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Doesn't seem right that attacking a weaker node so often results in the weaker node taking over the stronger node. When I use a node with 5 to attack a node with 0, I should capture the node with zero, not lose the node with 5.

+ - !


Developer response from RoughSeaGames

It depends, what kind of node is attacking, GPU have a very good attack power, while RAMs are weak attackers.


Jan. 07, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) frustratingly dificult

+ - !


Developer response from RoughSeaGames

next version will have an easy mode.


Jan. 07, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Good game. Tentacle Wars a bit more friendly play, but this is a bit more dynamic, good work.

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I have place No.12 on lv 12 :D

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Hmm unlike some games on here the Developer responds and fixes and takes in account what the players say....5/5 for this game just for that

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2012

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2012

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Could there be a unit opisite to the H1 were it produces units at a very fast rate but cant not attack? other than the averge cpu

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Great game, but the CPU's are a little overpowered, even on normal.

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) I really like this game. One think that would make me like this game even more... Could you add a library section where i could look up all the units abilities? that yould be great... otherwise still a great game!

+ - !


Developer response from RoughSeaGames

Thanks, good idea to have a unit info page, will think about that for sequel.


Jan. 07, 2012

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) is there a way to change difficulty without resetting all levels? or is there to have like 1 thing for normal and 1 for hard instead of just one or the other?

+ - !


Developer response from RoughSeaGames

No sorry, no way at the moment :/. next version will have saveslots.


Jan. 07, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) please use a more modern way of handling the mouse cursor. This is your friend:

+ - !


Developer response from RoughSeaGames

ok, but did you have any problems?


Jan. 07, 2012

Under rating threshold (show)

+ - !



Jan. 07, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) Excellent, enthralling and even when your beat you cant stop trying new ways to over come the enemy, knowing that later in game the addition of different structures will add to your arsenal and make you change your playing pattern. many differnet stratergies including sacrifice for upgrade, store and fill a hub for fast overpowering attack etc. couldnt stop till i finished now , played it again and again, now awaiting more levels or v2 :) 5/5 addicting :)

+ - !


Developer response from RoughSeaGames

Thx, sequel planning starts soon, please let me know what you want to be changed/improved.


Jan. 07, 2012

Under rating threshold (show) So uhh, thiought id hate it... but i loved it AWESOME GAME!!

+ - !


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